The second was of a boy in China who also had a deep passion for programming and even invented something that Apple could have used. But conversely, his parents told him to stop working on it and instead focus on studying for the Gao Kao. After years of draining preparation, his mind was so consumed it sucked his passion away for programming and he eventually just became an employee of a company. Xu believes that this traditional Chinese mindset of fighting to be accepted, rather than encouraging peoples natural curiosity and passions deters China from reaching its true potential.
次も、プログラミングに情熱を持ち、あのアップル社が興味を持つような物を発明した中国の青年の話です。しかし、こちらは逆に、彼の両親は彼のプログラミングに対する情熱をサポートせず、その代わりに、Gao Kaoの勉強に専念するように言った。長年の苦悩の末、彼は心身ともに疲れ、プログラミングへの情熱は薄れ、結局会社勤めをしている。人々の生まれ持っての好奇心や情熱を応援するのではなく、社会に受け入れられる為に尽くすと言う、伝統的な中国の考え方が、中国を本当の将来の可能性から遠ざけていると、Xu氏は信じている。
Xu is convinced that China’s education system lacks behind more Western countries such as America. That is why his former company, New Oriental is built upon sending Chinese overseas to study and broaden their perspective and almost discover themselves. However as China’s economy booms, this trend of going overseas is starting to slow. At the end of the talk, I asked Xu Xiaoping, “How long will it take until China has to keep sending students overseas to become really creative and innovative?” He replied “At least 20 years”.
Xu氏は、中国の教育システムは、アメリカのような西側諸国よりもかなり、遅れ、欠いていると確信している。それ故に、彼の元会社、New Orientalは、中国人を海外で勉強させ、視野を広げ、自分自身の発見させると言う状況の上に成り立っている。しかしながら、中国の経済は急成長し、海外に行くというトレンドは減速している。話の終わりに、私はXu Xianopin氏に聞いた「中国が、本当に創造的で革新的な国になる為に、今後、どれくらいの年月、中国は留学生を海外におくり続けないといけないとお考えですか?」彼は答えた。「少なくても20年。」
What does this mean? For example, Steve Jobs was more artist than engineer. He believed his products needed a personality and evoke emotions in people. Xu said this way of thinking and intuition is largely missing from China and is a fundamental reason why China will not have a Steve Jobs in this generation. Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi Tech, is known to be China’s closest contender for China’s Steve Jobs but even his friend, Xu believes that he is not the right guy. He explained that Lei Jun is an engineer at heart but not an artist. Now Xiaomi is looking for a CEO who can execute like an artist but Xu believes that could be difficult, finding that person in China.
どういうことだろう?例えば、スティーブ・ジョブ氏は、エンジニアと言うよりも芸術家であった。彼は、商品には個性と、人の感情を奮い立たせる何かが必要だと信じていた。このような思考と直感が中国には大きく欠けていて、この時代の中国がスティーブ・ジョブ氏を持たない根本的な要因だと、Xu氏は言う。Xiaomiテックの創設者で、中国で一番スティーブ・ジョブ氏に近い人だと知らせているLei Jun氏でさえ、友人のXu氏は、それではないと信じている。彼は言う、Lei Jun氏は、真のエンジニアであるが、芸術家ではないと。現在、Xiaomiは、芸術家のように業務を遂行できるCEOを探しているが、その様な逸材を見つけることは、中国国内では難しいであろうと、Xu氏は信じている。
This partly explains why there is so much cloning in China. Many Chinese start-ups are not really founded by designers and artists but engineers who often don’t have the creative minds to think of new ideas or designs. For now, cloning works because it speeds up the process of time to market but even Chinese are starting to criticize such blatant copying. The latest is called DianDi, an exact clone of popular mobile journal, Path. Perhaps if people revolt against copying more and more, the copiers’ will start to change their strategy.
However in China, many big companies like Baidu, Sina, Tencent prefer and can afford to simply hire a big team to crank out the product rather than buy a start-up out. Often, if they see a Chinese start-up working on something with big potential, they will just copy them, pump the product with their huge amounts of existing users and eventually crush the original start-up product. Such a threat from big gorilla companies discourages people from innovating and trying their luck.
