ご丁寧にご返信を頂きありがとうございます。お茶は問題なく送れるようですね。本日配送状況を追跡できるeパケットライトで発送しました。やはり追跡情報があるとお客様も安心だと思いますので… SAL便扱いとなるため、お届けまで2週間前後かかるかもしれませんがご了承願います。(※オーストラリアは何故か書留便の追跡情報が反映されない国なのです。EMS便を除く) 当店はお客様に荷物を無事にお届けするまで責任を持って対応しますのでご安心下さい。今後ともご愛顧のほど、よろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you for your kind reply.It seems that we can send tea without any problems.Today, I have shipped by "e-packet light" that you can track the shipping status. I think that shipping with tracking information is assuring to you. Please note that it may take around 2 weeks for delivery by SAL (economy air freight). Tracking information of registered mail is not reflected in Australia except for EMS mail.Please feel assured that our shop takes responsibility for delivering your products safely. We look forward to your continuous patronage.
Before and after this class, we conducted pre-post questionnaires to investigate changes in consciousness. As a result, we found that the students changed their mind as follows: "it was easy to understand the rules", "I liked group work", "I enjoyed this game", "I could not learn about presentation", "I could not learn how to cooperate with everyone", "One minute was too short for the Appeal time", " I did not know the word "competition"" and " One minute was too short for dissing than I expected".
Educational practice using design competition game-Educational practice and questionnaire survey in media design theory-In this paper, I report regarding the classes that took games in the media design theory. The outline of the game is to give different design ideas to each group and make them compete in the design competition game. We divided 1 group into 3 to 4 players and divided them into 16 groups in total. Preliminary matches tooks place with 4 groups each, and played the final games with the 1st place teams. Teams lost in the the preliminaries joined and voted as a spectator in the finals.
How come you cannot apply to all orders?I would like to specify the order to apply because I cannot grasp if it is applied at your discretion.If possible, please apply to all the orders.You do not need to attach an invoice for those handled as gifts.However, for those not handled as gift, please attach invoices on the packages as usual.