ミズキ:「会食って、ただ食事するだけだよな。それが仕事なのか?」ナツメ:「そういう場所に行って他国のご機嫌を取るのも王族の仕事だ、って、前に王子が言ってたよ」 ナツメが王子の真似をしながら言う。 口調がやたら似ていて、ミズキは思わず笑ってしまった。ミズキ:「………ヒイラギさんに何かしてあげたいなぁ。さっき失礼なこと言っちゃったし、平気とは言ってたけどやっぱり寂しそうだし………時間があるとき相手をしてほしいって言われても、何をすればいいのか………」
Mizuki: 'They're just dining together right? Is that their job?'Natsume: 'The price was saying earlier that it is their duty to go to places like that and pay their respects to other countries.'Natsume enacted the prince as he said this.His tone of voice sounded just like him, and Mizuki couldn't help but let out a laugh.Mizuki: '... I want to do something for Hiiragi. I said something rude to him earlier, and I know he said he's fine but I still feel like he's lonely... He told me to come keep him company when I have time, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do...'
ネム:「あー、だからメイド長が複雑な顔をしてたわけか。俺、今ならメイド長に全力同意できるわ」ミズキ:「どーいう意味だよっ!」ネム:「顔がにやけてる」 ハッとして顔に手をやる。 ネムが「自覚なしかよ」と肩を竦めた。ナツメ:「仕事が終わったらピアノ部屋に行こうと思って」ネム:「ピアノ部屋って、あの暗い部屋か?」ミズキ:「暗い? 王子の部屋なのに?」
Nemu: 'Ah, that's why the head maid had a complicated face on. I can completely agree with her now.'Mizuki: 'What the hell does that mean!'Nemu: 'Your're smirking.'Mizuki quickly put his hand on his face.Nemu shrugged at his unawareness.Natsumi: 'I was thinking of going to the piano room once I was done with work.'Nemu: 'Piano room? You mean that dark room?'Mizuki: 'Dark? But isn't it the prince's room?'
ネム:「王子の部屋っつっても、子供のころに使ってた部屋だぞ。今は誰も使ってないから年末の大掃除にしか掃除しないし」ミズキ:「………ナツメ」ナツメ:「………まぁどうにかなるって!」 部屋は薄暗く、一年に数度しか掃除しないこともあって空気が埃っぽい。 口を押さえながら部屋に入って窓を開くと、冬の冷たい空気が美味しく感じた。 ナツメがピアノの蓋を開けて、中を確かめる。 椅子は埃だらけで、ナツメも座ろうとはしなかった。
Nemu: 'Yeah, but he used it when he was a kid. Nobody uses it now, so we only clean it once at the end of the year.'Mizuki: '... Natusme.'Natsume: 'It's okay!'The room was dimly lit, and the air was dusty because they only cleaned the room a few times a year.They held their mouths and made their way through the room to open the window. The cold winter air tasted good.Natsume lifted the piano lid, and checked the inside.The seat was covered with dust so Natsume didn't bother sitting down.
翌日ミズキが目を覚ますと、何とも言えない気だるさが身体に重く圧しかかっていた。ミズキ:「………痛ッ!」 起き上がろうとすると腰に鈍痛が走り、また頭も一瞬気持ちの悪い浮遊感に見舞われる。 腰の痛みのことは兄弟が苦しんでいたので知っていたが、脳にまで影響がくるとは聞いていない。 やっとのことで起き上がって食堂に行くと、既に朝食が用意されていた。フウ:「ミズキくん………なんか変な感じ」ミズキ:「な、何が?! 出会いがしらにいきなりそんなこと………」
When Mizuki awoke the next morning, he felt an indescribable oppression on his body.Mizuki: '...Ow!'A dull pain shot through his waist when he tried to get up, and his head was hit by a sense of floating.He knew about the pain in his waist from his brothers, but they hadn't mentioned anything about it coming to his brain.After he finally got up and made way to the cafeteria, breakfast had already been prepared.Fu: 'Mizuki... You seem... Weird.'Mizuki: 'W-what!? What kind of greeting is that?'
ナツメなんて笑顔だ。 昨日のザクロとの行為で疲れてしまったのか、胃に拒絶されている気がする。 無理にでもシリアルだけを食べて、トーストはネムに譲った。ネム:「やっぱお前、調子悪いんじゃねーの? 昨日も食べてなかったろ」フウ:「無理は良くないよ?」 大丈夫だって ちょっとヤバいかも………ミズキ:「大丈夫だって。そういえば、今日の仕事は?」
Natsume even has a smile on his face.Maybe it was his conduct with Zakuro yesterday, but his stomach seems to be rejecting the food.He forced the cereal down, and gave Nemu his toast.Nemu: 'Are you sure you're all right? You didn't eat yesterday either.'Fu: 'You shouldn't push yourself too hard.'I'm fine.... Maybe not.Mizuki: 'I'm fine – what's on our schedule today?'
