To perform sales promotion, ABC company will supply the items and the according quantity to GU company as follows.
The arrival of product seems to be too late.Where is the product right now?Has it been dispatched?
I will send the photo of the delivered product.Please double click the Attachment of the mail (the third row from the top).The product arrived the delivery center of California looks like a horse.Please replace the replace the wrong product with a right one as soon as possible.Because you sent the wrong product and I have informed the staff of the delivery center of California to send back the product, please pay me the cost by PayPal.
リラックスして自信に満ちていれば、自然と良い結果が生まれるものなんだよ- Robert De Niro
If you relax and have enough confidence, it will lead to a good result naturally.
いちばん幸福な生き方は、自分がいま生きているって感じながら生きること。- Gwyneth Paltrow
The happiest life style is that you live with a feeling that you are alive. -Gwyneth Paltrow
「運命のひと」は世界のどこかに必ず存在する。出会えるかどうかは自分次第。- Oprah Winfrey
There must be a "Mr. Right" somewhere in the world. Whether you can find him depends on yourself. - Oprah Winfrey