The cornerstone of the FCE Group is a common belief in the value of creating living laboratories where we can experience, analyze and improve the very technologies we are inventing. In these laboratories, we are investigating and building futuristic computing applications that apply ubiquitous computing technology to everyday life, such as in the classroom, the office, and the home. FCE members have created several living laboratories and are in the process of creating two more
We have initiated a research agenda centered around computing in the home. Because we feel that any signifi- cant research in this area must be conducted in an authentic yet experimental setting, much of this research will take place in the Broadband Institute Residential Laboratory, a research house that will be completed early in the year 2000. The Residential Laboratory will serve as the living laboratory for ubiquitous computing in home life. We refer to our collected efforts as the Aware Home project, signifying our intent to produce an environment that is capable of knowing information about itself and the whereabouts and activities of its inhabitants.