I have tried messaging you multiple times about your correct address as USPS does not like the one you listed. I just want to return the itemThis case was decided in the buyer's favor. You won't have to reimburse your buyer for this transaction.Are these five chisels/gouges all different widths - five different sizes ?
Austin Smith is the platform evangelist at Assembly, a community that builds software products collaboratively and shares ownership and profits equitably. Previously, he was an early hire at Singly and before that a journalist.
Austin Smith氏は、ソフトウェア製品を共同製作し、所有権と利益を公平に配分するコミュニティであるAssemblyの伝道者だ。かつてはSinglyの初期の従業員だったが、その前はジャーナリストだった。