ナツメ:「まずフウと掃除だよ。一応この前と同じヒイラギさんの部屋、王子の執務室、中庭をお願い。その後は下男全員で明日の王様とお妃様の結婚三十周年記念パーティの準備だよ」ミズキ:「りょうかーい」 ミズキは笑ってみせる。 だが、誰も笑い返してはくれなかった。それどころか心配そうな色を強めて、ミズキを見ていた。 それらを無視して、ミズキは部屋に着替えに戻る。
Natsume: 'First, you're cleaning up with Fu – Hiiragi's room like last time, the prince's office, and the courtyard. After that we're all preparing for the king and queen's 30-year anniversary party for tomorrow.'Mizuki: 'Got it.'Mizuki forced a smile, but nobody smiled back. They stared at him with increasing worry in their faces.Mizuki ignored them, and went back to his room to change.
まずはザクロの執務室へ向かった。 途中でフウに「無理しないでいいから」と掃除道具を奪われてしまったため、ミズキはバケツを一つ持っているだけ。 おかげで楽なのだが、申し訳なかった。 フウと肩車をすれば、あの大きな窓も脚立を使わずに手入れできた。ザクロ:「今日はフウとミズキがきたのか」フウ:「ええ、まぁ、色々あって」 フウが乾いた笑いを漏らしながらザクロに返答する。
First, he made way to Zakuro's office.On his way, Fu told him not to push himself, and took his cleaning gear, so he only had a bucket.He was thankful for this, but felt bad.If Fu piggybacked on him, he wouldn't have to use that ladder to clean that big window.Zakuro: 'Fu and Mizuki are here today, huh?'Fu: 'Yeah, it's a long story.'Fu answered Zakuro with a dry smile.
ザクロが少し離れてから訊ねると、フウは「メイド長の機嫌がよかったからナツメくんが回されなかっただけだよ」とため息を漏らした。フウ:「王族の執務室は、本来なら信頼できるメイドじゃないと入れないんだけどね。メイド長がすぐ辞めさせるもんだから人手不足なんだよ」ミズキ:「じゃあ、王族の私室は誰が掃除してるんだ?」フウ:「メイド長さ。メイド長って立場は信頼もないと就けないんだよ」 王族から見たら、マユミは誠実で仕事熱心なのだろう。
Mizuki asked about it after Zakuro left, and Fu sighed, 'The head maid was in a good mood today so she didn't make Natsume come around, that's all.'Fu: 'Originally, only the trusted maid were allowed to clean the royal offices, but the head maid keeps driving them away so there's nobody left.'Mizuki: 'Then who cleans their private rooms?'Fu: 'The head maid. And you have to gain a lot of trust to become the head maid.'Form the royalties' point of view, Mayumi must look honest and hard-working.
そんな上っ面だけを見て選ばないでほしいと心の奥底で毒吐く。フウ:「上辺だけを見て決めてるようじゃ、人事の人の目も随分衰えてるんだね。お年過ぎて盲(めし)いちゃったのかな?」 どうやらフウも同じようなことを考えていたらしい。 フウの口をついて出た言葉は到底ミズキのそれより厳しいものだったが。 ザクロの部屋の掃除を終わらせて廊下に出ると、フウがナツメに呼ばれてどこかへ行ってしまった。
He sickeningly wished they wouldn't judge people on such shallow surface like that.Fu: 'When they judge people on the surface like that, their eyes to see people's character start to degrade. Maybe age got to them and they're growing blind.'I guess Fu was thinking the same thing.Although his words were must more harsh than what Mizuki was thinking.After they cleaned up Zakuro's room and walked out to the hallway, Natsume called for Fu and he went away.
掃除道具を後片付けしていると、執務室を出てきたザクロがこっそりと耳打ちする。ザクロ:「お前………大丈夫か? 顔色があまり良くないぞ」ミズキ:「初日あたりからみんなに言われるよ。元々悪いんじゃない?」ザクロ:「少なくとも、ここに連れてきたときの餓死寸前のお前のほうがまだマシだったな」ミズキ:「大丈夫だって。それより俺は腰が痛いんだけど」ザクロ:「あー………それは………」 ザクロが目を逸らす。
When he was gathering his cleaning tools, Zakuro peeked out of his office and whispered to him.Zakuro: 'Hey, are you all right? You don't look too well.'Mizuki: 'People have been telling me that since the first day. Maybe that's just how I look?'Zakuro: 'In any case, you looked better when you were near the edge of starving to death when you first got here.'Mizuki: 'I'm fine... Anyway, what really hurts is my waist.'Zakuro: 'Ah... That...'Zakuro averted his eyes.
