oushiu (oushiu) 翻訳実績

5.0 10 件のレビュー
10年以上前 女性
中国語(簡体字) (ネイティブ) 日本語 中国語(繁体字) 英語
旅行・観光 ビジネス 出版・プレスリリース 食べ物・レシピ・メニュー Webサイト 商品説明 法務 マニュアル IT
30 時間 / 週
oushiu 日本語 → 英語



If the First Party is not able to deliver the goods in question within 14 days, the First Party may cancel the basic order or charge the Second Party a discount to be determined upon separate consultation between the First Party and the Second Party. The first sentence cannot be deleted because it adds a clause excluding domestic procurement. (2) From the viewpoint of general consumer protection, if any claim, complaint, etc. arises with respect to the Goods, the SUPPLIER shall respond to it in good faith upon consultation between the LICENSEE and the SUPPLIER. In addition, depending on the occurrence of claims, complaints, etc., the Company shall take necessary measures such as suspending the sale of the Goods. Since it is not possible to delete the text, what text should be changed?