しかしながら、中国では、Baidu, Sina, tencentなどの大企業が、新興企業を買い取るよりも、製品を作り出す為の大きなチームを雇うことを選ぶ。彼らは、中国新興企業が、何か可能性のある製品に取り掛かっていると知ると、コピー製品を作り出し、すでに存在する、大きな数のユーザーに大量に供給し、最終的には、オリジナルの新興企業商品をつぶしてしまうのだ。そんな、大きなゴリラ企業の脅威は、人々を革新や、運試しから遠ざけてします。
こんにちは。あなたの、ebayショップから「 GAERNE 」を去年から合わせて6足購入しました。あなたのショップは、価格が安く、対応が丁寧なので、とても気に入っています。今後も少しずつ買い足そうと思っているので、日本からペイパルかクレジットカードで直接購入できませんか?その時、価格を少しお安くして頂けないでしょうか?欲しいサイズはEU42です。 よろしくお願いします。
Hello,I have purchased 6 pairs of "GAERNE" at your ebay shop since last year.Because of your reasonable prices and courteous response, I love your shop!!I'd like to purchase some more from your shop, so I wonder if I can pay with Paypal or credit cards in Japan.I also wonder if you can give me any discount.What I'm looking for is size EU42.Thank you.
I prefer to pay with Paypal because I'm concerned to transfer to the bank account.When do you think you can recover your Paypal account?I wonder if you have another one.
Yes, I’d like to purchase 10 units of those products from you. Is it possible? I am importing and trading in Japan, and those products are very popular over here. I'd like to continue in good relationship with you from now on. If you have any Japanese products you want to import and trade, let me know. I can work with you. Thank you.
For sale are two Hallmark ornaments from 2010 in the Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back series. Both ornaments, boxes and price tags are in mint condition. Included from 2010 is the Magic ornament His Master's Bidding. Press the button to see the Emperor illuminate and hear exciting dialogue from the scene. Batteries are included in original, sealed wrapper. This ornament has never been used or displayed. Also included from 2010 is the Magic ornament the Rebel Snowspeeder. Batteries are included in original, sealed wrapper. This ornament has never been used or displayed. Combined weight is 9 ounces. I will combine shipping on multiple purchases of my items. Please email me with questions or concerns.
販売対象は、2010年のスターウォーズ”Empire Strikes Back"シリーズの、ホールマークの装飾品2点です。二つとも、ボックスと値札つきで、新品同様の状態です。His Master's Biddingのマジック装飾品は、ボタンを押すと、Emperorの映像と共に、映画のシーンの台詞を聞くことが出来ます。未開封で、オリジナルの電池込み、未使用です。Rebel Snowspeederのマジック装飾品も、未開封、オリジナルの電池込み、未使用です。総重量は9オンスになります。私は、複数の購入アイテムは、まとめて出荷します。質問や心配がございましたら、電子メールしてください。
I checked your internet shopping site.I'd like to purchase the following items and pay with Paypal.Please let me know the total amount including shipping.I kept getting errors trying to placing an order right before the settlement.I wonder if you can help me somehow.Thank you very much the other day.Your quick response helped me tremendously.Thank you again next time.
How are you doing?We recently got couple orders from you on Ebay, but Ebay charge us lots of sold fee, so we cancel the order for 60pcs, if you still want more sensor from us, please let me know QTY, i will send you invoice directly.We own you 80pcs sensor for longer leight will be ready soon, hope can do more business with you, thanks.
Mr. ○○,I paid $1,350 to'll be very happy if you can ship them ASAP.The shipping address is as follows:Thank you for your courteous response.
