The Apple Watch version of Paylah is basically an extension of the iPhone app, enabled through bluetooth sync between the two devices. As such, users don’t need to download a separate app to their Watch. They can just update their mobile app to work with it.For now, users can then receive notifications on their transactions, such as a successful payment, and view their available balance on the Watch. As DBS told Tech in Asia, it will eventually add functions such as sending money and the ability to approve requests for funds using the wearable.
Apple Watch向けのPaylahは、基本的にはiPhoneアプリの拡張機能なので、互いにbluetoothで同期させることができる。そのため、ユーザは別のアプリをApple Watchにダウンロードする必要はない。モバイルアプリをアップデートするだけでApple Watchに対応するようになる。今のところユーザは、Apple Watchで支払いの完了等、取引状況に関する通知を受取ったり、残高チェックを行うことができる。今後DBSは、送金等徐々に機能を追加し、ウェアラブル端末からの指示にも対応できるようしていくとTech in Asiaに伝えている。
The app is tied to the phone, where the user must log in at least once using a six-digit alphanumeric password. The Watch will need to be in close proximity to the phone and the apps will need to be locked together via bluetooth, in order for the user to be able to check information on the wearable. The iPhone version also supports logging in via TouchID for users of iPhone 5s and up. The total amount for transactions is limited to S$999 (US$739) by default, although the user can adjust that at their discretion.
スマートフォンとアプリは密接に関連しており、アルファベットと数字を組み合わせた6桁のパスワードで最低一回はログインする必要がある。ウェアラブル端末からでも情報がチェックできるよう、Apple Watchはスマートフォンから離さず、またアプリはbluetoothを介して互いが繋がった状態でロックさせる必要がある。iPhone向けのアプリもログインが必要で、iPhone 5sやそれ以降の機種のユーザはTouchID経由でログインする必要がある。取引額の上限は初期設定で999シンガポールドル(739米ドル)に設定されているが、ユーザは個人の裁量で額を調整することができる。
The mobile payments space in Singapore has been expanding during the past year and a half, with major players such as domestic telco Singtel’s and Standard Chartered’s Dash app as well as Mastercard’s Masterpass being prominent examples. Singapore startups such as 2C2P and Matchmove (which received investment by Japanese credit card and financial services company Credit Saison last January) are also active in this space.
シンガポールのモバイル決済業界はこの一年半の間に成長しており、その顕著な例として国内の電話会社SingtelとStandard CharteredのDashアプリやMastercardのMasterpass等、大手が参入している。シンガポールのスタートアップ、2C2PやMatchmove(1月に日本のクレジットカードと金融サービス会社、クレディセゾンから資金を調達)もこの業界で積極的に事業展開を進めている。
The full DBS Paylah app for iOS and Android was introduced last year. It’s not immediately clear how widely used it is in Singapore, and the bank declined to provide any details in this regard. Play Store install numbers currently sit in the 100,000 – 500,000 category, but that is a pretty big margin and doesn’t say much about active user or transaction numbers.
DBS PaylahアプリのiOSとAndroid向け完全版は昨年リリースされた。シンガポールでどれ程多くの人に利用されているか、すぐには分からないが、銀行側はこの件に関しての詳細を一切明らかにしなかった。Play Storeのインストール数は現在100,000-500,000件の区分に入っているものの、範囲がかなり広いため、アクティブユーザ数や取引件数を判断する材料になならない。
It’s abundantly clear that we’re on the edge of a major shift in marketing and advertising. But the challenges are massive for brands trying to effectively engage consumers.“The mobile ad ecosystem is like a giant Plinko game,” said John Koetsier, the author of the report and VB Insight head of research. “Advertisers toss in $100 at the top, and after going through data management platforms, ad agencies, networks, and supply-side platforms, they’re lucky if $60 actually gets spent on true placement of their ads.”
マーケティングと広告が大きな転換点を迎えようとしていることは極めて明白だ。しかし、実際にブランド側が消費者に興味を持ってもらうには大変な努力が必要になっている。「モバイル広告のエコシステムは、巨大なPlinkoゲームのようなものです。」とVB Insightの調査部門の責任者で記事を書いたJohn Koetsier氏は語った。「広告主がゲームボードの上から100米ドルを入れ、データ管理プラットフォームを経由しながら広告代理店、関連ネットワークや広告を提供する側のプラットフォームを経由した後、もし60米ドル分が実際に広告に使われればラッキーです。」
But new VB Insight research shows that if you can deliver an ad to a consumer that is targeted to his or her needs and desires at just the right time and in just the right way, 49 percent of Americans will give you their attention. Seventeen percent will engage with a well-placed ad to determine whether it’s worthy of further action, and 24 percent will actively check out the product or service you’re offering.That sure beats the heck out of the 0.06 percent engagement most brands can expect with traditional display advertising.
