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Coffee Chat: Social Gaming Startups in Southeast Asia, the DeNA Perspective [LIVEBLOG]


Tetsuya Mori (pictured above on the left), managing director at DeNA Asia (and ex-VC at Mitsubishi UFJ Capital) joins us to give us his insights on the social gaming market in Southeast Asia. He’s based here in Singapore, not his native Japan, leading his company’s outreach across the continent.

#13:55: And after some closing quips, the coffee chat is over. Thank you, Mori San! (Next up is a love-blog of DeNA’s equally giant rival, GREE).

#13:53: “You can make a million dollars per month,” says Mori. Wow, I’m in the wrong job…


コーヒーチャット:東南アジアのソーシャルゲーミングスタートアップ企業におけるDeNAの見解 [ライブブログ]


DeNA Asia社長(及び前三菱UFJキャピタル ベンチャーキャピタリスト)の森徹也氏(上画像左)は、我々にジョインし、東南アジアのソーシャルゲーミング市場における彼の見解を語ってくれた。彼は彼の母国日本ではなくここシンガポールを拠点とし、彼の企業を本大陸で拡大させるべく活動している。




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

#13:49: “Games speak a lot,” Mori notes, and so a great game is key. “Excellent artwork is very important,” he says, and so he looks for those qualities in the many great game devs he meets in SE Asia, and he then wants them help to come to (aka: launch in) Japan and make money from their title.

But it’s not so easy. Even what’s considered cute – kawaiiiiiiiiii – differs across countries. It’s 80 percent different, that perception, between Japan and Indonesia, he says by way of example. Thinking of Moe, the anime character that’s so popular in Japan, Mori says that game developers should make characters as cute as Moe so as to capture the imaginations of Japanese gamers.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

How about the ongoing GREE vs DeNA lawsuit? Mori says he was surprised to see the news of that, and then chuckles. “What we do is entertaining people, so this is entertainment too. It’s a game.” Oh well, it’ll pan out in the end.

#13:40: Who, asks PO’s Willis, is DeNA actually working with in Thailand? “Well, we have many friends,” says Mori. “And now we’re going through multiple channels” and looking at some developers, but he can’t elaborate further right now.

Korea is still a major focus, where online gamers are more numerous – and, I should point out, wealthier as well.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

#13:36: Vietnam is awesome! That’s the gist of what’s being said – they know how to scale, and have great developers who’re passionate about games. “And the pho noodles are great,” jokes Mori. That’s why the Japanese firm has been looking so closely at the emerging Vietnam. But not just that country. Its mobile gaming platform Mobage is spreading across Asia, being launched in new nations. Plus, a backup for its data centres is a concern – SE Asia would be a safe backup, especially after the massive earthquake last year. “SE Asia is a great place to be.”


#13:36:ベトナムは素晴らしい! - これが人々の感想をまとめたものだ。彼らは測定を得意とし、国内にはゲームに情熱をかける優秀な開発者も数多くいる。「フォー麵もまた美味しいしね。」、森氏は冗談を言った。だからこそ日本の企業は飛躍しているベトナムを注意深く見てきたのだ。しかしこの国だけではない。モバイルゲーミングプラットフォームMobageはアジア全土に渡り拡大し、新たな国家へと手を伸ばしている。それに加え、現在、当社のデータセンターのバックアップが重要視されている。特に日本で去年発生した巨大地震のことを考慮すると、東南アジアはバックアップの安全圏と言えるであろう。「東南アジアは身を置くのには大変良いエリアだ。」

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Japanese Startup Phroni Delivers a Smarter Smartphone Browsing Experience

I’m a big fan of research tools, but I rarely do any research on a mobile browser because the experience is just not a pleasant one. Simple tasks like word selection or copy/paste can be tedious on a mobile device. But Japanese startup Phroni aims to help solve this problem, by converting multi-step tasks [1] and cutting the process down into one.

