nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

But the scene is changing with internationally acclaimed institutions like Hyper Island and events like CreativeMornings/Singapore (disclaimer: I am an organizer of this event) bringing together foreign talents and local creatives.The Singapore government is also lending more financial support and creating the necessary infrastructure for a creative culture to thrive.Presently though, we’re also faced with a less design savvy market as compared to our East Asian neighbors like Japan and South Korea.This means that many design-oriented startups will have to educate the market and wait for a growing middle class with higher disposable incomes who may come to appreciate the value of design.


しかし、国際的に高く評価されたHyper Island の様な機関やCreativeMornings/Singapore(注:筆者はこのイベントの主催者である)の様なイベントによって、海外の才能ある人達とそこで生まれたものが結びつく事で、状況は変わりつつある。シンガポール政府も、クリエイティブな文化が根付き盛んになる様、インフラを整備し、財政的な支援も今まで以上に行っている。しかし現段階では、韓国や日本等の東アジアの近隣諸国に比べると、デザインに関して知識のある人達が少ない市場と向き合っている。つまり、デザイン重視のスタートアップは、この市場にデザインの概念を浸透させ、デザインの価値が分かる可処分所得の多い中間層の人達が現れるのを待つ必要があるだろう。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Interestingly, whilst everyone else is looking to China for better opportunities, the team is comprised of four mainland Chinese, with qualifications and backgrounds hailing from China’s top Tsinghua University and Baidu. They have chosen to launch their product in Singapore first. Jamie elaborates:

Singapore is the best place to test our our idea because of the high demand on private cars, [coupled with] better trust between people and overall safeness, such as low theft and low accident rates. Once our idea is validated in Singapore and [we have figured the ideal execution method], we can easily replicate our business in other cities similar to Singapore.


興味深い事に、チャンスを求めて皆、中国に注目しているのに対し、中国ではトップクラスのTsinghua 大学とBaidu出身の経験のある4人.の中国人で構成されているメンバーは、最初に製品をリリースする場所として選んだのはシンガポールだった。


nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

iCard English: Daily Micro Lessons to Perfect Your Spoken English

Within a month of its official launch, iCard English has garnered a total of 70,000 users. As its name suggests, this iPhone app is designed to aid Chinese users in the English learning process.

Prior to the launch of iCard English, founder and CEO Yuang Peng was recognised as an English learning expert, and was often asked questions about studying English by followers on his Sina Weibo account, where he now has 280,000 fans. He was asked how they should go about improving their spoken English, what sort of materials are available, and how to motivate themselves to continuously learn and improve. Thus, the idea of iCard English was born.


iCard English: ほんのわずかなレッスンを毎日行うだけで、英語が完璧に話せる様になる

正式にリリースして一ヶ月も立たない内に、iCard Englishは70,000人ものユーザーを獲得した。その名前からも分かる様に、このiPhone appは、英語を学んでいる段階の中国人に役立つ様、設計されている。

iCard Englishをリリースするまでは、創設者でCEOの Yuang Pengは、 英語学習のエキスパートとして有名で、280,000人ものファンがいるSina Weiboのアカウントでは英語の学習法についてフォロワーからいつも質問を受けていた。そこで彼は、英語が上達して話せる様になるにはどうすれば良いか、どんな教材等を使えば良いか、また、どうすれば英語を継続的に学習でき上達できるのか、聞かれていた。iCard Englishのアイディアは、この様にして生まれたのだ。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

■Auto off switches off tuner if no input is detected for 5 minutes;
■2032 Cell Battery included.
1.Turn on your tuner by setting the power switch to "ON" position.The No.6 LED will turn red.
2.Clip your tuner to the headstock of your Ukulele and adjust it to an easy-to-read position,as showed in the sketch.
3.Lightly pluck the string you wish to tune.The tuner will automatically detect the note,indicate witch string you are tuning with the LEDS on the lift.A defference in pitch will be indicated by the LED lights on the right (No.1 to 11).
4.if the pitch is more than 50 cents sharp,the LED No.11 will light.If the pitch is more than 50 cents flat, LED No.1 will be lit.
3.If LEDS are weak,replace battery.


■2032 型のセルバッテリーが付属で付いてます。

nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

The 24Quan site is now offline, replaced with a statement that says, in both Chinese and (for some reason) English:

24Quan's homepage, before it suspended operations today. Click to enlarge.
Due to misalignment of interest and ideology differences between previous shareholders and management team of 24Quan, as producer of 24Quan’s service, and taking into account of the interests of all those whom we loved and cared, our website will enter into a period of “temporary excursion”. As a result, regrettably we will not be able to offer your service in the upcoming few weeks. We hope to resume our service after we resolve our matters with our shareholders.