しかし、VB Insightの新しい調査によると、もしニーズに合った広告を適切な時期に適切な方法で消費者のもとの届けることができたら49%のアメリカ人は関心を払うとしている。ニーズに合った広告であれば、17%の人達はそのままにせず内容を確かめ、24%の人達は提示された商品やサービスに関して積極的に調べるとしている。殆どのブランドは、従来のディスプレイ広告では、0.06%の広告接触率しか期待できないので、この差はかなりである。
The supply side of the industry (technology vendors) is only just starting to mature, and it may soon get easier for brands to trust that their ad investments will pay off.“There are something like 1,000 ad networks, adding to the immense complexity of this space, so the biggest opportunity for vendors is to consolidate the stack — ad network, data, supply aggregation, demand aggregation, attribution, and fraud detection — so that advertisers just have to deal with fewer vendors,” Koetsier said.
Messaging platforms are likely to evolve into multipurpose content hubs. This means even more opportunity for brands, with the number of individual mobile “sessions” continuing to skyrocket. It turns out, one of the absolutely crucial keys to mobile ad success is helping the ad networks with as much personalized data as possible — finding not just one-time clickers, but long-term, repeat customers through mobile ads.The new VB Insight report goes into depth on each of the 12 ways brands are succeeding with mobile advertising. It also explores five ways they’re failing. The report is based on an analysis of over 500 million mobile ad impressions in multiple studies, and a survey of 1,501 Americans.
メッセージングプラットフォームは、多目的に利用できるコンテンツハブに発展していく可能性は高いだろう。つまりモバイル経由での個々のアクセス数が急増することで、ブランドにとっては、さらに露出のチャンスが増えることにも繋がる。モバイル広告を成功させるには、一度しかクリックしない人ではなく、長期的にリピートしてくれる顧客を見つけ、出来るだけ多くの個人向けデータを使って広告ネットワークをサポートすることが、結果的に最も大事になっている。VB Insightの新しい記事には、ブランドがモバイル広告で成功している12の方法に関し、それぞれに詳しく書かれている。また、失敗した5つの方法に関しても調査している。記事は、多角的な研究で5億回以上のインプレッション数のあったモバイル広告を分析し、また1501名のアメリカ人を対象に調査した内容を元に書かれている。
* Or, what about an organ and/or bone marrow donor matching application that uses the genome to make the process of matching more streamlined and efficient?* Would you use a recipe application that uses your genomically-available food response to adjust ingredients? How about an athletic training application that uses genetic information to adjust routines, rest periods, supplements, and diet?* I can even imagine a world in which online role playing/MMO games use a genomic API to build worlds around each player that reference his or her molecular reality — how surreal would that be?
The various risk factors of a technology startup fall broadly into three buckets: technical risk (can it be built?), execution risk (can this team build it?), and market risk (will customers buy it?). Entrepreneurs need to focus on coming up with measurable milestones in each of these categories, and then build a budget to achieve those objectives. In one respect, this is the Minimum Winning Game for a startup in each round of funding: Accomplish enough product and market success so that subsequent investors will want to supply more capital to help grow the business to the next level of achievement.
If one thinks of each round of funding as a series of “base camps” that mountaineers use to reach the world’s highest mountains, each infusion of capital is like a subsequent base camp at a higher altitude: a place to add supplies and materials (headcount), to recalculate the risks of a climb (adjust strategy) and to prepare for the next step in the journey (mentally get ready for the subsequent set of challenges that a company will face). Each of these steps is a new Minimum Winning Game in the excursion of a new commercial enterprise.
Now they are taking this a step further and applying these insights to bigger machines equipped with data-gathering sensors. This new movement, the industrial IoT, is accelerating the connection of objects with humans and also with other objects to reveal deep insights.Big machines and big insights can transform industriesThe most prevalent applications of the industrial IoT are to boost revenues by improving operational efficiency, create hybrid business models with new sources of revenue, and spur innovation.
In the manufacturing industry, we’re seeing connected devices open up new ways of data sharing that were not previously possible. Now, small sensors on pieces of complex machinery can emit data about performance status that can then be used to adjust scheduled maintenance. With this data, teams can predict maintenance failures, proactively prevent them and ultimately reduce down time. This approach has also been applied to resource allocation and energy management. Equipped with sensors on onshore and offshore oil pumps, companies can minimize lost production and save massive amounts of money.
While we’re seeing the industrial IoT take shape in areas such as manufacturing, it has the potential to touch more industries. Recent technologies including Hadoop, data analytics, cloud computing, and visualization, offer a path to big data insights.The challenges to realizing the full potential of the industrial IoT are not necessarily shortcomings in the available technology but in creative thinking. Businesses need to take a few notes from the early adopters of the connected movement — consumers — and see how they can creatively put the industrial IoT to work to solve industry problems in big ways.Stefan Groschupf is chief executive of Datameer.
