黙っていなければと思った。だが、煮え繰り返った腸(はらわた)が納まる様子はなく、またそこまでミズキが大人ではなかったというのもあって、ミズキはつい反抗してしまった。ミズキ:「………っ………よ………」ザクロ:「………?」ミズキ:「ふざけんなよ! あいつらが職に困ってるのも、元を辿れば俺の母さんが死んだのだって、お前たち王族が貧民街のことを気にかけなかったからじゃないか!」ザクロ:「!」
Mizuki thought that he should shut his mouth But, he could not calm down himself from his boiling blood and at the same time he was not mature enough. So, he could not help to stand out against Zakuro. Mizuki: “…ck…ou…”Zakuro: “……?”Mizuki: “Fuck you! It is all because your royal family doesn’t care about the poor part of the town! That’s why they are out of job, and that’s why my mother died!”Zakuro: “!”
ミズキ:「貧民街のヤツは学がないとか、汚いとかいう理由で面接すらできないんだぞ! その貧民街が『できてしまった』のは誰のせいだ?! できたところで改善しようとしなかったのは誰だ?! 国を動かしてるヤツじゃないか!」ミズキ:「隣に住んでるモミはメイド長より働き者だぞ! 近所のマンサクはお前のとこの大臣よりよっぽど機転が利くぞ! 貧民街にも働けるヤツはいっぱいいるのに、生まれた場所って変えられない肩書が邪魔をするんだ!」ザクロ:「………………………」ミズキ:「………っ」
Mizuki: “People from the poor part of the town can’t even get an interview just because they think we don’t have knowledge and education or we are dirty! Who is responsible for“creating” this poor part of the town? Who did not try to improve the situation once it’s already there? It is people who govern this country!” Mizuki: “Momi, who lives next door, work harder than the chief of maids! Mansaku in my neighbor is much brighter than your ministers! There are a lot of people who can actually work in the poor part of the town. But the unchangeable title where you were born blocks our way!”Zakuro: “…….”Mizuki: “…. Shit”
④/4If I have to instruct the return via Paypal, I may have to give you negative feedback because I will lose time by doing so. If possible, I prefer you to take care of the administrative tasks. It is very clear that I am a victim here. This is a fact and that won't change no matter how you excuse. This is what I, as a buyer, say.
①/3 あなたは、フオークの色をEbayオークション掲載の写真では金色のフォークの写真を全面に押し出す形で、巧妙に私を欺き、私に金額面でも、時間面でも損害を与えている。そのあなたの行為に対して、先日は、私は一時的に大変怒っていたのだ。あなたをおどかすつもりは全くない。商品の代金(商品と送料)を速やかに返金してくれれば、内容を了解する。
①/3 You have deceived me very well by posting the picture of gold fork on eBay auction. You also caused me damage in terms of money and time. I was very upset at that time because of your these actions. I do not mean to threaten you at all. I will be satisfied if you refund me for the item, including shipping, as soon as possible.
②/3 If you do so, I will not leave negative feedback. I will even give you excellent feedback if you sincerely handle this situation as I requested you.However, if you decide not to refund me, I will file a claim to eBay and Paypal. And, not to mention, your reputation will cause some damage.I am very clam now, so I do what I need to do in a course of normal business transaction.
③/3 ◎あなたにお願いしたいのは、落札代金と送料とフオークの返送料金を5日以内にパイパルを通じて返金してほしい。代金は先日連絡した通りだ。返金してくれれば、わたしもあなたに対して紳士的に良い対応をします。(尚、私があなたにフォークの材質を質問したのは、落札後のことであり、貴方の言い分は通用しないことをはっきりと言っておきます。) 私は信念の人であり性格上、人をだます人ではない。誠実だが厳しい人である。
③/3 * I would like to request you to refund me the bidding price and round shipping fee within 5 days to Paypal. The price is as promised the other day. If you refund me, I will handle this situation fairy to you.(In addition, I asked you question about the material of the fork was after the bidding was closed. So, frankly speaking, your story will not make sense. )I have my faith and I am not type of a person who deceive people. I am sincere, but strict.
