I've consulted with the engineer who maintained this motor.Before shipping, I've checked the motor too.And, it wasn't such condition before ship from Japan.Since I've shipped it with maintained all,so it can't be damaged such in a short time.There is an possibility of mechanical trouble too. Did you do something with the motor after it reached to Thailand?To repair it, there are only 2 ways.Ship it back to Japan and we maintain.Or, search used part and repair by yourself again, because there's no manufacturer's genuine replacement parts.I am sorry that I was unable to be of any assistance.
If you posted on message board, you'll accept e-mails from several host families. Even if you accepted e-mail from a host family who you didn't interested in, send an email which telling you accepted the email at least. Try to contact as far as possible, please.
●大学入試センター担当者様日本在住の高校3年生の●と申します。留学生の入学資格についてお伺いしたいことがありメールさせていただきました。まず前提として、私は建築に関する学科を志望しています。その上で質問させていただきます。・日本でセンター試験を受ける場合、何の教科を受験する必要がありますか。・受ける教科の数の指定はありますか。・日本の大学の合格証明書は有効期限などがありますか。大変ご多忙とは存じ上げますが、ご返答のほどよろしくお願いします。●高校 ●(自分の名前)連絡先 ●
Sehr geerte Damen und Herren,Ich heiße ●. Zurzeit bin ich Oberschüler dritten Jahr. Ich möchte über College-Zulassung fragen.Ich möchte Architektur Kurs in der Universität nehmen. In diesem Fall, 1.Welche Fächer sollte ich den Test für zentrale Aufnahmeprüfung für staatliche Universitäten?2.Wie viele Tests soll ich nehmen?3.Gibt es Gültigkeitsdauer der japanischen Universität Prüfzertifikat? Es tut mir sehr Leid, Sie stören zu müssen, aber Ich würde mich über eine Antwort freuen.●Oberschuhle, ●(自分の名前)Kontaktadresse ●
I want child. I want to play with my child. I want to follow the development of child. My child will move a limb as grows up, and struggle to turn over in bed. But he/she can't roll over still. Bit by bit he/she grows on strong, and hold up his/her head when he/she can turn over finally. Next step is struggle to stand firm because the power of foot will get more stronger. Since the power of arms are still weak, he/she can't move forward. In process of time, he/she will have power of arms and can start to crawl. He/She will crawl to forward and backward.