2013年自身初の 5大ドームツアー、さらに海外アーティスト初の 単独日産スタジアム公演を開催。また、2012年「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2012 ~TONE~」、2013年「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2013 ~TIME~」、「東方神起 LIVE TOUR 2014 ~TREE~」の3年間で海外アーティストとしては史上最多、最速の200万人を動員。
In 2013, they had their first 5-dome tour, and then concerts in Nissan Stadium which were the first time held by one musician or a group from overseas. The tours "Tone: Live Tour 2012", "Time: Live Tour 2013", and "Tree: Live Tour 2014" had audience of two million people total in three years, which has been the fastest achievement as oversea artists.