朝ミズキ:「………ねむ………………」 昨日は災難だった。 「メイド長に増やされた」と言うと責任転嫁になってしまうが、こぼれた卵の後始末が意外と厄介だったのだ。 睡眠時間は五時間ほど。普段なら十分だったかもしれない。 だが、徹夜した翌日にそんな中途半端な睡眠をとってしまうと少し辛いものがある。ネム:「ミズキ、お前すげー顔色悪いぞ」フウ:「働き始めたばかりでメイド長に目をつけられるなんて、災難だね………」ハギ:「最短は一日だっけ。メイドの女の子がよ」
MorningMizuki: '... I'm so sleepy...'Yesterday was a disaster.He would be shirking if he blamed it on the head maid, but cleaning up after the spilled eggs was quite troublesome.He had slept for 5 hours, which would usually be enough, but not after pulling an all-nighter the day before.Nemu: 'Mizuki, you look absolutely terrible.'Fu: 'I can't believe you got on the head maid's bad side already... That's awful.'Baki: 'Was the shortest-lived one day? That girl maid.'
ネム:「そうそう。次の日に辞めたよな。下働きが忙しいのはメイド長がバンバン辞めさせるからだってのに………メイド長がいなけりゃ俺たちもこんな忙しくないっての」 さすがに一日二日で辞めようとは思わないが、あのメイド長のことだ。 ミズキより酷な内容で苛められたのなら、普通の女の子なら耐えられないのかもしれない。フウ:「美人でお喋り上手だったから、入った日に王様や国賓に気に入られたんだよね」ハギ:「それが気に入らなかったんだろーな」
Nemu: 'Yup, she quit the next day. The reason us footmen are so busy is because the head maid keeps driving employees out, geez. If only she weren't there, we wouldn't be half as busy as we are now.'Mizuki wasn't planning on quitting in one or two days, but given that head maid, if any ordinary girl were given any more work than him they would probably not last very long.Fu: 'She was beautiful and well-spoken, so the king and state guest liked her the day she came in.'Baki: 'That's probably what the head maid didn't like about her.'
ネム:「お喋り上手ならメイド長だって負けねぇだろうけど、若さには勝てねぇもんな」ハギ:「それを自覚してさっさと引退してくれりゃ、俺らの仕事も楽になるってのに………下男が王宮の掃除をするなんて、どう考えてもおかしいだろ。俺たちはメイドじゃねぇっつーの」 そんな話題を聞きながら、ミズキは朝食もそこそこに外へ出た。 下働きが起きる時間に王族や大臣が起きているわけがない。 眠気覚ましに中庭を散歩しよう。ミズキ:「わっ!」
Nemu: 'If she were just well-spoken, the head maid wouldn't lose, but you can't beat youth.'Baki: 'If only she realized that and retired already, our jobs would be so much easier... Footmen are not supposed to be cleaning up the royal palace damnit, we're not maids.'Mizuki listened to them talk as he ate breakfast, and then after a while stepped outside.There is no chance the royalty or ministers would be up when the footmen are.He walked around the courtyard to wake himself up.Mizuki: 'Woah!'
誰かが後ろからぶつかってきた。 咄嗟に踏み止まると、どうやら子供とぶつかってしまったようだ。少年:「ごめんなさーい!」 少年は謝罪しながらも笑っていて、中庭のほうへ駆けていく。 メイドの子供だろうか。こんな朝早くから走り回るなんて、その元気さが羨ましい。 つい年寄りみたいなことを思ってしまった。少年:「わぁっ!!」 再度、少年の悲鳴。またぶつかったのだろうか。 今度は本格的に転んだようで、泣き声まで聞こえてきた。
Somebody had run into him from behind.He instantaneously stopped walking – it seems a child's run into him.Boy: 'Soooorry!'He laughed as he apologized, and ran off to the courtyard.Was he a maid's child? It is almost envious how energetic he is, running around so early in the morning like that.Mizuki was thinking like an old person.Boy: 'Woaaah!!'Again, the boy's scream. Had he run into something again?It seemed he had tripped this time, and even sobs can be heard.
追いかけると、案の定、中庭で少年が転んで泣いていた。 だが、ミズキが目を見張ったのは、少年の前に立っているのが誰でもないザクロだったことだ。ザクロ:「………………」 ザクロは困った顔をして、芝生に座り込む少年を見下ろしている。 さっさと起こしてやればいいのにと半ば苛立ちを覚えながら、ミズキは少年に駆け寄った。ミズキ:「大丈夫か?」少年:「う、ぅ………」 少年は怪我の痛みよりも『王子様』の存在に怯えているようだった。
When he caught up with him, just as he'd expected, the boy had tripped in the courtyard and was crying.However, Mizuki widened his eyes when he saw a man standing in front of the boy, and he was nobody other than Zakuro himself.Zakuro: '...'Zakuro had a troubled look on his face, and looked down at the boy sitting on the lawn.Feeling a little annoyed that he hadn't helped the boy up already, Mizuki ran up to him.Mizuki: 'Are you all right?'Boy: 'Uu, uu...'The boy seemed scared of the presence of the 'prince' more so than the pain.