産業向けのモノのインターネットが製造業界等で具体化している中、他の業界でも活用できる見込みがある。Hadoop、データ解析、クラウドコンピューティング、可視化を含む最近のテクノロジーは、ビッグデータを洞察する方向性を示してくれている。産業向けのモノのインターネットの可能性をフルに理解できないのは、独創的な考え方が足りないだけで、必ずしも利用できるテクノロジーに不備があるからではない。企業は、モノのインターネットに接続した市場の動向やアーリーアダプターである消費者に少し注目し、創造力を働かせながら、業界内の問題を大幅に解決していくには産業向けのモノのインターネットをどのように活用できるか考える必要がある。Stefan Groschupf氏は、Datameerの最高経営責任者である。
Many of these new services offer very predictable quality due to built-in recommendations or via TripAdvisor or Yelp. Others are very haphazard, like a Burning Man camp during its heyday a few years ago. You can’t buy your way into a top restaurant when it’s a food cart whose owner has everything she needs. She’s much more incentivized to trade her services for a private yoga session, or just simply offer her food to people she already knows and likes.
これらの新しいサービスの多くは、もともとお勧めだったりTripAdvisorやYelp経由で知ることができ、予想に反することはめったにない。でも全盛期だった数年前のBurning Man campのように、他のサービスはとてもいい加減だ。欲しい物全てを手に入れた屋台のオーナーにいくらお金を積んでも高級レストランの料理は出てこないだろう。オーナーはお金よりも、自分の料理をプライベートなヨガレッスンと交換したり、単純に好きな知人達に料理を振る舞うことにむしろ意欲的だと言える。
The “return to the village” trend is, of course, limited to a small population that can afford to spend their time on personal pursuits and eschew higher wages. This privileged demographic could certainly suck it up and work 12 hours a day, be online every weekend, and live the materialistic American dream – but they now have the luxury of trading less time for less wages, while still meeting their needs and leading excellent lives.
But the problem is that it’s not completely scalable, it requires more people and resources, and it really is a different type of business. It doesn’t mean we won’t expand into that in the mid-term, but for now we want to focus first on the marketplace.I understand you were a finalist at last month’s B Dash Camp, an exclusive event for some of tech’s best and brightest in Fukuoka, Japan. Tell me a bit about that.I was proud and extremely happy to just have gotten the chance to attend, let alone to reach the final phase of the competition. Initially my plan in going was to test the market and show to the world that there is a French company offering an innovative solution for retail space.
「しかし、まだそこまで手広く対応できていません。それには人と資金が必要で、また事業形態も全く違ってます。我々は中期的にもそこまで対応しないと言っている訳ではなく、今は先ず、マーケットプレイスに集中したいと思っています。」「先月、日本の福岡でえりすぐりのテック系企業向けに開催されたイベント、B Dash Campでファイナリストに選ばれましたが、それに関して少し教えて下さい。」「私は、コンテストに参加するチャンスをいただいただけでも嬉しかったのですが、ましてや最終段階まで残れて、光栄に思ってます。最初は、市場調査と小売スペース用に革新的ソリューションを提供するフランス企業の存在を世界に知らせるつもりで参加することにしました。」
The rapid rise and fall of Secret demonstrates that how well the VC funding dynamic works — or doesn’t work — can often be instrumental in determining the success or failure of a startup.Secret and the Traditional Funding ModelThe deal made with Secret followed the traditional VC backing approach. This approach starts with an entrepreneur, who we’ll call Jim. Jim has a friend, Jack, who happens to be good buddies with venture capital firm VCs ‘R’ Us. Jack introduces Jim to the firm and, in no time, Jim finds himself on the fast track to funding.
VCからの資金調達がどれだけ上手くいってもいかなくても、スタートアップが成功するかしないかの決め手は、急激な浮き沈みにあることがSecretのケースで分かった。Secretと従来型の資金調達モデルSecretとの契約は、VCが支援する従来型の方法で結ばれた。今回の申し入れは、Jim氏と言うアントレプレナーが、 友人で(TOYS"R"US ならぬ)VCs‘R’UsというVC会社をよく知るJack氏にこのVC会社を紹介してもらう流れで始まり、Jim氏は一瞬にして資金調達への近道を手に入れている。
A slight variation on this method is what actually occurred in the case of Secret. As former employees of Google, both Secret founders David Byttow and Chrys Bader enjoyed a logistical advantage that gave them an “in” with Google Ventures, one of their early backers, which let them bypass the customary “introduction.”
実際Secretのケースでは、これに少しアレンジを加えた手法がとられた。SecretのDavid Byttow氏とChrys Bader氏の両設立者は、Googleの元社員だったため、昔のよしみで正式な紹介というお決まりの形をとらずに、初期の支援企業Google Venturesとのコネクションを築いた。
Analysis and Relevant QuestionsMany investments have failed before Secret, and many more will fail after it. So what makes Secret different? Or perhaps we should ask what makes Secret an example that can illustrate what’s wrong with the current VC funding model? The answer is, Secret was blown wide open by this mass influx of capital. As Byttow put it, “Unfortunately, Secret does not represent the vision I had when starting the company, so I believe (the shutdown is) the right decision for myself, our investors, and our team.” Byttow’s declaration does, however, inspire a few questions: