2. After one cycle (2H) of power on reduction, the discoloration rate and color drop are normal phenomena. If charging for one cycle (2H), the silica gel in the display window still does not change back to orange, it means that the silica gel arenot completely dry. , please pick up the body more than 3 seconds, and put it on the base to power on and heat again to ensure that the moisture in main body is completely removed.3.Turn on the power switch after power on, otherwise the machine will not work. At the same time, the power switch can control the power on of the whole machine at any time.
2.電力を削減して1サイクル(2H)経過後、変色率と色落ちがみられるのは正常な現象です。 1サイクル(2H)充電しても、ディスプレイウィンドウのシリカゲルがオレンジ色に戻らない場合は、シリカゲルが完全に乾いていない証拠です。本体を3秒以上持ち上げて、ベースに載せて電源を入れ、本体の水分が完全に除去されるよう再加熱します。3.入電後に電源スイッチをONにしない場合、機械が作動しません。 同様に、マシン全体の電源も電源スイッチにより随時管理可能です。
4. In the process of delay heating of the base, if the main body is removed, the base will delay heating for 1 minute before stopping, which is used to release the residual heat of the base. After the time, the indicator will flash white.Product overviewConponentsDisplay windowPower cordIndicatorModel No.Product sizeRated input voltagePowerWorking capacityDehumidifying materialFUNCTION INSTRUCTIONCheck before power onA: Whether the power cord in good condition;B: Whether the silica gel in the display window is orange;C: Whether the output voltage of the power socket is consistent with the voltage of this product.
4.ベースの加熱遅延の過程において本体を取り外した場合、ベースは1分間加熱を停止してから停止します。それを用いてベースの余熱を放出します。 その後、インジケーターが白く点滅します。製品の概要構成要素表示ウィンドウ電源コードインジケータモデル番号商品のサイズ定格入力電圧電力作業能力除湿材機能説明書電源を入れる前に以下を確認してくださいA:電源コードが良好かどうか。B:表示窓のシリカゲルがオレンジ色かどうか。C:電源ソケットの出力電圧がこの製品の電圧と一致しているかどうか。
UsageWhen using for the first time, please check whether the silica gel in display window is orange or not. If it is orange, there is no need to restore it. If it is dark green, please put it on the base and power it on until it is orange.1. When the power is on, the power indicator lights white, press the power switch, the power indicator lights green, when the main body is placed on the base, the power indicator lights green.2. When the silica gel in the main display window is orange, it means that the product can start dehumidification, which can be placed in the closet, cabinet and other spaces to absorb moisture.
使用方法初めて使用する場合は、表示窓のシリカゲルがオレンジ色になっているか確認してください。 オレンジ色の場合、復元する必要はありません。 濃い緑色の場合は、ベースに置いてオレンジになるまで電源を入れてください。1.電源が入っているときは、電源インジケータが白く点灯し、電源スイッチを押すと、電源インジケータが緑色に点灯します。本体をベースに置くと、電源インジケータが緑色に点灯します。2.メインディスプレイウィンドウのシリカゲルがオレンジ色の場合は、製品が除湿開始可能です。これは、クローゼット、キャビネット、およびその他のスペースに配置して除湿できます。
3. When silica gel in display window is in dark green, it means that the product have been full of moisture. Put the product on the base, after heating for two hours, the machine will automatically cut off the heating module and enter standby mode. The indicator will flash white, which means that a working cycle is completed. When silica gel in the display window changed to orange, which means that the silica gel has been completely dry. The product can be reuse for dehumidification.