ミズキは一緒に暮らしていた弟にそうしたように、少年を抱きしめる。 少年の目線からザクロを外すためでもあったが、こうすると大抵の子供は安心して泣き止むのだ。ミズキ:「泣くな泣くな。男の子だろ?」少年:「な、泣いてなんかないよ!」ミズキ:「どーだか。まぁいいや。次は気をつけろよ」 放してやると、少年はまた笑ってどこかへ駆けていった。 どうかメイド長にはぶつかりませんようにと、思わず心の底から願ってしまった。
As he had always done with his younger brother, he hugged the boy.He did this so that he would not have to look at Zakuro, but also because most kids stop crying when you do this.Mizuki: 'Don't cry, don't cry. Big boys don't cry.'Boy: 'I – I'm not crying!'Mizuki: 'Whatever you say. Be careful next time, okay?'When he let go of him, the boy ran off with a grin on his face once more.Mizuki prayed from the bottom of his heart the boy wouldn't run into the head maid.
ザクロ:「………すまない」ミズキ:「そればっかだな。俺よりずっと年下の子供にそれが言えないわけ?」ザクロ:「………子供は苦手だ。話したこともない」ミズキ:「そういや、アンタと弟王子って年子だっけ」ザクロ:「ああ。第一王子として私が生まれたからといっても、何が起こるかわかったものじゃないからな」 そう言ってザクロは噴水の縁に腰を下ろした。 ミズキも少し間隔を開けて、その隣に座る。ミズキ:「子供を物扱いするなよ」
Zakuro: '... Sorry.'Mizuki: 'You're always saying that. You couldn't say that to a child much younger than me?'Zakuro: '... I'm bad with children. I've never talked to them.'Mizuki: 'Oh yeah, were you and your brother prince Irish twins?'Zakuro: 'Yes, but just because I was born as the first prince doesn't mean I know what's going to happen.'As he said this, Zakuro sat down on the edge of the fountain.Mizuki too left some space and sat down next to him.Mizuki: 'Don't treat children like things.'
Zakuro: 'That's what us royalties do though, isn't it? I'm in the process of a political marriage myself. No many how old I get, I will always be a child to my mother and father.'Zakuro: 'The name "Zakuro" is just for convenience too; the status of "prince" is like a brand.'Mizuki: '... Don't say negative things like that. The queen was happy in the least when she gave birth to you, right?'Zakuro: 'I don't know. I haven't had a real conversation with her these past few years.'
ミズキ:「………アンタ、本当は寂しがりなんだな」ザクロ:「昨日『アンタ』はやめろと言ったはずだが」ミズキ:「名前で呼んでくれる友達がほしいってわけね」ザクロ:「………………」 黙るザクロ。 適当に言ったのだが、どうやら図星だったらしい。 難しい顔をして芝生を睨むザクロにかける言葉が見つからず、ミズキも黙ってしまった。 当人たちが気まずいだけではなく、他人から見ても異様な光景であるだろう。 それが王子と下男なんて関係であれば、なおさらだった。
Mizuki: '... You're really lonely, aren't you?'Zakuro: 'I told you yesterday to stop referring to me as "you."'Mizuki: 'So you want a friend who'd call you by your name.'Zakuro: '...'Zakuro fell silent.Mizuki was just guessing, but it seems he was right on.He couldn't find the words to say to Zakuro staring intently at the grass, so Mizuki fell silent too.Not only was this uncomfortable for them, but anybody watching would think odd of this situation.This is even more so when knowing it is between a prince and a footman.
ザクロ:「………顔色が、あまり良くないようだが」 同じことを考えていたのか、ザクロが無理やり話を切り出す。 先ほどとまるで関係ない話題ではあったが、ミズキは有難いと思って「そう?」と返した。ミズキ:「最近あんまり寝てないからさ。今朝、ネムにも言われたよ」ザクロ:「下男の朝が早いのは初日でわかっただろう。夜更かしをしてどうする」ミズキ:「色々あって、ちょっと大変だったから。昨日はフウが大変だったし」
Zakuro: '... You don't look too well.'Zakuro must have been thinking the same thing, he started making some small talk.It had nothing to do with what they had been talking about earlier, but Mizuki was grateful for this and replied, 'Oh yeah?'Mizuki: 'I haven't been sleeping very much. Nemu just said the same thing to me earlier this morning.'Zakuro: 'You knew footmen start early from your first day, why are you staying up late?'Mizuki: 'There were a lot of things going on, Fu was in a pickle yesterday.'