おにぎり (onigiri) 翻訳実績

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Octavian intended to turn Perusia itself over to the soldiers for plunder, but Cestius,one of the citizens, who was somewhat out of his mind,who had fought in Macedonia and for that reason called himself the Macedonian, set fire to his house and plunged into the flames, and a strong wind fanned the conflagration and drove it over the whole of Perusia, which was entirely consumed, except the temple of Vulcan. Such was the end of Perusia, a city renowned for its antiquity and importance. It is said that it was one of the first twelve cities built by the Etruscans in Italy in the olden time. For this reason the worship of Juno prevailed there, as among the Etruscans generally. But thereafter those who shared among


OctavianはPerusia 自体を略奪に来た兵士に明け渡すつもりだった。しかし、そこに住む市民のCestiusは、理性を失なっていた。彼はまたMcedonia で戦ったことがあるため、(勇敢な)Macedoniaの市民と呼ばれていたが、自分の家に火をつけてその炎に飛び込んだ。その時、強風がその大きな炎に向かって吹き、そのため Perusia全体を火がつつんだ。すべてを焼きつくし、残ったのはVulcanの神殿だけだった。このようにして歴史ある重要都市の名で知られた Perusiaは終わりを告げた。Perusiaは遠い昔にイタリアのEtruscans が建設した12の都市の内の一つだと言われていた。そのためJuno の崇拝はそこで栄え、それはEtruscansの間で一般に知られていた。だが、その後、都市に残った人々は,

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themselves the remains of the city took Vulcan for their tutelary deity instead of Juno.On the following day Octavian made peace with all of them, but the soldiers did not desist from tumults against some of them until the latter were killed.These were the chief personal enemies of Octavian, namely, Cannutius, Gaius Flavius, Clodius Bithynicus, and others. Such was the conclusion of the siege of Lucius in Perusia,and thus came to an end a war which had promised to be long-continued and most grievous to Italy.For Asinius, Plancus, Ventidius, Crassus, Ateius, and the others of that party, who had forces not to be despised, numbering about thirteen legions of disciplined troops and upward of 6500 horse,considering


VulcanをJunoに代って守護神とした。数日後Octavian は彼ら全員と和平を築いたが、しかし兵士は彼等の何人かに対する反乱をつづけ、それはその人々が殺されるまでやめなかった。Octavianに対する反乱の首謀者は数人いた。Cannutiusと Gaius Flavius、 Clodius Bithynicus、そしてあと数人ほど存在した。 LuciusをPerusiaで包囲した結果、長びき、イタリアに重大な損害を与えると思われた戦いは終わり、Asinius, Plancus, Ventidius, Crassus, Ateius,と他の隊の人々は、軽蔑されようのない実力を有し、 訓練された軍隊を諸事するおよそ13の軍団と、最低でも 6500頭の馬、

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Lucius to have been the chief actor in the war, retired to the sea-coast by various routes, some to Brundusium, some to Ravenna, some to Tarentum, some to Murcus and Ahenobarbus, and still others to Antony. The friends of Octavian followed them, offering terms of peace, and, when they refused, harassing especially the infantry. From among them only two legions, belonging to Plancus, who were intercepted at Cameria, were persuaded by Agrippa to desert to him. Fulvia also fled with her children to Dicaearchia,and thence to Brundusium, with 3000 horse, who were sent with her by the generals as an escort. At Brundusium there were five war-ships which had been sent from Macedonia, and she embarked and put to sea.


(敵軍のAsinius, Plancus, Ventidius, Crassus, Ateiusや他のものは、こちらの軍に辱められないだけの軍備を持ち、訓練された軍団から構成される13の軍隊に、少なくとも6500頭の馬を所持していた。さらに)Luciusを筆頭に戦いを行っていたが、いまや数々のルートを使い海岸に退いた。あるものはBrundusium, またあるものは Ravenna, またあるものは Tarentumのところへと向かい, あるものは Murcus と Ahenobarbusのところへ向かった。 Antonyのところへ残ったものもいた。Octavianの友人Agrippaは彼らを追い、和平を結びたがった。そして彼らがそれを拒絶すると、特に歩兵に向かって攻撃をしかけた。彼らのうちただ二つの軍団だけが、Cameriaで邪魔をされたPlancusの方についたが、彼らはAgrippaから彼を見はなすように言われた。Fulviaもまた子供たちとDicaearchiaのところへいき、それから Brundusiumへと逃げた。彼は将軍から、護衛のために3000頭もの馬を送られ、彼女を預かった。 Brundusium にはMacedoniaから送られた五艘の軍艦があり、彼女はそれに乗船して海へ出た。