Currently what Phroni does is to analyze the text in your browser and convert certain words phrases into Wikipedia links, which you can use to explore more information. After that, you can further explore via the toolbar across services like Twitter, Google Images, or YouTube.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

For the Daimaru department store in Tokyo, Panoplaza’s new storefront has helped bring in over 100,000 page views in a two-month span, and the average time customers spend in shops is up by 30 percent. Sales are six times higher, and while there could be other factors besides Panoplaza’s storefront at work here, suffice it to say that a Panoplaza presentation helps stimulate business. Personally, I’m not sure how much of this is attributable to the novelty of the panoramic presentation, or whether such customer interest could be sustained if these virtual storefronts were more widespread.



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Coffee Chat: Running LinkedIn Singapore like a Startup


Penn Olson founder Willis Wee talked with LinkedIn APAC VP Arvind Rajan about running LinkedIn like a startup. Arvind talked about how he focuses heavily on taking the time to hire the right team.

They also talked about LinkedIn’s expansion, which has kept Arvind on the road nearly 80 percent of the time over the past few months. As for the elephant in the room, China, they’re looking at it, but Arvind wouldn’t talk specific plans. He did suggest LinkedIn doesn’t see a “breakout” competitor there yet, though.


コーヒーチャット:スタートアップ扱いにてLinkedIn Singaporeを運営


Penn Olsonの創始者、Willis Wee氏はLinkedIn APACの副会長Arvind Rajan氏と、LinkedInをスタートアップとして運営することについて会談した。


yakuok 英語 → 日本語

#10:16: The hardest part of working at a startup is prioritizing. Focus on high-value opportunities, especially low-risk high-value opportunities. Work on the stuff you really think is going to move the business forward.

#10:15: Tips for startups: Don’t expand too quickly. Test first and make sure you’ve got the model right. LinkedIn waited five years before they opened an office outside the US because they wanted to get it right. But once they figure things out, they expand quickly.

#10:14: Would you ever quit and try to build your own startup? “I’d never say no,” but he’s happy and engaged in LinkedIn for now, hasn’t thought that far down the road.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

#10:13: Arvind says he hasn’t mingled with the startup crowd in Singapore much, in part because he’s on the road more often. “But as I build the team out [...] I’m looking forward to do more of that.”

#10:10: LinkedIn does have a recognizable brand, which can be a hiring advantage, but there are also people who prefer to build something. Sometimes startups have an advantage, too.

#10:09: “We want to make sure wherever you walk into a LinkedIn office…it still feels like the same culture. We spent an awful long time [...] talking about culture and values.”


#10:13:Arvind氏は、彼はまだシンガポールでスタートアップに携わる人々と十分接していないと言い、その理由の1つとして、移動に費やす時間の方が多いからだと語った。「だが、チームを築き上げていく中で、[...] スタートアップ関連の人々と交流していけることを楽しみにしている。」



yakuok 英語 → 日本語

#10:08: Languages? “I speak Tamil like a 3 year old, French like a 10 year old, and Spanish like a 5 year old.” No Chinese or Japanese though. So how do you manage an office if you don’t understand the languages? “It comes down to hiring the right people [...] we look to entrepreneurs to run our offices.”

#10:06: What’s exciting? Because Asian markets can be so different, we get to innovate. Also says he’s really enjoyed growing their markets in India. Australia also growing fast. “There’s a lot going on here!” LinkedIn’s focus is on professionals worldwide. 40 percent of them are in Asia. “We’re still at the very start of a journey in Asia” and that’s exciting.


#10:08:話せる言語は?「私は3歳児レベルのタミル語を話せ、10歳児レベルのフランス語を話せ、そして5歳児レベルのスペイン語を話すことができる。」中国語と日本語は含まれないようだ。その土地の言語を理解せずにどうやってオフィスを管理するのか?「的確な人材を雇用することに限る。[...] 我々は実業家に我々のオフィスを運営してもらっている。」
