yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Even though Bemmu’s service looks pretty successful so far, with $36,000 worth of candy shipped so far, he notes that his subscriber count peaked at around 300 and started to subsequently decline. I asked Bemmu, if he could increase the number of subscriptions [2], could he still handle the higher volume in shipments? He explains:

" If I could find a sustainable source of traffic that converts well enough and is cheap enough to continue buying, there is nothing really unscalable about back-end of the business. I would be able to handle 10,000 subscribers if that amount suddenly subscribed tomorrow. Almost everything is automated and I have a partnership with a company that helps me fulfill the orders."




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

I encourage you to check out the website at CandyJapan.com, or check out the Facebook page. And of course, if you enjoy candy, don’t hesitate to sign up! In the meantime, check out this awesome candy hamburger, just one of the many treats that Bemmu has sent as part of his service.

1 Seriously, why didn’t we have subscription candy when I was a kid? ↩

2 Bemmu manages the subscription payments using simple/regular Paypal subscription buttons. ↩

3 Although to be fair, Bemmu’s service has almost as much of a following as Quarterly does. ↩






yakuok 英語 → 日本語

And gacha work well – extremely well: from some makers, I am hearing that up to 50% of their overall sales come from these machines. People just can’t stop paying money (in the form of paid virtual coins or tokens) to be able to go for another round.

Games can be designed in a way that players can receive certain rare items only through playing gacha. This is one of the reasons why the mechanic is subject to some (still relatively mild) criticism in Japan, where it is likened with gambling by some voices.

There are critical journalists, for example, demanding the social gaming industry in Japan as a whole to be regulated – gacha are often cited as one of the main arguments.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

6. It’s Not Just About You

Constant self-promotion is almost always frowned upon in social media. Keep most of your posts (I suggest at least 80%) to conversation, third-party content, general comments and questions, and keep the sales pitches at a minimum. David Armano, EVP of global innovation and integration, discusses the overuse of the #humblebrag hashtag. You get the point.

Instead, think about what types of content will give your audience the most value, especially when it also suggests you’re open to educating yourself on a wide-range of ideas.



継続して自己宣伝を行うことは、ソーシャルメディアではほぼ大抵の場合において難色を示されるものである。自分が投稿するもの(少なくとも80%を推奨)は対話、第3者のコンテンツ、一般的なコメントや質問などにおさえておくようにし、販売プロモーション内容などは必要最低限にとどめておくのが良案だろう。グローバルイノベーション&インティグレーション部門副社長のDavid Armano氏は、#humblebragのハッシュタグが濫用されていることを指摘している。言わんとするところを理解する、と言うものだ。