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Their enemy,although their shields and bodies were pierced and even their cries had failed,held their ground bravely.When the corpses of those who had been killed on the wall were stripped and thrown down among them,they could not bear the indignity,but turned away from the spectacle and stood for a moment undecided,like athletes taking a breathing-spell in the gymnastic games.Lucius had pity on them in this condition and sounded a retreat.Then the troops of Octavian joyfully clashed their arms as for a victory,whereupon those of Lucius were roused to anger and again seized their ladders (although they had no more towers),and carried them to the walls with desperation. Yet they did not do any harm to the enemy,



onigiri 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

TSCO Racing's #9 make's it debute in matte grey! Mark Weyhrich will be starting first off the line with the new TSCO G1 paint layout. Gary will sport the standard TSCO #98 Raptor in Red and White. TSCO logos have gone black for this year.

Mark, Gary and crew will be in San Felipe all week prerunning in their Stewart built, Raptor Prerunners.... and some buggy MW bought off a local on Friday night... Look out Sand Hill!

Today I have finished my TKI3. Tomorrow I wanted to make the incoming phase, but it rains here:(
When you make an oder video of the Baja X5R?

hi friend, are there a good silencer to stock exhaust baja? which is the better silencer: ddm carbon or jetprov3?thanks


TSCOレース用の#9がマットグレーになてデビューします!マーク・ウェイリッチ氏が最初に、新たな TSCO G1 の配色を考え、今年のTSCOのロゴはブラックなので、それに合わせてギャリ―が TSCO #98 ラプターを赤と白に塗りあげるでしょう。


注文したBaja X5Rの動画はいつ出来上がりそうですか?

どうも。排気Bajaをためておくいいサイレンサーはありますか?もっといいやつです。ddm カーボンか jetprov3みたいなの。ありがとうございます。

onigiri 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

1.What are you selling on eBay and what do you plan to sell?
2.Is this a personal collection or are you using a supplier?
3.Do you have the items in your possession or are you using a dropshipper? What is your supplier?
4.What is the average price for your items?
5.How many items per month do you plan on selling?
6. What shipping service do you use?
7.Is this your part-time or full-time job on ebay?Do you have anyone helping you with this account?
8.How are you accepting payment from your buyers?
9 Would you plan to sell other items on eBay in the near future?

Sorry for any inconvenience that has been caused and feel free to let us know if we could be of further assistance.


2.商品は個人的なコレクションですか? それともどこかから仕入れてきますか?
3.在庫を抱えていますか? それとも抱えずに仲介のような手続きで売っていますか? 仕入れはどこからでしょうか?
7.副業ですか本業ですか? 人を雇ったり手伝ったりしてもらったりしていますか?


onigiri 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

From the Manufacturer
What a great way for kids to play America's favorite word game! Kid-sized words and colorful pictures make it fun to match letter tiles to words on the grid. Players collect scoring chips for completing words. When all of the tiles have been placed on the board, the player with the most chips wins!
Product Description
Ages 5 & up. Classic board game provides children the opportunity to work on their spelling and reading skills while having fun. Flip over the gameboard for an advanced game where players create their own words--the game grows with the kids! Includes two-sided gameboard, 101 cardboard letter tiles, 44 scoring chips, and beginner and advanced rules. For 2-4 players.




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Barbatius, Antony's quaestor, who had had some difficulty with him and was returning home for that reason, said, in answer to inquiries, that Antony was displeased with those who were making war on Octavian to the prejudice of their common sway: whereupon some, who were not aware of the deception practised by Barbatius, changed sides from Lucius to Octavian. Lucius put himself in the way of Salvidienus, who was returning to Octavian with a large army from Gaul. Asinius and Ventidius, also Antony's generals, were following Salvidienus to prevent him from advancing. Agrippa, who was the closest friend of Octavian, fearing lest Salvidienus should be surrounded, seized Sutrium, a stronghold very useful to Lucius,


Barbatius, Antony の審問官は、彼自体困難を抱えており、そのために帰宅していた。彼は質問に答えて言った。Antonyは 支配への偏見のためにOctavianに争いを仕掛けている者に怒りを覚えている。彼らは Barbatiusによって欺かれているとも知らずにLuciusからOctavianに鞍替えし、Gaulから 大量の軍隊を率いてOctavianに寝返ったSalvidienusのところにLuciusも向かおうとしている。 AsiniusとVentidius 、そしてAntony側の将軍は進攻から身を守るためにSalvidienusに寝返ろうとしている。 Octavianの最も親しい友人のAgrippaはSalvidienusに囲まれてしわないようにと恐れ、Luciusにとって有用な拠点であるSutriumを占拠した。

