Why? Well, frankly, it’s a little hard to believe that all that’s happening is a “weeding out” of under-performing employees when whole branches are being closed, and employees are saying they’ve been fired for no reason. Fired employees only tell one side of the story, but with Groupon repeatedly refusing to comment on this — we did ask them specifically about it — most people are bound to conclude that these are, in fact, layoffs.
Even if this is a strategy, it’s not well-designed for China. The result of these cuts has been that many in China’s industry now consider Groupon “tainted”, an unstable place to work. In the West that would be bad enough, but in China, the land of the iron rice bowl, it’s a whole lot worse. I expect that if Gaopeng.com ever wants to expand staff again, they’re going to have serious problems finding qualified employees.
After all, why work for Gaopeng.com and risk layoffs when you can work for one of China’s other, more successful group buy sites? CEO Mason’s email makes it sound like Gaopeng is a rising star in the region, but from the independent research we’ve seen, that’s not the case. In fact, we’re not sure where he got that #8 figure, because in the stats we’ve seen, Gaopeng.com doesn’t even break the top ten.For example, there’s this iResearch data from a few months ago (remember that groupon.cn is not Groupon China; that domain was registered by a rival company before Groupon could snatch it up):
Or check out these June 2011 statistics from group-buy deal aggregator DaTaoTuan. Gaopeng.com appears only once; in the column indicating the number of deals offered, which is not a reflection of market share or sales numbers.But if you want the most recent data, it comes from this Hitwise report for the first week of August, 2011 (7/31-8/6). Once again, note that Gaopeng.com does not appear in the top ten.Now, it’s possible that Mr. Mason has seen more recent numbers than those from a couple weeks ago. But it’s pretty hard to imagine that Groupon could have jumped several steps up in market share while simultaneously firing hundreds of employees and closing 13 branches.
So yeah, I’m worried about Groupon in China. At the very least, it seems its PR strategy needs a little work, but it’s hard to believe there’s not more trouble under the hood that we’re not being told about. Frankly, I’m also a little concerned about Mason’s lengthy memo, which reads much like a letter to potential investors to quiet fears pre-IPO. If the SEC discovers it was Groupon who leaked this memo intentionally, that would be very bad, given that the company is supposed to be in the quiet period before its IPO.Anyway, we’ll keep you up to date with the latest on Groupon in China. I hope I’m wrong about these problems, but I don’t think I’m the only one who’s feeling pretty skeptical right now.
we are unable to process all credit cards due to the problem we are currently facing with our credit card processor, our credit card processor developed issues because of large volume of order we are having at the moment due to the ongoing promo we are currently running to all our new and existing customers.Due to these issues, all customers do make their payments via (Western Union) for all orders below 10 units and Bank Transfer for orders Above 10 units for fast and safe delivery.Kindly get back to us with the specific one you want to buy as soon as you are ready.....To enable us proceed with the packaging and get your item ready for shipment.
只今、当社のクレジットカード処理の問題のため全てのクレジットカードの手続きが滞っております。現在行っている新規及び既存のお客様向けのプロモーションによる膨大な注文のため、当社のクレジットカードプロセッサーに問題が生じました。この問題のため、10個以下のご注文はWestern Unionにてお支払い、また10個以上ご注文は銀行送金にてお支払い頂いた全てのお客様には、迅速で安全な発送対応をさせて頂いております。当社にて梱包処理をし、発送準備を致しますので、特定のご注文のお品がお決まり次第、おり返しご連絡頂けますようお願い致します。
Thank you for letting me know the situation as I have been worried about it. It would be wonderful if you can accept one or two items; however, you can reject them if the custom will be way too high. Please let me know in that case. I will let you know if I find out something. I hope our business will be done smoothly.
いつもお世話になります。商品名Logitech G27 Racing Wheelについてですがご迷惑をおかけしております。inboxで「問題点」と表示しているのに気付きました。内容の読み取りが今一歩できないので、この商品の購入時の詳細をお知らせ致します。この商品はebayから購入したもので、内容は下記のとおりです。 「 」 以上の内容となります。問題が解決し日本に送くることができますようにお願い致します。
Thank you for your cooperation all the time.I am sorry for making trouble for Logitech G27 Racing wheel. I noticed that there is indication of "problem" in inbox. I would like to tell you the detail of this item because I could not clearly understand the mail. This item was purchased off the eBay, and detail is as follows." "I will greatly appreciate your assistance to resolve the problem and be able to ship it to Japan.
We are planning to post the projects of Informatial and information program by collaborating with A Company. A Company approaches to sponsors and we create the movie, deliver the contents to D Company, and sell the product in the website. We are moving forward this project and expecting some new development in August. Therefore, it is critical for us to be able to see the movie on the Smartphone.
合計$6687.50と送料ですね。理解できました。Gateway Experience Wave I-VI の全6CDsセットのうち WAVE1とWAVE4の欠品ですね。Opening the Heart (Japanese) と Wave 1 (Japanese)とWAVE4の入荷予定はいつの予定ですか?あまり時間が掛かるようなら在庫がある分を先に登録したクレジットカードで決済して発送してもらい、入荷待ちの在庫は発送するときにクレジット決済でもいいですか?
Noted that the total of $6687.50 and shipping fee. I understood that it is a Gateway Experience Wave I -VI, 6 CD set, which is missing WAVE1 and WAVE4. When do you expect to get Opening the Heart (Japanese) and Wave 1 (Japanese) and WAVE4? If it is going to take a while, I would like you to ship the ones you have in your inventory first, paying with my registered credit card, and the rest will be settled by the credit card when you ship the items after you receive the inventory.