3.表示ウィンドウのシリカゲルが濃い緑色の場合は、水分が満タンであることを意味します。 製品をベースに置いて、2時間加熱した後機械が自動的に加熱モジュールを遮断し、スタンバイモードに入ります。 インジケーターが白く点滅するのは、作業サイクルが完了したことを意味します。 表示ウィンドウのシリカゲルがオレンジに変わったときは、シリカゲルが完全に乾燥していますので除湿用に再利用できます。
Notice: Due to the different use environment, if charging for one cycle (2H), the silica gel in the display window still does not change back to orange, it means that the silica gel is not completely dry, please pick up the body more than 3 seconds, and put it on the base to power on and heat again to ensure that the moisture in main body is completely removed.DehumidifySilica Gel Silica Gel(orange)Power on(Dark green)
せっかくご注文頂いたのですが、新型コロナウイルスの世界的な感染拡大の影響で、オーストラリアも先週4/9に国際郵便の引受停止の国に追加されたため、発送できない状況となりました。(当面の間、国際郵便の引受停止が続くと予想されます) お客様には大変ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、ご理解、ご了承くださいますようお願いいたします。つきましては、大変恐れ入りますがこの度のご注文をキャンセルして頂けますでしょうか?この度はせっかくご注文頂きましたのにご期待に添えず大変申し訳ございませんでした。
Thank you for your order, but unfortunately we are unable to ship your merchandise since Australia was added to the list of countries with international postal suspension as of April 9 due to the global expansion of the COVID-19. Assuming this state will continue for a while. We are sorry for the trouble, but your understanding is appreciated.For this reason, would you please cancel your order? We are so sorry for this inconvenience that has been caused.
However, it was a total waste, so I am not really expecting much from it this time as well.By the way, I forgot to mention but I sent you a birthday present.Hope you will get it by then, but the delay is here and there so I just apologize in advance.Every day, each country comes up with various measures for support, Japan has come up with an idea of protecting our citizens by providing 2 pieces of mask per household. Seriously, this is not a joke.Oh yes, this is serious.Due to this trouble, many companies have incorporated the remote work.From this on, I hope this practice will be standardized.
Saw your work file. Could not mention in what level you are in because the number of works I could take a look were too few to tell, but from what I see, I think it is pretty good.Please rest assured that I am not mad at you.Simply speaking I have been under the depression and totally exhausted mentally due to my father's DV.It has been offical that I will have an interview with a group of people from the DV victim's support team on Monday 13th. Even though I will be admitted to a shelter, it is a general rule to meet with a city hall personnel and explain the situation.In the past, I have visited a public authority to consult with my DV case for four occasions.
Hello, I am O from O.Please accept our sincere apologies for the incovenience that has been caused to you and your company due to the product malfunction. Here are the cause and measures for solving the problem:1. The product I sell is brand new purchased from an authentic agency.Despite brand new, based upon the reason of your complaint, I assume that the item was damaged during the transportation.I ship the item from Japan to the fulfillment warehouse in the US,
国際輸送の際に箱にダメージを受け、商品にダメージができた可能性が考えられます。2.私は今後の国際輸送の際に、商品を個別に緩衝材で保護します。そして、輸送箱をより強固なWフルート (8mm厚)の輸送箱で発送します。この対策によって商品にダメージを与えるリスクが無くなるはずです。さらに、納品前の商品の検品体制を強化します。担当者2人で2重チェックをします。また、ガイドラインや規約に対しての理解を深め、厳守し行動いたします。
so the item and its package could have been damaged during the international transportation. 2. For future international shipping, I will protect each item with cushioning material and use a W-flute corrugaed fibre board box (8mm thick) which is more durable.With this measure, I am certain that the damage risk to the product will be diminished.In addition, I will reinforce the inspection system prior to the product delivery.Double-check will be performed by 2 personnels.Also, we will deepen the understanding of and strictly follow the guideline and regulations for appropriate behavior.
3. All the merchandises I sell are brand new and purchased from the authentic agency.4. Confirmed.5. I will reinforce the inspection system prior to delivery.Double check will be performed by two personnel.6. I have attached the entire invoices.I have the copies of the agency's details and all the correspondence via email.The below is the agency's information.Company nameI will further make efforts lest things like this should not happen.Your kind understanding is appreciated.