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expecting that he would turn Lucius from Salvidienus and draw him upon himself, and that Salvidienus, who would then be in the rear of Lucius, would assist him (Agrippa). It all turned out as Agrippa had anticipated. So Lucius, having failed of his undertaking, marched to join Asinius and Ventidius. Salvidienus and Agrippa harassed him on both sides, watching especially for an opportunity to catch him in the defiles.When Lucius perceived their design he did not dare to come to an engagement with both of them closing in upon him; so he turned aside to Perusia, a strongly fortified city, and encamped near it, to wait there for Ventidius. Agrippa, Salvidienus, and Octavian advanced against him and against Perusia


Agrippaは Lucius の視線を Salvidienusからそらすことを期待してそのようにした。 彼の計画によれば、そうすればその背後にいる SalvidienusがAgrippa自身を助けてくれるだろうと思った。Agrippa が期待していることは実現した。そのためLuciusは彼の実行中の出来事を失敗し、AsiniusとVentidiusのところへと向かった。 Salvidienus と Agrippa はLuciusを双方から混乱させ、彼を捉える機会をうかがっていた。Lucius が彼らの計画を知った時、あえて約束の場所へと行かず、 Perusia側に寝返った。 Perusiaは頑強な要塞で固められた町だった。彼はその近くでキャンプをして、Ventidius. Agrippa,Salvidienusと Octavian が彼とPerusiaに攻勢を仕掛けてくるのをまった。

onigiri 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

and enclosed them with three armies and Octavian summoned reinforcements in haste from all directions, as against the vital point of the war, where he had Lucius surrounded. He sent others forward to hold in check the forces of Ventidius, who were approaching. The latter, however, hesitated on their own account to advance, as they altogether disapproved of the war and did not know what Antony thought about it, and on account of mutual rivalry were unwilling to yield to each other the military chieftainship. Lucius did not go out to battle with the forces surrounding him, because they were better and more numerous and well drilled, while his were for the most part new levies; nor did he resume his march.


そして3つの軍で包囲し、Octavianはすべての方面から増援を急いで 呼び寄せた。Lucius は囲まれ、戦いはもっとも重要な時にきていた。彼は戦場に向かう Ventidiusの軍を抑えるために他の軍を前線に送り込んだ。しかしVentidiusの軍は戦いに反対しており、そしてAntony が何を考えているのかわからなかったために、進攻することに戸惑いを覚えていた。見方の軍同士もライバル心があったために、互いに首長の座を与えたくなかったのだ。 Luciusは彼を取り囲んでいる軍との戦いをしなかった。なぜなら、彼らは強い上に数が多く、よく訓練されていたが、彼の兵はほとんど新しく徴兵された人々だったため、行軍を再開することができなかったためだ。

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Apple and Intel again mulling partnership to build A-series chips

Citing a person familiar with one of the tech giants, Reuters reported that executives have over the past year discussed a possible partnership in which Intel's foundries would be used to manufacture Apple-designed chips. A deal has not yet been reached, the source said.

This is not the first time rumors of an Apple-Intel partnership have cropped up. A report from May 2011 suggested that Intel showed interest in building Apple's A4 and A5 SoCs, though no action was taken and the idea was apparently shelved as the so-called Ultrabook initiative gained momentum.



ロイター通信は、面識のある有能な技術者の1人を引用しながら、インテルの製造工場がアップルの設計したチップの製造に協力する旨を去年一年をかけて協議していたと報道した。 しかし、両社の経営陣による協議は未だ合意を見ていない。
この二社間協力の噂が生じたのはこれが最初ではない。2011年5月から現在までの報道から予測できることは、ただインテルがアップルのA4とA5 のSoCs製造に興味を示しているということであり、Ultrabookという発案だけが勢いを増すものの、実際の協力自体は引き伸ばしにされているということです。

onigiri 英語 → 日本語

China’s Top Video Site Adds QR Codes to Help Viewers Go Mobile

China’s top video site, Youku (NYSE:YOKU), has added QR codes to every video on its desktop website so as to help users continue viewing while mobile, on their smartphone or tablet.

It’s a small addition but one that’s clever and creative. Every video page on Youku – even its licensed TV shows and movies content – now has a little QR icon, which will present a QR code when pressed. Scanning that with your phone, iPad, or whatever you have to hand, will launch the same video in your mobile browser. Optionally it can then launch in the Youku app for iOS and Android.



Youkuの上のすべてのビデオのページ ―その許可されたテレビ番組および映画内容さえ―
その後、任意に、それはiOSとアンドロイドのYouku appの中で立ち上げることができます。

onigiri 英語 → 日本語

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