Dear Mr ●● Following a review of your account, we regret to inform you that we are no longer able to offer you our telephone betting service and whilst our online service remains available to you, betting restrictions will be applied on any future bets placed. Should you wish to continue to use our services the Sports offers and promotions available to you will be restricted to the following regular offers which remain open to all customers: Channel 4/1 Free Bet Offer; Feature Race 4/1 Free Bet Offer; Sky Dogs 2/1 Winner Free Bet Offer; Best Odds Guaranteed; Racing Value Offers; Bore Draw Money Back; 100% Euro Accumulator and the 50% Parlay Bonus.
●●様お客様の口座を確認させて頂きましたところ、誠に残念ではございますが電話賭博サービスのご提供を停止させていただくこととなりました。但し、オンラインでの賭博は今までどおりご利用いただきます。今後の賭博に際し、今回の規制が適用されます。今後も弊社、The Sportの提供するサービスやプロモーションのご利用をご希望でしたら、全てのお客様がご利用可能な下記のサービスに限らせて頂きます。Channel 4/1 Free Bet Offer; Feature Race 4/1 Free Bet Offer; Sky Dogs 2/1 Winner Free Bet Offer; Best Odds Guaranteed; Racing Value Offers; Bore Draw Money Back; 100% Euro Accumulator and the 50% Parlay Bonus.
We assure you that this decision has only been taken after careful consideration and that it does not affect your ability to play and claim bonuses in the following bet365 products, Casino, Games, Poker or Bingo.If you require any further assistance, our team are available 24 hours a day by Live Chat, email at support-eng@customerservices365.com, or telephone on 08000 288365 and we will be pleased to assist you.Kind Regards
今回の決定は慎重な検討の結果であり、bet365 products, Casino, Games, Poker or Bingoのプレイやボーナスの受取に関してお客様になんら障害を与えるものではございません。お問い合わせがありましたら、24時間体制のライブチャットまたは、メールsupport-eng@customerservices365.com, もしくはお電話 08000 288365にて喜んで対応させていただきます。何卒よろしくお願い致します。
英語が苦手なので翻訳していただきました。 Opening the Heart とWave 1 の合計が$3649.80で良いのですか?残りの在庫があるCDの合計が$3037.70で良いのですね?私が最終的に支払う金額の合計は$6687.5で良いのですか?WAVE4の値段ははどちらかの金額に入っているのですか?
Since I am not good at English, I had someone to translate it for me. Is it correct that the total amount for Opening the Heart and Wave 1 is $3649.80?And, is the total amount of the remaining CD inventory$3037.70 correct? So, my understanding is the grand total that I need to pay is $6687.50, is it correct? Which amount did you include Wave 4 price?
You told me that you have shipped the item I purchased to the address in Japan. However, my forwarding agent in the US notified me that they received “Harry Potter’s Magic Wand”. It was arrived on August 11. I believe that you have shipped the item to the US address instead of the one in Japan. Please ship the same item to Japan immediately. Thank you for your understanding.
I am very busy during day. I work since early morning to late at night. It is hard for me to contact every single day. And, I am a victim of this matter. I do believe that the fault is on postal office. However, I do not want to do anything troublesome at all. I cannot wait the refund another 3 weeks. Please refund $877 and shipping fee immediately. Otherwise, I will contact eBay.
今届いているインボイスはアメリカの転送業者宛ての住所になっているのですが、日本の住所に送っていただきたいのです。二度目にmakeofferした時のPrimary shipping addressがペイパルに登録してある正式な住所です。(日本の住所)とりあえず、インボイスで提示していただいた料金を払い、後ほど、日本までの送料の差額を振り込みませていただきたいのですがどうでしょうか?ややこしいことになって誠にもうしわけございません。
Although the invoice you sent me indicates shipping to my forwarding agent in the US, I would like you to ship the item to Japan address. The correct address is the one in Japan that is registered as Primary shipping address on Paypal when I made second offer. Meanwhile, I would like to pay the amount on the invoice and I will make additional payment for the difference to ship to Japan later. I apologize for the confusion.
We worked on new clients this week. What we found is that it is necessary to work closely with clients and provide information proactively about the brands that our clients are interested in in order to earn their trust. In addition to that, we contacted existing clients to check their current situation and promoted the new brands we are working on. We will continue working hard to earn new clients next week.
It would be appreciated if you can answer following questions. 1. Please tell us history of annual transaction between your company and shoe manufacturer(s).2. Which company(s) do you supply in Japan? 3. How well can you keep the shoe inventory? 4. We need to use an importer for delivery since our company does not have custom. What would be your margin? 5. When we make order, where can we check the actual item?
First of all, I have to apologize for the response delay. We believe that building further trust relationship and communication are required to start business with you based on the email correspondences in these days. First, we need to make small business success. Do you have any idea of the smiple business that we can work together? As I mentioned before, we are offering services for Japanese. Your prompt response will be greatly appreciated.
Re: Return ShipmentI am a person who lives in Japan. I made request shipping agent because your company only ships domestically. However, the request was rejected since the purchased products are gun-related parts. I believe the products will be returned to your company shortly. Is it possible for your company to ship the product directly to Japan when the products are returned? I will make payment through Paypal. If you are unable to ship to Japan, would you refund the product price to Paypal?