The 1,200 employees are now divided into numerous game studios. Teams operate with about 10 to 15 people. Some are focused on casual titles, but others are using the Unreal Engine 4 game engine to build high-end titles for mobile. Goodgame is spreading out across a variety of game genres. Kristian Wawrzinek said that it’s important not to stretch the teams too thin and take on too many projects. He wants to build something for the long-term.“We like to see what is working and what is not,” said Christian Wawrzinek said. “The free-to-play economy looks easy from the outset. But it’s very complex, like the real-world economy. We think most people underestimate the complexity.”
1200人の従業員は多くのゲームスタジオに分かれて、各チーム10から15名で開発にあたっている。一部はカジュアルな作品を専門に扱い、残りはゲームエンジン、Unreal Engine 4を使いながらモバイル向けのハイエンド作品の開発にあたっている。Goodgameは、様々なゲームジャンルにゲームを展開している。Kristian Wawrzinek氏は、チームを酷使せず、多くのプロジェクトを抱え過ぎないことが大事だと述べている。彼は、長期にわたって何かを開発したいと思っている。「我々は、何が上手く行き何がそうでないか見たいのです。最初から無料で遊べる仕組みはシンプルに見えますが、実は現実の世界の仕組みのように、非常に複雑です。我々は、殆どの人達がこの複雑さを軽視していると思っています。」とChristian Wawrzinek氏は語った。
Goodgame has expanded into Asia with smaller game studios in Tokyo and Seoul. This year, Goodgame Studios plans to further hire people to expand its presence in Asia. Goodgame tried to succeed in China with online games, but the market proved too difficult. Goodgame partnered in China with Qihoo 360.“By nature, these markets are very different and it is hard to understand them,” Kai Wawrzinek said. “You have to move closer to them.”Among its hot games are Goodgame Empire and Empire: Four Kingdoms. The latter has 40 million registered users.Kai Wawrzinek and his brother have been developing and acquiring websites since 2002. In 2003 he founded his first merger and acquisition enterprise for websites.
Goodgameは小規模なゲームスタジオを東京とソウルに開設しアジアに進出している。Goodgame Studiosは、アジアでの存在感を強めるためにさらなる採用を計画している。Goodgameは、中国のオンラインゲーム市場で成功を試みたが、非常に難しくうまく行かなかった。そこでGoodgameは、中国ではQihoo 360と提携した。「本来、これらの市場を理解したり参入することは、とても難しいことです。現地に行き現地をもっと知る必要があります。」とKai Wawrzinek氏は語った。同社の最も人気のあるゲームは、Goodgame EmpireとEmpire: Four Kingdomsだ。後者の登録ユーザ数は4000万人だ。Kai Wawrzinek氏は2002年から弟とウェブサイトの開発や買収を行っている。彼は2003年にウェブサイト向けの最初の会社を吸収合併して設立した。
AgIC x Mesh ProjectCircuit-board printing startup AgIC is, undeniably, one of Japan’s fastest-rising tech stars. Last year, it won pitch contests at both the Btrax-sponsored Japan Night VII and TechCrunch Tokyo. Then in January, it rang in the new year with a US$830,000 angel investment round. The startup even recorded US$125,000 in annual sales for 2014.
AgIC とMesh Projectの提携AgICは、プリント基板の回路印刷を手掛け、日本で最も急速に伸びている大注目のテック系スタートアップだ。昨年、同社はBtrax主催のJapan Night VIIとTechCrunch Tokyoの2つのピッチコンテストで優勝している。今年1月には、エンジェル投資家から83万米ドルの資金を調達している。しかも同社の2014年の年間売上高は、12万5000米ドルを記録している。
Need more proof that data science has all the right chemistry? Obviously, data companies like Ensighten, LiveRamp, and Think Big Analytics are hiring lots of data scientists, with Think Big hiring over 100+ data scientists, this year. But it’s not just data companies hiring data scientists. If The Cheezburger Network is hiring Data Scientists, you know it’s serious. LOLCats don’t play when it comes to money (or laser pens).
データサイエンティストが適切な要素全てを持っているという裏付けがこれ以上必要だろうか?Ensighten、LiveRampやThink Big Analyticsの様なデータ管理会社は、明らかに多くのデータサイエンティストを採用しており、中でもThink Bigは、今年100名以上のデータサイエンティストを採用している。しかし、データサイエンティストを採用しているのはデータ管理会社に限ったことではない。もし、Cheezburger Networkがデータサイエンティストを採用していれば、この流れがただごとではないことが分かる。LOLCatsは、お金(もしくは、レーザーポインター)に対してはじゃれずに、真剣に向き合うものだ。
According to a Gartner report, 81 percent of “big firms” (making over $500 million in revenue each year) have chief marketing technologists on their payroll. One year ago, that figure was just 71 percent — and it’s expected to rise eight percent by 2016. One of the authors of the report, Laura McLellan, defined these roles as “part strategist, part creative and part technologist,” comparing CMTs to the likes of CTOs and CIOs. They’re in charge of “every aspect of marketing,” said McLellan, including branding, content marketing, and managing the data. Unsurprisingly, this is all done with technology.
