Tourmaline (tourmaline) 翻訳実績

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技術 法務 サイエンス
tourmaline 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

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tourmaline 英語 → 日本語

Offline, Keru Cloud’s flagship tablet app can be used by restaurant staff to input reservations, add parties to the queue, take orders, and run customer loyalty programs. For customers ordering takeout or delivery by phone, restaurants can take the orders, add customers to a database, and allow them to track the status of their order online.

Restaurants go mobile

Then there’s the mobile part of Keru Cloud, which is the coup de gras of what it has to offer. The startup creates a mobile web app through Baidu Connect and a WeChat public account for each of its client restaurants. These digital storefronts contain vital info like maps, menus, special discounts, and online ordering.


オフラインでは、Keru Cloudの最強のタブレットアプリはレストランスタッフが予約の入力したりパーティーを予約に追加し、注文を取り、顧客のロイヤルティプログラムを進めるのに使うことができる。顧客が電話でテイクアウトや配達を注文したものに対して、レストランは注文を取って顧客をデータベースに追加し、注文状況をオンラインで追跡させることができる。


それからKeru Cloudが提供するものの最たるものはモバイルである。スタートアップは、Baidu ConnectのモバイルのウェブアプリとWeChatの各顧客レストランの公式アカウントを作成している。これらのデジタルストアには地図、メニュー、特別割引、およびオンライン注文のような生の情報を含んでいる。

tourmaline 英語 → 日本語

Commenting on the partnership, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) CEO Sebastian Paredes said he expects “the exchange of knowledge and best practices with the dynamic community of entrepreneurs in the fin-tech startup ecosystem will not only help produce tremendous innovation, but strengthen and boost the talent base and fuel further growth in startups.”

Nest, meanwhile, has been busy on many fronts, announcing a new 12-week accelerator programme in partnership with AIA back in November, and more recently in January inking a deal with London-based Level39, one of Europe’s largest accelerator spaces for businesses in financial, retail and future city technologies.


DBS銀行(香港)のCEOであるSebastian Paredes氏がパートナー提携についてコメントしている。「知識の交換や金融系スタートアップのエコシステムの中でのアントレプレナーの活発なコミュニティでの良い実践は、素晴らしいイノベーションを作り上げるだけではなく、スタートアップの更なる成長のための人材や資金を強化して押し上げて行くことを期待している。」


tourmaline 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Corporates and banks are also sitting up and taking note. Today, DBS Bank (Hong Kong) and Nest, one of the city’s top startup incubators, have announced a new fin-tech accelerator due to kick off in early August. Last year the bank announced plans to invest around US$150 million into new digital technologies.

The accelerator will be housed in a ‘newly-renovated 5,000-square-feet workspace in the heart of Wan Chai’, with applications open now until midnight on July 1. Batches will be for three months, culminating as per tradition in a demo day on November 5.


Nest also made it onto e27‘s list of top early-stage VCs in Hong Kong.






tourmaline 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

Hong Kong's Nest partners with DBS Bank in new fin-tech accelerator

The accelerator will be housed in a ‘newly-renovated 5,000-sq-ft workspace in the heart of Wan Chai’, with applications open until July 1

Hong Kong is trying its darndest to be taken seriously as a hub for fin-tech startups in the region, with increasing efforts from both government and the private sector in this drive.

The city’s financial secretary John Tsang Chun-wah, for example, laid out in his 2015 budget speech plans to inject around US$650 million into the Innovation and Technology Fund. Meanwhile, new accelerators and co-working spaces continue sprouting across the city.





一例としては、香港の金融大臣 John Tsang Chun-wah氏は2015年の予算演説で約6億5000万米ドルをイノベーションとテクノロジー基金に注入する予定だと説明した。その間も新しいアクセラレータと共同作業スペースは、香港中に拡がり続けている。

tourmaline 英語 → 日本語

On-demand massage app in China attracts $5M series A funding

If you’re feeling, like, ohmygod totally stressed after getting an Uber home from work and then receiving your home-delivered laundry and dinner, you might like to fire up an app and order a massage therapist. That’s pretty much the idea behind China’s Diandao, an on-demand service that brings qualified professionals to your doorstep.

Chinese tech blog 36Kr reports today that Diandao has just secured US$5 million in series A funding to assist with its growth. The investment was led by Banyan Capital along with 58Daojia, a local web startup that specializes in other on-demand services for things like housekeeping and beauty treatment.



