Nobu in LA (nobula) 翻訳実績

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4. Suning & Gome

Suning, is an electronics retailer that operates stores across the country. But it is transforming itself into an e-tailer so as to avoid the disastrous fate of the brick-and-mortar industry. It is interesting to see how the company uses its experience in the industry to conquer e-commerce in China. Our recent stats suggests it’s now up to fourth place in the B2C sector. Gome, a close rival of Suning and 360buy, also principally operates retail shops selling electronics and electrical appliances. As the market slowly diversifies into e-commerce, and as more customers turn to online shopping, Gome is also transforming itself into an e-tailer to keep pace with the market.


4. Suning & Gome


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7. Vancl

Vancl is China’s largest clothing e-tailer. It sells its own brand of clothing and makes them affordable for shoppers. It has recently started shifting production overseas in an effort to cut labour rates and beat the country’s rapidly rising production costs. The company also runs the mall-like V+ site which hosts other clothing brands.

8. 51buy & Coo8

51buy is an e-commerce site selling mostly home appliances and gadgets. The site is heavily financed by Tencent, China’s internet giant. Coo8 is a subsidiary of the electronics retailer, Gome. The site mainly sell gadgets and IT-related products as well. It has a very similar product area to 51buy.


7. Vancl


8. 51buy & Coo8

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9. Yihaodian

YiHaoDian is the country’s largest food and consumables e-commerce retailer. Products range from food to toiletries, and recently it has been diversifying into clothing and electronics. Walmart has a controlling stake in Yihaodian and the partnership became official last week.

Group Buy Sites

10. Meituan & 55tuan

Meituan and 55tuan are long-standing market leaders in the group-buy industry. They offer deals and discounts that are usable in many cities, such as at restaurants, cinemas, traveling agencies, etc. The two sites account for approximately 26 percent of the daily deals market in China according to the most recent data, with a monthly revenue of 200 million RMB.


9. Yihaodian



10. Meituanと55tuan


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11. Dianping

Dianping is a group buy site that offers more than just deals and discounts. It is similar to (but actually pre-dates) Yelp in the US, and it started its online journey with reviews and listings. As such, Dianping has been expanding exponentially, with its revenue growing at thirty percent since the start of the year.

12. Taobao Juahuasuan

Juhuasuan is a deals site owned by Alibaba, and located at a subdomain of Taobao, Despite the slump in the group-buy industry, Juhuasuan continues to perform exceedingly well. The site sold 57 percent of all product-based deals, more than all of its rivals combined. It’s the market leader at present, with 21.5 percent market share by revenue.


11. Dianping


12. Taobao Juahuasuan


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Vertical Commerce (also B2C)

13. Mbaobao

The ladies will love this one! Mbaobao is a specialist e-commerce site in China that focuses on women’s bags. The e-tailer has received a fourth round of funding and we’ll likely see expansion coming up.

14. Redbaby

Redbaby specializes in baby-products, and was one of the early leaders in the B2C e-commerce industry in the country. As competition steepened, its market share decreased, raising questions about the feasibility of its business model. There were rumors that Gome or Suning, the electronics retailers mentioned above, are interested in acquiring the baby-product retailing site. Nothing has been confirmed yet.



13. Mbaobao


14. Redbaby

Redbabyは、ベビー用品専門サイトで、中国のB2C eコマース業界における初期リーダーのひとつであった。競争が激しくなるにつれマーケットシェアは減少し、そのビジネスモデルの実現可能性に関する疑問が生じている。上述した電子機器小売業者のGomeやSuningが、このベビー用品小売業サイトの買収に興味を示しているといううわさがいくつかあった。今のところ確認の取れたものはない。

nobula 英語 → 日本語

I downloaded the Android app and took it for a little spin, although as a male I don’t really have the, ahem, hardware to properly assess it. And, of course, since Vibease’s actual hardware (a bluetooth vibrator) isn’t out yet, for now the app just vibrates your phone. Still, it looks like when the hardware is there, Vibease will be ready to make a big splash. The app includes a variety of ambient sound loops along with photographs and 11 pre-programmed vibration settings from “gentle touch” all the way up to “rock me hard.” Whether or not this does anything for you is probably going to depend on how hard your phone is capable of vibrating, but that’s only a problem until the vibrator attachment comes out.



nobula 英語 → 日本語

But of course, the point of this whole thing is that it allows partners to play remotely, and in the in-app chat, partners can create customized vibration patterns. That isn’t going to be too useful just yet either — I’m guessing it’s hard to masturbate with and chat on a phone at the same time — but once that bluetooth vibrator comes out, this app is going to be something every couple should be interested in.

We’re looking forward to hearing from Vibease when the vibrator hardware is finally ready for launch. It sounds like that should be pretty soon. But until then, enjoy this over-the-top video advertisement for Vibease:


