To sustain and expand the business, Female Daily needed some investment. It was late last year when the founders were in serious talks with several VCs. But the angel route felt more comfortable for the founders. And coincidentally an angel investor – who was also an active member of the Female Daily network since 2007 – took interest. That angel investor was Novita Imelda, who not only invested but also joined as a partner.
このビジネスを維持し拡大していくため、Female Dailyはいくらかの投資を必要としていた。それは昨年末、創始者が本腰を入れてベンチャーキャピタリストと話し合いを行っていた時であった。だが、創始者にとっては、エンジェル投資家の法を取る入れることがより理にかなう気がしていた。そして偶然にも、Female Dailyネットワーク上で2007年からアクティブメンバーの、あるエンジェル投資家が、当企業に関心を寄せた。そのエンジェル投資家とはNovita Imeldaで、当企業に投資するだけではなくパートナーとしても当企業に関わることになった。
The partnership of these three lady entrepreneurs looks to be a successful one as Female Daily is already a profitable business, generating revenue mainly from advertising and also by consulting for female brands. Female Daily has an upcoming new e-commerce extension of its business as well. It’s a natural progression, as most women enjoy shopping or at least ‘window shopping’ through e-commerce sites. Without revealing too many details, Affi explained this a little further:
Female Dailyが既に有益なビジネスとなっていることから、これら3名の女性実業家によるパートナーシップ提携は成功を遂げたと言え、その収益は主に広告収益、また、レディース・ブランドに係る顧問サービスにおける収益となっている。Female Dailyは、当企業のビジネスに加え、間もなく開始される新たなEコマース分野における事業展開も控えている。女性の多くが、Eコマースサイト上で買い物 - 少なくとも「ウィンドウ・ショッピング」- を楽しむことから、これは自然な成り行きと言えよう。詳細の多くは伏せながらも、Affiはさらにこのように説明してくれた:
What we are building is something that we hope could fill a void in the e-commerce world that is just [in the] beginning stage in Indonesia. No one has occupied that space yet (at least not that we know of!) and we’re beyond excited to become the first – just like we were the first ever fashion & beauty blog in Indonesia back in 2007!There are a number of sites that offer women-related products, but few are vertical e-commerce sites that fully dedicate themselves to Indonesia. As the founders are females themselves, this should (naturally) help them understand their market better. I look forward to Female Daily’s e-commerce site launch and I hope it matches Affi’s excitement for the project.
私達が築き上げようとしているのは、インドネシアではまだまだ初段階にあるEコマース分野においての欠を補っていけるようなものだ。いまだかつて誰もそのエリアを埋めた者はおらず(少なくとも私達が現時点で知っている限りでは誰も成し得ていない)、そして、私達が去る2007年にインドネシア初のファッション&ビューティーブログとなった時同様、私達が再度インドネシア初の企業になることを楽しみでならない。女性を対象にした製品を提供するサイトはいくつかあるのだが、多くは完全にインドネシアを重きにした垂直Eコマースサイトである。創始者自身が女性であるため、(自然と)市場をより深く理解することが可能となっている。私は、Female DailyのEコマースサイトのリリースを心待ちにしており、そのサイトが、Affiの企画に対する興奮度に比例したものになるよう願っている。
Thank you for your kind arrangement always. I purchased some items from you before. I would like 10 pieces again, but do you have a stock in hand? Also, it would be very much appreciated if you could give me a better offer. Please advise me of the price for 10 pieces. I am looking forward to receiving your kind reply.
Could you please let me know if you would like to have a clear of black visor ? Please also let me know if you would like to have the hans anchors.
透明もしくは黒、どちらのバイザーをご希望かお知らせください。HANSアンカーもご希望でしょうか?合わせてお知らせください。注: 1行目の a clear of black visor? 部分は、"of" ではなく "or" との推測にて訳させて頂きました。
I just wanted to inform you that we have run out of stock of the Patagonia Jacket in Small you have ordered. We do have more on order from Patagonia however, they are currently on back order for about two weeks. Would you like us to ship out everything else on your order now and the waders as soon as they become available?Please let us know what you would like to do.