3月29日 私の母 順子が肺がんで亡くなりました。73歳でした季節外れの雪がたくさん降った日でした母は3月の始めに病気が悪化して、家の近くの緩和ケア病棟に入院していました病院のコロナの予防で外部からの面会に制限がありましただから私たちは母とあまり一緒に過ごせませんでしたこんなときなのでお葬式は家族だけでおこないましたなかなか気持ちの整理がつかず あなたに報告が遅くなりましたあなたの仕事はコロナの影響がでていますか?あなたとあなたの家族は健康ですか?返事は英語で大丈夫です
On March 29, my mother Junko passed away at the age 73 on an unseasonal snowy day.Her sickness got worsened at the begining of March and was admitted to the hospis near the house. Visitation was restricted for external visitors due to the hospital's direction for against COVID-19.We therefore could not spend much time with mom we wanted.Her funeral was taken place just for the family considering the state.Sorry for taking a while to let you know, it was not easy to find closure with my feelings.How is the virus affecting your job?Are you and your family safe?Feel free to write back in English.
Thanks for your reply. Whilst the number of COVID-19 patient is growing in Japan, a new school year is about to start in April. Many people in Hiroshima does not seem to be aware of the risk for lower number of people transmitted in the prefecture, I am a bit anxious but I will send my girls to go to school by bus by paying full attention.By the way, about the home stay, as of last week, it is unfortunate but it has been postponed to next year. I will keep my chin up to make it happen next year while spending another year for preparation in a positive manner.Thank you for having my mother and us in your prayers.I would love to visit Lisa, Jason, Olivia, mom and dad some day safe and sound.
A has a very organized device. It has attained 2019 target just by handling inquiries.I joined the organization as a sales rep, but I am concerned because handling this kind of device would weaken the sales power.Also since it has attained 2019 target back in September last year, my manager asked me not to sell any more.I sell training events. It is limited to the physical capacity of a venue, so it did not have any more capacities than the value set for the target.
After that, the manager instructed me to stop the sales but negotiate with the customers to stop purchasing without making them mad.Then I came to think that the possibility of my career development would be poor even though I continue to negotiate such purchase.Therefore returning to the original standpoint of a sales rep, I have decided to change my career seeking for an option to reinforce my selling power.And I have been applying for companies that has a product originality and a strong image of venture company.
1. Upon graft extract, is there any effective device incorporated for mitigating the pain of anesthetic shot to a patient's head? (i.e. Assign a skilled nurse to do the shot)2. In the event where no hair grafted at all after the surgery, what kind of warranty can be applied? (i.e. provide another surgery at no cost)3. Majority of the patients at DRT clinic appear to be Europeans and Americans. I heard that the size of their scull and hair characteristics are very different from those of Asians. Please kindly explain in concrete if there is any caution you take for performing the hair transplant to Asians as well as the difference of hair between them.
Noted. Currently I am not affected by COVID-19 (i.e. fever, cough, tasting disorder), but I will continue self-quarantining. I sure will let you know if anything anomal is experienced. Also, many thanks to OOO san for the translation. Thank you and kind regards.
For a short while I was an assistant to a manga artist as well as posting my manga work, so I am not new to this industry to some degree. But it is now 2020 right? For example, if the time is back in Showa period, there was no way to become a manga artist without posting a work and serving as an assistant. But now that with the development of Internet, there are million chances even for school kids to post a work from anywhere, have it seen by the mass and receive ratings so long as he has an internet environment right? Therefore it doesn't matter if what others have to say. What you gotta do is to cherish your desire to "draw".
Thank you for your kind message. For now I am watching the news on the status of COVID-19 in the US and it got me really concerned. Transmitted patients number has been increasing in Japan day by day and it is just a step away from being pandemic. Whilst such situation, I am very much obliged to your continuing the business without a pause. Please do take good care of yourself to stay healthy. The end of the COVID-19 transmission will come ASAP is in my prayers.
If IMZ is insisting, that is fine. We have to follow IMZ. Let’s make sure that we are not driving these reviews right now. If it can wait,it should wait. If not I understand.