Gartnerのレポートによると、「大企業」(毎年5億米ドル以上の収益を上げている企業)の81%に、チーフマーケティングテクノロジストが雇用されているそうだ。一年前は、たった71%だったが、2016年には8%増える見込みだ。レポートの筆者の一人、Laura McLellan氏は、CTO(最高技術責任者)やCIO(最高情報責任者)のような人達と比べCMT(最高マーケティングテクノロジスト)は、「戦略家の役割の一部、クリエイティブな部門とテクノロジストの役割の一部」を果たしていると考えている。彼らは、ブランディング、コンテンツマーケティング、データ管理を含め、マーケティングのあらゆる側面を任されているとMcLellan氏は述べている。当然ながら、テクノロジーを使って全てが出来てしまうのだ。
“The CMO needs a senior trusted advisor skilled in the art of evaluating and implementing technology-enabled solutions.”A rose by any other name…Throw “chief” in front of any title and there’s a lot more responsibility (and hopefully pay). However, there have been modifications of marketing technologist titles popping up, such as Business Information Officer. Marketing technologists, no matter what you call them, align business goals with technology. Period. They’re deciding or suggesting which technologies their companies should implement/adopt, manage them, and ensure marketing strategies are optimized with the help of tech.
「CMO(最高マーケティング責任者)には、テクノロジーに対応したソリューションを組み込んだり評価することに長けた信頼できる上級アドバイザーが必要です。」別の役職名での昇進役職に「chief (最高)」を付けるだけで、責任は重くのしかかってくる(願わくば、給料も増えればいいのだが)。しかし、マーケティングテクノロジストの役職名が、BIO(ビジネス情報責任者)等に変更されたものが次々に現れている。たとえどんな呼び方をしようとも、マーケティングテクノロジストは、テクノロジー分野と連携しながら企業目標を達成させることを目指している。それに尽きる。彼らは、自社がどのテクノロジーを取り入れ・採用すべきか判断したり提案し、それらを管理しながらそのテクノロジーを活用してマーケティング戦略を上手く機能させる必要がある。
However, there’s the same issue as with data scientists: too much demand and not enough professionals. It’s not easy or fast to be great at both marketing and technology. It’s kind of like grammar school: A lot of kids leaned more towards creative courses while others preferred STEM. Asking for a marketing technologist is like asking for a kid who’s equally good at and equally enjoys AP Math and AP English. It’s possible, of course, but relatively rare.
I did not include your sales, as I am assuming your sales will continue to grow. I need to secure the sales that I will be losing once we go ahead with an exclusive distribution ( I hope this makes sense to you).I have the exclusive contract ready to go . Please note the amount needs to be paid in full, all at the same time in order for exclusivity to be effective from that date. It is an annual sales agreement and in order to maintain the exclusivity , that amount would have to be rendered an on annual basis.
Tencent did not provide any data on where WeChat’s users are located, but most of them appear to be in the massive mainland China market, and WeChat’s much-vaunted global expansion is not very evident in the stagnating MAU figures.WeChat and Tencent’s older chat app QQ brought in a combined RMB 11.96 billion (US$1.92 billion) in revenue from social games in Q4, which was up 41 percent from the same period a year ago.Elsewhere in the world, rival chat apps like WhatsApp, Viber, and Line seem to be faring better around the globe. Facebook-owned WhatsApp hit 700 million MAUs at the start of the year.
D FreeD Free is another wearable device, by Tokyo-based startup Triple W, but it’s probably unlike anything you’ve heard of before. Like many members of the audience, you might chuckle at its purpose – alerting wearers before they have a bowel movement. But the tiny wearable solves a very serious and embarrassing problem for elderly users and those with certain medical conditions.
D FreeD Freeは、東京に本拠地を置くTriple Wの別のウェアラブルデバイスだが、たぶん初めて耳にするものだろう。便意をもようす前に装着者に知らせるその用途を聞いて、大多数の来場者の様にクスクス笑ってしまうだろう。しかし、高齢ユーザや特定の病状の人にとっては、その小型のウェアラブルデバイスが気恥ずかしい問題を解決してくれる。
The device, which is worn on the stomach, detects activity in a wearer’s intestinal tract and sends them an alert with the estimated amount of time before they should head into the bathroom. Why the name D Free? It’s short for “diaper free” – how the startup’s users would probably rather live their lives if they were able to control their bowel movements.
腹部に装着するこのデバイスは、装着者の腸管の活動状態を検出し、トイレに行きたくなる前にある程度の時間をもって知らせる仕組みになっている。D Freeの名前の由来は?おむつ要らずの略である。排便管理が自分でできるなら、同スタートアップのユーザは、むしろそのようにして暮らしていきたいと思うだろう。
Advice to young entrepreneurs: 5 things I wish I’d known before taking on the CEO roleFrom Jobs and Gates to Mark Zuckerberg and Drew Houston, we’ve become enamored with the story of the young CEO rocketing to fame and success at increasingly younger ages (just think of Summly’s Nick D’Aloisio).