Internet-based File SystemSo from the get-go Kanbox has been focusing on individual data storage as well as multi-terminals accessibility. It now supports almost all mainstream devices or OS including Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Symbian and of course it has a web-based service.You can imagine what Kanbox is working on as an Internet-based file system, Huang explained. The file system has totally gloss over the significance of different terminals, no matter what phone or which tablet you’re holding, you can always gain access to your individual data with your Kanbox account through Internet connection.
Launching Pricing Plan in H2Kanbox allocates 5 GB of free storage to every new user, and similar to Dropbox’s marketing approach, you can upgrade your space by inviting friends. One successful registration entitles you to one more gigabyte of virtual disk space.The cloud storage service which to date claims tens of million users is still free of charge. However, Huang said they’re preparing a pricing plan to launch in the second half of this year.Conventional wisdom is that Chinese people didn’t pay for online services, well, how did Tencent build its empire by selling virtual items? And why paid app downloads saw massive growth after Apple’s iTunes store accepts yuan?
Kark is refreshing trading cards for the future, and they educate kids tooI remember the time, over a decade ago, when Magic: The Gathering trading cards were the rage. Boys would play them below apartment blocks and on hidden corners of shopping malls.They’re so addictive that my school would punish any student caught playing them while in school uniform. Newspapers sensationalized about the evils of these collectible cards, much like they do now with World of Warcraft.
新鮮な未来型のトレーディングカードKark、子供達の教育も可能私は、10年以上も前のことだろうか、The Gathering トレーディングカードなどのマジックが大流行していた時のことを覚えている。男の子達は皆、アパートの建物の下やショッピングモールの隅っこでこのゲームに夢中になっていたものだ。それらは非常に中毒性があり、私の学校では学校の制服を着用中にこのゲームで遊んでいる生徒は罰されたりもした。新聞では、これらのコレクターカードのことを持ち上げてはその悪影響について、今で言うWorld of Warcraftのように大げさに書き連ねた。
So, as we went along, we started to realize that we need to move to the US. We needed to build our office very quickly. The challenge was that at one point we needed to move the company, or there would have been no way we could survive. It’s like a turtle hatchling, when it goes out to the water it needs to keep on swimming. However, most of our tech team are non-Singaporean, so it’s hard to move them to the US, and there’s a whole other bunch of issues.
SGE: So why not pivot to something else?There were a lot of personal things we had to put on hold to do Chalkboard. Besides those, we don’t have any other ideas because we were so focused on doing one thing. So our choice was either we continue this, burn the capital that we have, keep these people doing some random stuff, which we were doing anyway. But it wasn’t worth it, we’re wasting the time of everybody involved.
So, let’s take a step back, clean up the slate, and start afresh. And the most important thing is, I believe in teams a lot. You want to get the right team, and the right set of goals. It’s like being a football manager, if you’re Chelsea playing Liverpool, and they play lightning fast, you’d want a defensive team. If they play slow, you want a different composition of team to play against them.If we don’t know the problem, I won’t know what team to have. I don’t want to take a team and try to fix a problem. We were still not sure how to tackle the problem related to our ambition, whether we have the platform to achieve that. Whether we needed to change the business idea.
SGE: You mentioned the Market-Investor-Ambition acronym you and Bernard came up with. Was there a mismatch between your ambitions and investors?The way I look at this is that when you have a billion dollar idea you have to work hard and keep plugging away without worrying about all these other distractions. Look at Foursquare, they’re going for global domination. Look at the Samwer Brothers. From their perspective, either you’re number one or you don’t bother.
SGE:あなたとBernardが考え出したMIAの略語について触れられたが、自分の野望と投資家たちの野望に何らかのすれ違いはあったか?私はこれをこのように考えるのだが、例えば自分が10億ドルの価値があるアイディアを持っているとしたら、他のことに気を散らされることなく、一生懸命働き、継続して仕事に従事することに固執することが必要となる。Foursquareを見てみると、彼らは世界を制したいと考えている。Samwer Brothersも然りだ。彼らの視点からすると、自分達はナンバーワンであるか、もしくはお構いなしか、そのどちらかなのだ。
That’s the psyche from everybody, from their investors and founders: They’re going for global domination. That’s what Joi brought to the table. He allowed us to freely focus on those areas. That’s something very distinct and unique, compared to those other groups of [investors].We don’t want to worry about a whole bunch of other stuff. For example, if you look at the startups in the US. They hired lawyers, and more. Why? They just want to make sure that their product just get shipped out in this particular time in this particular way, and they want to make sure consumers are happy.
