Nobu in LA (nobula) 翻訳実績

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・Where does the greatest opportunity lie in China’s consumer market?
・What are the most effective online channels to effectively reach them?
・How have leading companies and agencies been most successful? Where have they failed?
・How can I measure results, in turn making the case for additional investments?

Let’s take a quick look at a few facts:

・At the end of 2011, China had 500+ million internet users, 325 million online video users, 250 million microbloggers, and 244 million social media site users. Chinese internet users are relatively young (mostly under 30) and the most active online video users in particular are both young (19–24) with a middle-class income.





nobula 英語 → 日本語

Marketers need to pay attention to the quality of the interaction when evaluating campaign progress. Results must be quantifiable, but high participation numbers can be misleading since spam on Chinese social media, especially on microblogs is commonplace. In addition, related to the quality of interactions, there is a trend in China’s social media space in which topic/thought leaders are few, while the majority of users are silent. Therefore, marketers need to examine the quality of their participants, to determine how influential they really are. If you are interested in finding out additional information about the report, you can learn more here [1].



nobula 英語 → 日本語

He went on to explain that third- and fourth-tier cities can’t get a good selection of products from brick-and-mortar stores at good prices. But now e-commerce allows folks in those far-flung cities to have an avenue to buy the same products as the people living in Beijing or Shanghai as long as they have at least a mobile phone to access the web.

Moving forward, Zeng believes that the future of e-commerce will be more customer driven, focused more on “built to order” and “mass customization.” He remarked that there will be a shift — from B2C (business-to-consumer) to C2B (consumer-to-business), which I believe is similar to the JIT) (just-in-time) manufacturing process.




nobula 英語 → 日本語

The future of Alibaba Group will also consist of social elements which the company admits it is still figuring out. In response to my colleague Steven Millward’s question on how Laiwang and Aliwang would play a part in Alibaba’s social strategy, Zeng said:

[We’re] definitely not there yet […] But we have a sense of what to do for social commerce. We look at Facebook, Tencent […] We need to make it easier for sellers to interact. Most social in the west is geared only to social needs. But in China, it’s more about making life easier and maybe making money


Alibabaグループの将来はまた、ソーシャルな要素が関係してくることになり、同社はその点はまだ検討中であることを認めている。私の同僚のSteven Millward氏の、Alibabaのソーシャル戦略においてLaiwangとAliwangがどのような役割を演じるのかという質問に、Zeng氏は次のように答えた。


nobula 英語 → 日本語

Picture filters have taken off big time with mobile apps like Instagram that give users choice in applying various preset tweaks to their pictures to make them look anything from washed out (harkens back to film camera days) to having more color contrast. This feature is so popular with users that every mobile picture app seems to have it now: Mobile social network Path, check. Photoshop Express, check. Facebook Camera, check.

This time, Bubble Motion’s updated Bubbly app allows users to choose from a range of voice filters that includes villain-izing your voice, cartoon-izing it with the high-pitched helium balloon option or you can pretend you’re a singing superstar:


褪せた色合い(フィルムカメラの時代を思い起こさせる)から強めの色のコントラストまで、画像に多様なプリセットの微調整をほどこす選択肢をユーザーに提供し、写真の見た目を変えるInstagramのような携帯アプリの登場で、画像フィルター機能は大躍進している。この機能はユーザーに大好評で、現在、すべての携帯画像アプリがこの機能を実装しているように見えるほどである。携帯ソーシャルネットワークのPath、実装済み。Photoshop Express、実装済み。Facebook Camera、実装済み。

今回、Bubble MotionのBubblyアプリの最新版は、多種多様の音声フィルターの選択肢をユーザーに提供し、そのフィルターには声を悪人っぽくするもの、高音ヘリウムガス風船オプションで漫画チックにするもの、スーパースターの歌手の真似をできるもの、などがある。