In short, my shop is closed until Jan. 7, so listed item won't be displayed. Please select entire site search, instead of shop search for link to A website.Vacation setting is a function not to sell during the designated period. Listing can be still done, but the item won't be displayed in the site. I've got contact from the seller and the item will be shipped to me shortly.I see that your husband ordered that clock. Thank you very much. I 'm glad that your daughter liked the chocolate too. That is my daughter and son's favorite as well.
I meant to propose this to movie platform. However, if you have a strong connection, I can propose this to EC website. Do you think they want to pay for movie contents? From my knowledge, many EC website have a job contract that will pay the % of the sales. It would be wonderful if they can simply buy our contents. Or, something like that they send the visitors to our website. Either way, Mr./Ms. A will be able to support us for email correspondence in English, so please kindly arrange it to move forward.
The box is very important in Japan. The value of the item will go down if the box is smashed even a little bit. Please kindly pack it very carefully to make sure the box won't be smashed during the transportation.
Once the payment is cleared, we need 5 business days for the customization.We hope we can ship out your putters on 29th of this month since there is Christmas holiday(23~26)I could do 2100 for all three, yes they come with the tip and headcover.
Numu: “How to use the unspent money is up to us. So, it is important that how much the person in charge of shopping can negotiate. “Fu: “Here you go. This is food money for all house boys. Person in charge of shopping usually decide the menu. Are you ok with that?Mizuki: “Cooking is not ….”Nemu: “It is even hard to get clean water in the poor part of the town. No environment for cooking either.” Natsume: “Ok. I will come up with the menu and cooking ingredients. I will teach you how to cook when you come back.”Hagi: “At eight o’clock, people who work at kitchen go to Reen village. They use a carriage, so you will join them.
ミズキ:「うん。わかった」 眠たそうなナツメがギリギリ読める文字で書いてくれた食材リストと、銀貨の詰まった麻袋を受け取って、ミズキは外に出た。 ナツメが書いている途中でウトウトしていたこともあって、時間はもう八時近くになっている。 教えられた場所に走っていくと、既に若い男性(見習いのコックらしい)が馬車の前に立っていた。 時間ギリギリではあるが、間に合ったことには変わりない。 男性は笑いながら、馬車に乗るようミズキを促した。
Mizuki: “OK. I got it.”Mizuki went outside with the cooking ingredients list, which he can hardly see with his sleepy eyes, and a hemp sack full of silver coins. It is almost 8 o’clock because he was dozing while Natsume was making the list. As he ran to the place he was told, a young man (who looks like an apprentice chef) was already standing in front of the carriage. It is almost the time, but still in time. He smiled and moved him to get on the carriage.
ミズキが乗り込み、続いて男性も乗り込もうとした………そのときだった。王子:「すまないが、乗せてくれるか?」 そう言って王子が、馬車の扉に手をかけた。見習いコック:「え、あ、お、王子様?! せ、狭いですがよろしければ………」 男性がやや怯えながら王子に席を譲り、逃げるように御者の隣席に座る。 王子と馬車で二人きりになるなんて………と半ば気まずさを感じたのだが、無情にも御者はさっさと扉を閉めて、馬を走らせた。
It was the time when the guy was about to get on the carriage after Mizuki got in.Prince: “Sorry to bother you, but can I ride too? “Prince put his hand on the carriage door as he speaks. Apprentice chef: “Oh, uh, P Prince?! If you don't mind the tight space….”The guy was a bit intimidated by the prince and made room for him. And, he sat by the coachman as if he was escaping from the prince. Mizuki felt a little uneasy as he was alone with the prince in the carriage. However, the coachman heartlessly closed the door promptly and started running the carriage.