When we told them our options and considerations, they understood where it’s gonna be. Joi and James [from Neoteny] were aware of the situation, knew things weren’t the way we hoped for. We were lucky to have them, and they were understanding and empathetic.
SGE: What are your personal plans moving forward, and how did you disband the team?We made sure everyone in the team could find positions. Everyone was taken care of. We had a couple of guys we’ve kept on board to take care of existing clients. One of them I’m doing a project with right now. A lot of others chose to go back to their home countries because they’re more comfortable there. Some of them got into other companies.We’ve been doing the wind up process for a while. It was just a matter of coming up with an exit plan. We started cutting our cost structure so it doesn’t burn cash and we saved some capital. We threw a party, and sold our furniture.
That’s how life is, it’s a game of poker. We go round after round. Sometimes you’re in a startup environment but sometimes in a corporate environment. We chose to wrap up, picked the ending we wanted, and when to say goodbye.End. Interview conducted by Gwendolyn Regina Tan.Note: Bernard Leong is also the co-founder of SGE.
それが人生そのものの姿で、ポーカーゲームのようなものだ。我々はワンラウンド、そしてまたワンラウンドと進んでいく。時に、自分はスタートアップ環境に立ち、だが時に、企業的環境に立つ。我々は閉鎖の決断をし、我々が望む最後と、さよならを告げる時期を選択した。完:インタビュアー - Gwendolyn Regina Tan記:Bernard LeongはSGEの共同創始者でもある。
Chalkboard calls it quits after going to Silicon ValleyIt was a simple party with a few invited guests, some pizza and drinks, a seemingly ordinary networking event at the Chalkboard office in Mount Sophia. No formal announcement was made, but some of the folks knew something was up.There would be no happy ending for Chalkboard, a Singapore-based mobile advertising startup. The co-founders, Saumil Nanavati and Bernard Leong, decided months earlier to close shop. They were just quietly figuring out a way to do it.
Chalkboard、シリコンバレーへの進出を機に閉鎖Mount SophiaのChalkboardのオフィスで行われたパーティーは、数名のゲストと、ピザ、それに飲み物だけのシンプルなもので、ネットワーキングイベントとしては見たところ普通のものだった。公式発表などはなかったが、何名かの人々は何らかの動きがあることを察していた。シンガポールを拠点とするモバイル広告スタートアップ企業のChalkboardに、ハッピーエンディングは訪れないだろう。共同創始者のSaumil Nanavati氏とBernard Leong氏は、数ヶ月前に既に会社をたたむ決断をしていた。ただ彼らは、それをいかに内密に行うかを考えていたのだ。
Interestingly, they were very close to getting acquired. Chalkboard was, after all, a pretty attractive target: Sales were coming in, and they were close to breaking even. One interested party was a major firm from Silicon Valley, the other a prominent Singapore company. However, they felt neither acquisition was the right fit.But despite the setback, neither entrepreneur took it as a personal failure. It had been a team effort all the way. The party was simply a celebration of the journey they’ve taken together with friends.
“We were disappointed it didn’t go the way we wanted, but we were not ashamed, we did the best we could with the smartest people, including the investors who gave their best. We tried,” says Saumil in an interview with SGE on Thursday afternoon.He and Bernard even came up with an acronym to describe the totality of their experience: MIA (Market, Investors, and Ambition).Their ambitions for Chalkboard were big enough to match the best entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Their investor, Joi Ito from Singapore’s Neoteny Labs, bought into their vision.
「我々の考えるように事が進まなかったことに関しては残念だが、我々は何も恥じてはいない。我々は、我々同様できる限りの努力をしてきた投資家たちを含む多くの賢明な人々と共に出来るだけの努力をしてきた。我々はベストを尽くした」、とSaumilは木曜の午後SGEとのインタビューでそう応えている。彼とBernardは、彼らの全経験を説明する略語まで考え出した。MIA(マーケット:市場、インベスターズ:投資家、そしてアンビション:野望)がそれだ。彼らのChalkboardにおける野望は、シリコンバレーの事業家に勝るとも劣らない大きなものであった。彼らの投資家であるシンガポールのNeoteny Labsの伊藤穰一氏は、彼らのビジョンを買った。