I have had other customer place orders today and now only have 5 available.Do you want the 5 for now? I can have 10 available for you in about 7 days if you want me to do that also.If you want the 5 I can give them to you for $1350 this time since you want more and I just don't have them, so you can send $1,350 to this email address I would normally send an invoice but the Paypal website is giving me an error on invoices currently.Also if you buy the 5 units please tell me your shipping address by writing the correct information next to each line (optional): address line 1:address line 2 (optional):city: province: postal code: phone number:
Due to Restrictions by Scubapro we can t accept and fulfill thisorder at this time. Please call us at 212.645.1234 and we can discussalternatives at great discounts.Just for the record, we believe that this is not a good policy and itsdesigned to protect local high prices on gearWe are sorry for the inconvenience
Please know at this time, only sellers with a US, UK, French, German or Austrian bank account are eligible to receive funds through Marketplace Payments by Amazon for sales on the website. Since Marketplace Payments by Amazon is required in order to sell on, we realize that this may hinder your ability to sell on our site.I would encourage you to explore the options available to you in order to establish this requirement. We do have international sellers who have established US checking accounts, or bank accounts in other countries supported by the Amazon Currency Converter™ for Sellers, enabling them to receive payment for selling on
今の時点では、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、またはオーストリアの銀行口座を持つ売り手だけが、Amazon.comのウェブサイト上での販売に対する売上金を、アマゾンによるMarketplace Paymentsを通して受け取ることが出来ます。Amazon.com上で販売を行う為には、Marketplace Paymentsが必要不可欠な為、私どものサイト上で、あなたが販売をする上での妨げになることでしょう。この必要条件を満たす為に、他の方法を探索することをお勧めします。私どもは、米国銀行口座、売り手の為にAmazon Currency Converter™にサポートされている他国の銀行口座などを持ち、Amazon.comでの売上金を受け取る権限を持つ国際的な売り手もいます。
To register for selling on, you may use a US or internationally chargeable credit card with a valid billing address and phone number from one of the countries accepted by Amazon. A list of accepted seller registration countries is available at the following URL:Please note that the Amazon Currency Converter for Sellers is currently only available to sellers with a US, UK, French, German or Austrian bank account. International sellers with bank accounts in other countries, including sellers with a Canadian or Japanese bank account, cannot use this feature. For more information, please see the following Help page:
Amazon.comでの販売登録をする為には、アマゾンによって受け入れられている国の一つから通用する請求先住所と電話番号を持つ、アメリカ、もしくは国際的に使用可能のクレジットカードが必要です。アマゾンによって、認められている販売登録国のリストは、以下のURLからアクセスしてください:販売の為のAmazon Currency Converterは、今の時点では、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、または、オーストリアの銀行口座のみに有効であることをご了承ください。カナダや日本を含む、他国の銀行口座を持つ交際的売り手は、この機能をご利用できません。詳細につきましては、以下のホームページをご覧ください:
b) if you are a small company, always invest in niche markets because with an unknown brand it is almost impossible to compete against big brands with big budgets. Today, I see many Japanese developers trying to develop applications for business even though they don’t have business connections. What is worse, many Japanese developers are trying to develop applications for the global audience but the rule of marketing is in order to be successful globally you first have to be successful in your home turf.So what should startups in Japan do then? In my opinion
1. Instead of developing new apps with unique ideas, they should take successful apps and platforms and localize them in Japan. Rocket Internet has been doing this successfully. Why Japan shouldn’t have a Rocket Internet? 2.They should learn how to make decisions fast and act fast. (E.g. one person would be in charge of making emergency decisions and when issues are labeled as “emergency” or “semi-emergency” that person makes all those decisions by himself/herself)3.Japanese can successfully work in large groups while this might be tough for Westerners (as we are more ego oriented). Japanese startups should try to merge and collaborate.
4.They should learn how to save money and outsource. For instance, instead of spending 30 man for patenting an idea or 10 man for renting an office, they can spend 40 man on programming. They can outsource basic programming to “professional coders” who will work for them for 800 yen an hour through or https://www.odesk.com5. They should learn that selling something is more important/difficult than making something. Before writing a code or developing an app they should do market research and see if their friends, parents, relatives would be interested in that product.
4.節約の仕方、外部委託の方法を学ぶべきです。例えば、特許のアイデアの為に30人、オフィスを借りる為に10人を費やす代わりに、プログラミングに40名を使うのです。基本プログラミングの為に、自給800円で働いてくれる”プログラムの専門家”を や、 https://www.odesk.comなどを利用して、外注委託できるのです。5.製造するよりも、販売すること重要さ、難しさを学ぶべきです。コードを書いたり、アプリケーションを開発する以前に、市場調査をし、友人、親、親戚などがその商品に興味を示してくれるかどうかを知るべきです。
6. They should focus on the advantages of being in Japan: high smart phone penetration rate, access to AR and QR technologies, established electronics industry and established animation industry. It is better to focus on Japan’s strengths and develop AR, QR, NFC and animation related apps. It is so sad that even though Japan was the leading company in NFC technologies, today most of the NFC apps come from overseas. One particular area of opportunity might be “application + mechanical device” type of new products like this