Oregonian (noppy) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
noppy 英語 → 日本語

Why the WeChat vs. Weibo War Will Be the Year’s Biggest Story, and Why Weibo Needs to Win

When it comes to Chinese social media, it’s increasingly clear that there are two real players: Sina Weibo and Tencent’s WeChat. Oh, sure, there are others, but they’re all a bit passé these days. Renren and the other traditional social media networks are starting to look very outdated. Tencent Weibo and other microblogging competitors may have big user numbers, but there’s a reason that the big stories always break on Sina Weibo. And while some Chinese BBS forums still boast massive user numbers, they appeal to a limited demographic — chances are your grandmother is never going on Tianya.



中国のソーシャルメディアに関しては、メジャープレイヤーは2つしかないことは明らかだ。Sina WeiboとTencentのWeChatである。勿論他にもプレイヤーはいるものの、やや時代遅れという感は否めない。Renrenなど他の伝統的なSNSは、時代遅れ感満載だ。Tencent Weiboや他のマイクロブログは大量のユーザー数を誇るかもしれないが、常に大きな話題はSina Weiboからしか生まれない。いくつかの掲示板サイトはいまだに大量のユーザー数を誇ってはいるが、人口全体でみればわずかに対してリーチできているに過ぎない。あなたの祖母がTianyaに辿り着くことはあり得ないだろう。

noppy 英語 → 日本語

That’s why Weibo’s fight with WeChat is so crucial. WeChat is a totally different service with a very different focus, but the more time users spend on WeChat, the less they’re spending on Weibo. And while chatting with your friends and following celebrities is fun, the service just isn’t designed for the swift passing-along of information the way that weibo is. WeChat’s focus is your circle of friends and your local area, Weibo’s focus is far wider. To return to our polluted river analogy, on Weibo you share your photos of the river with your followers all over the country, and they pass it on to theirs; quickly, it can go national.



noppy 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

For those not in the know, Lean is a management style that emphasizes efficiency and reduced resources. Agile is the set of practices of Lean in software development. And Kaizen is the philosophy in Japan that was the progenitor of lean.

Lately, The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, which is considered to be the manifesto the lean startup movement, has been translated into Vietnamese. Most Vietnamese entrepreneurs have read his book or want to.

Basically, lean and agile are about putting products into the hands of customers as soon as possible so that the product and development team can iterate and improve on it as fast as possible.



最近になって、リーンスタートアップムーブメントのマニフェストとされる、Eric Ries氏による「リーン・スタートアップ」が、ベトナム語に翻訳された。多くのベトナム人起業家がこの本を読んだか、もしくは読みたいと考えている。
