yakuok (yakuok) 翻訳実績

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日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
音楽 文化 ファッション IT Arts 漫画 マニュアル 旅行・観光 ソフトウェア
yakuok 英語 → 日本語

What we are building is something that we hope could fill a void in the e-commerce world that is just [in the] beginning stage in Indonesia. No one has occupied that space yet (at least not that we know of!) and we’re beyond excited to become the first – just like we were the first ever fashion & beauty blog in Indonesia back in 2007!

There are a number of sites that offer women-related products, but few are vertical e-commerce sites that fully dedicate themselves to Indonesia. As the founders are females themselves, this should (naturally) help them understand their market better. I look forward to Female Daily’s e-commerce site launch and I hope it matches Affi’s excitement for the project.



女性を対象にした製品を提供するサイトはいくつかあるのだが、多くは完全にインドネシアを重きにした垂直Eコマースサイトである。創始者自身が女性であるため、(自然と)市場をより深く理解することが可能となっている。私は、Female DailyのEコマースサイトのリリースを心待ちにしており、そのサイトが、Affiの企画に対する興奮度に比例したものになるよう願っている。

yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Internet-based File System

So from the get-go Kanbox has been focusing on individual data storage as well as multi-terminals accessibility. It now supports almost all mainstream devices or OS including Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian and of course it has a web-based service.

You can imagine what Kanbox is working on as an Internet-based file system, Huang explained. The file system has totally gloss over the significance of different terminals, no matter what phone or which tablet you’re holding, you can always gain access to your individual data with your Kanbox account through Internet connection.





yakuok 英語 → 日本語

Launching Pricing Plan in H2

Kanbox allocates 5 GB of free storage to every new user, and similar to Dropbox’s marketing approach, you can upgrade your space by inviting friends. One successful registration entitles you to one more gigabyte of virtual disk space.

The cloud storage service which to date claims tens of million users is still free of charge. However, Huang said they’re preparing a pricing plan to launch in the second half of this year.

Conventional wisdom is that Chinese people didn’t pay for online services, well, how did Tencent build its empire by selling virtual items? And why paid app downloads saw massive growth after Apple’s iTunes store accepts yuan?






yakuok 英語 → 日本語

So, let’s take a step back, clean up the slate, and start afresh. And the most important thing is, I believe in teams a lot. You want to get the right team, and the right set of goals. It’s like being a football manager, if you’re Chelsea playing Liverpool, and they play lightning fast, you’d want a defensive team. If they play slow, you want a different composition of team to play against them.

If we don’t know the problem, I won’t know what team to have. I don’t want to take a team and try to fix a problem. We were still not sure how to tackle the problem related to our ambition, whether we have the platform to achieve that. Whether we needed to change the business idea.




yakuok 英語 → 日本語

SGE: What are your personal plans moving forward, and how did you disband the team?

We made sure everyone in the team could find positions. Everyone was taken care of. We had a couple of guys we’ve kept on board to take care of existing clients. One of them I’m doing a project with right now. A lot of others chose to go back to their home countries because they’re more comfortable there. Some of them got into other companies.

We’ve been doing the wind up process for a while. It was just a matter of coming up with an exit plan. We started cutting our cost structure so it doesn’t burn cash and we saved some capital. We threw a party, and sold our furniture.