ミズキ:「………なんでアンタがこの馬車に乗るわけ? 自分の馬車を使えば済む話じゃないか。見習いさんに気を遣わせて………」王子:「アンタじゃない。ザクロという名がある」ミズキ:「………ザクロサマ。どーしてこの馬車に乗ったんですかー」ザクロ:「………自分の馬車に乗れない理由があった」ミズキ:「ほうほう。車輪でも外れましたか」ザクロ:「………今日の午前中に父上との話し合いがあったのだが、サボタージュした」ミズキ:「ほうほう」
Mizuki: “….Why are you riding on this carriage? You can use your own carriage. You bothered the apprentice chef…”Prince: “My name is Zakuro.”Zakuro: “Prince Zakuro, why did you get on this carriage?”Zakuro: “I have my reason not to get on my carriage.”Mizuki: “Well, well. The wheel came off?”Zakuro: “… I am supposed to have a discussion with my father this morning. But I ditched it. Mizuki: “Well, well.”
ミズキ:「………………はっ?」ザクロ:「自分の馬車を使ってはどこに行ったのか見当がつけられるだろう。だからお前たちの馬車に潜り込んだんだ」 平然と言い退けるザクロ。 ミズキは少し考えてしまった。 国務ではないとはいえ、王子………ザクロは王様との約束を破って、どこに逃げたかバレないように下男の使うような馬車に乗り込んだ。 頭が良いんだか悪いんだか、よくわからない行動だった。
Mizuki: “….. What?”Zakuro: “They will find out soon or later where I am if I use my own carriage. That is why I got on your carriage.”Zakuro told him without hesitation.Mizuki had to think a bit. Even though it is not a national affair, this prince…. Prince Zakuro broke a promise with the king and got on the carriage that house boys use so that they would not find out where he escaped. His action is questionable if it is smart or dumb.
I am satisfied since you sincerely handled this problem. I will not sell this bronze statue, but place it in my home. I will not charge you for anything. Please keep it in your mind that to sell the 100%, exactly the same item from the picture if you sell "POMPON" item on eBay. 90% will cause trouble. I may buy from you again in the future. I would never deal with such an elementary trouble, and I believe you feel the same way.
Once you get used to it, you may want to increase your efficiency by opening several tabs at the same time. However, it may slow your PC depending on your PC specification. From my experience, using 5 tabs at the same time is efficient. Please kindly contact me when you finish registering 100 people.I will check your work and pay you.Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question during your work.If there is any part that is hard to understand or need to be corrected in this manual, please feel free to let me know.
If I list the exactly the same figure without signature of the artist, I will lose my trust from the people who already purchased the bronze statues from me since I have already sold 2 bronze statues. Trust is more worthy than money. It is the most important thing in business. I was told that by the most prestigious millionaire in Japan
。”BRONZE STATUE EROTIC MARILYN MONROE SIGNED POMPON SEVEN YEAR ITCH SCULPTURE ART”の様に、この銅像に”POMPON”のサインがあれば良かったのに。あなたが、勝手に自己判断で問題ないと思っていても、私はそれを了解したわけではない。問題があるなしは、購入者のみ決めることができる。既に、私はあなたの自分勝手な判断により、時間的にも、金額的にも損失をうけている。
I wish there is a signature of "POMPON" on this statue just like "BRONZE STATUE EROTIC MARILYN MONROE SIGNED POMPON SEVEN YEAR ITCH SCULPTURE ART". Although you might make your own decision that this is not going to be problem, I did not accept that. It is only buyer's decision if that will be a problem or not. I have already caused losses in terms of time and money because of your irresponsible decision.
私はペイパルを通じて、代金の差し止め返金を本日実施する。こちらの品は、あなたから配送料を送金していただいたら いつでも、そちらへ送る。翻訳依頼料金はサービスしておく。あなたのビジネスマンとしての評価は良くない。
I will request Paypal for stop payment today. I will return the item to you once I receive the refund for the shipping fee. I will not charge you the translation fee. I must say that your business attitude is not very good.