若いアントレプレナーへのアドバイス:CEOを引き受ける前に知っていればよかった5つのことJobs氏やGates氏からMark Zuckerberg氏やDrew Houston氏まで、我々は、若いCEOが成功と名声を一気に手に入れ、その年齢がどんどん若くなっている(SummlyのNick D’Aloisio氏のことを思い浮かべてほしい)話に夢中になっている。
And this phenomenon is only likely to continue as kids become more deeply ensconced in tech from earlier stages and become more adept at identifying the gaps to be filled with new innovations. Younger founders also seem to appeal to investors who are looking for high-energy individuals prepared to take big risks for big payoffs. Investors are attracted to the visionary confidence of the young CEO who has the hubris to dream big and convince others to do the same.
But no matter how acute the ability of these young men and women to innovate, they still lack the decades of accumulated professional experience needed for a management role.It may seem strange that I’m writing a piece on “things I wish I knew” at the age of 24, but having founded my first startup in my early teens, I have had the tremendous opportunity to accrue a great many failures. Below are five things (from many!) I wish I’d known earlier on to help avoid some critical pitfalls.
1. The difference between an entrepreneur and a CEOThe first crucial thing a young CEO needs to understand is the shift in role from being an entrepreneur to being a CEO. An entrepreneur is an engine for change; they are single-minded in breaking boundaries, bursting through doors, and disrupting industries. But a CEO is engaged in building the kind of company that will be around long enough to one day be disrupted itself. To do that, you need to be able to provide more structure and set a sustainable pace.
1. アントレプレナーとCEOの違い若いCEOが最初に理解すべき大事なことは、アントレプレナーからCEOになることで、役割も変わってしまうことである。アントレプレナーは、何かを変えるための原動力の役割を果たしている。彼らは、限界の壁をぶち破り、ドアを突き破り、業界を混乱させることをひたすら目指している。しかしCEOは、いつか組織の統率がとれなくなるまではずっと存続するような会社づくりに携わっている。そのためには、体制強化と持続可能なペースの設定ができなければならない。
As an entrepreneur, you have the luxury of thinking only of your own to-do list, but as a CEO you have to make sure everyone else is equipped to complete theirs, and that everything is synchronized to serve the wider needs of the company. An entrepreneur can galvanize friends and family to help in a crisis, but a CEO has to motivate and manage a team of people day in and day out. Too often today we look at young successful entrepreneurs as CEOs-in-waiting. The harsher truth is that the two do not necessarily go hand in hand and sometimes require directly contrasting skillsets. Before you even consider taking on the role of CEO, make sure you’re being honest about whether it’s the right fit.
2. You have to adjust your standardsBe prepared to be flexible with your standards if you want to succeed as the CEO of a company with different departments and teams. It’s no longer about getting things done your way, but about getting things done period. Sometimes that means you will have to compromise on perfection — or on your perceived view of perfection (see below) — in the pursuit of efficiency. Equally, you may need to give someone the time and space to achieve a higher standard than you’re used to because a particular product needs to be absolutely perfect. Either way, it’s simply no longer about you anymore, and you’ll need to be flexible in your standards to account for that.
The judges’ decisions can be attributed to the fact that under California law it’s very difficult to classify Uber and Lyft drivers, as they share characteristics with both contractors and employees.Uber and Lyft each face separate lawsuits seeking class action status in San Francisco. The suits are brought by drivers who claim they are employees, not contractors, and deserve full benefits.Only as employees are the drivers owed reimbursement for expenses, including gas and vehicle maintenance. As it is now, drivers pay for those things out of pocket.
The first round-the-world solar-powered flight took off todayA small piece of history is being attempted today, with André Borschberg taking off in his Solar Impulse aircraft to try to make it all the way around the world powered entirely by solar energy.
初の世界一周に向け、ソーラープレーンが本日飛び立った太陽エネルギーだけで世界一周に挑戦しようと、本日Solar Impulseのソーラープレーンで飛び立ったAndré Borschberg氏によって、歴史に新たなページが刻まれようとしている。
It’s been six years since the first manned solar plane was unveiled, with the first flight taking place a year later. However, the Solar Impulse’s journey has been fraught with delays–we reported back in 2010 that the round-the-world attempt was originally scheduled to take place by 2012. The aircraft has managed to garner headlines for smaller-scale jaunts, however, including a San Francisco-to-New York trip back in 2013 that took two months and several stopovers to complete.
初の有人ソーラープレーンが発表されてから6年が経ち、翌年に初飛行が行われた。しかし、Solar Impulseの挑戦は、多くの遅延に見舞われ、2010年の我々の取材では、世界一周の計画は本来2012年に行われることになっていた。しかし、幾つかストップオーバーしながらサンフランシスコ・ニューヨーク間の横断達成に2ヵ月かかった2013年のフライトを含め、ソーラープレーンは小規模なフライトで何とか話題を集めてきた。