Many of these new services offer very predictable quality due to built-in recommendations or via TripAdvisor or Yelp. Others are very haphazard, like a Burning Man camp during its heyday a few years ago. You can’t buy your way into a top restaurant when it’s a food cart whose owner has everything she needs. She’s much more incentivized to trade her services for a private yoga session, or just simply offer her food to people she already knows and likes.
これらの新しいサービスの多くは、もともとお勧めだったりTripAdvisorやYelp経由で知ることができ、予想に反することはめったにない。でも全盛期だった数年前のBurning Man campのように、他のサービスはとてもいい加減だ。欲しい物全てを手に入れた屋台のオーナーにいくらお金を積んでも高級レストランの料理は出てこないだろう。オーナーはお金よりも、自分の料理をプライベートなヨガレッスンと交換したり、単純に好きな知人達に料理を振る舞うことにむしろ意欲的だと言える。
The “return to the village” trend is, of course, limited to a small population that can afford to spend their time on personal pursuits and eschew higher wages. This privileged demographic could certainly suck it up and work 12 hours a day, be online every weekend, and live the materialistic American dream – but they now have the luxury of trading less time for less wages, while still meeting their needs and leading excellent lives.
But the problem is that it’s not completely scalable, it requires more people and resources, and it really is a different type of business. It doesn’t mean we won’t expand into that in the mid-term, but for now we want to focus first on the marketplace.I understand you were a finalist at last month’s B Dash Camp, an exclusive event for some of tech’s best and brightest in Fukuoka, Japan. Tell me a bit about that.I was proud and extremely happy to just have gotten the chance to attend, let alone to reach the final phase of the competition. Initially my plan in going was to test the market and show to the world that there is a French company offering an innovative solution for retail space.
「しかし、まだそこまで手広く対応できていません。それには人と資金が必要で、また事業形態も全く違ってます。我々は中期的にもそこまで対応しないと言っている訳ではなく、今は先ず、マーケットプレイスに集中したいと思っています。」「先月、日本の福岡でえりすぐりのテック系企業向けに開催されたイベント、B Dash Campでファイナリストに選ばれましたが、それに関して少し教えて下さい。」「私は、コンテストに参加するチャンスをいただいただけでも嬉しかったのですが、ましてや最終段階まで残れて、光栄に思ってます。最初は、市場調査と小売スペース用に革新的ソリューションを提供するフランス企業の存在を世界に知らせるつもりで参加することにしました。」
The rapid rise and fall of Secret demonstrates that how well the VC funding dynamic works — or doesn’t work — can often be instrumental in determining the success or failure of a startup.Secret and the Traditional Funding ModelThe deal made with Secret followed the traditional VC backing approach. This approach starts with an entrepreneur, who we’ll call Jim. Jim has a friend, Jack, who happens to be good buddies with venture capital firm VCs ‘R’ Us. Jack introduces Jim to the firm and, in no time, Jim finds himself on the fast track to funding.
VCからの資金調達がどれだけ上手くいってもいかなくても、スタートアップが成功するかしないかの決め手は、急激な浮き沈みにあることがSecretのケースで分かった。Secretと従来型の資金調達モデルSecretとの契約は、VCが支援する従来型の方法で結ばれた。今回の申し入れは、Jim氏と言うアントレプレナーが、 友人で(TOYS"R"US ならぬ)VCs‘R’UsというVC会社をよく知るJack氏にこのVC会社を紹介してもらう流れで始まり、Jim氏は一瞬にして資金調達への近道を手に入れている。
A slight variation on this method is what actually occurred in the case of Secret. As former employees of Google, both Secret founders David Byttow and Chrys Bader enjoyed a logistical advantage that gave them an “in” with Google Ventures, one of their early backers, which let them bypass the customary “introduction.”
実際Secretのケースでは、これに少しアレンジを加えた手法がとられた。SecretのDavid Byttow氏とChrys Bader氏の両設立者は、Googleの元社員だったため、昔のよしみで正式な紹介というお決まりの形をとらずに、初期の支援企業Google Venturesとのコネクションを築いた。
Analysis and Relevant QuestionsMany investments have failed before Secret, and many more will fail after it. So what makes Secret different? Or perhaps we should ask what makes Secret an example that can illustrate what’s wrong with the current VC funding model? The answer is, Secret was blown wide open by this mass influx of capital. As Byttow put it, “Unfortunately, Secret does not represent the vision I had when starting the company, so I believe (the shutdown is) the right decision for myself, our investors, and our team.” Byttow’s declaration does, however, inspire a few questions:
Question 1: Could he have conveyed a hidden message in the above statement, implying that problems among the VCs were the reason his vision had veered so far off course? This question is valid since it’s fairly shocking that he and Bader had been totally unable to prevent the downward slide from such an innovative and promising concept in messaging to a complete shutdown of the company despite having received nearly $35 million in capital during two rounds of funding within a three-month period.
By rights, such generous funding should have been more than sufficient to allow the right leadership — with the right product — to revive a flatline, a complication far worse than the mere hiccup of declining traffic that caused an otherwise robust app to fail.
Question 2: Since Google Ventures managing partner Bill Maris was one of Secret’s earliest backers, why was he unable to convince the two founders not to accept an additional $25 million in funding so soon after it closed its $8.4 million Series A round? As Maris, who was Secret’s Google Ventures contact, has said, “We advised them against it. We told them they didn’t need the money. And raising that much money that soon, it was going to be impossible to meet the expectations in the future.”
Q2:Google Venturesの経営パートナーのBill Maris氏は、Secretの初期支援者の一人だったにもかかわらず、なぜシリーズA投資で同社が840万米ドル調達した直後の追加の2500万米ドルの資金提供を断るよう、2人の設立者を説得できなかったのだろか?SecretでGoogle Venturesとの窓口を担当したいたMaris氏は次のように述べている。「我々は、賛成しないと忠告しました。その資金は必要ないとも伝えました。また、そんなに多くの資金をそんなに早い段階で集めると、将来的に期待にこたえることができなくなります。」
Question 3: If, after taking the $25 million Series B, Secret had continued to grow and expand, with its valuation multiplying a dozen-fold, would Maris have rewarded Secret’s founders for disregarding his advice not to seek additional funding?From the Entrepreneur ViewObviously, hindsight is always 20/20. Yet, Secret’s unceremonious demise does also raise a few questions on the entrepreneurial side of the issue, especially given the fact that the two founders cashed out $3 million in shares as part of their Series B deal:
Question 4: Was cashing out $6 million worth of shares in opposition to a number of prestigious venture capital firms the founders’ fault? While one firm could easily make a mistake, would a number of firms combined be expected to make that same mistake?Question 5: Was it right for the founders to cash out these shares? Probably not. However, Secret’s founders aren’t the first to have cashed out some of their shares. And while Secret’s scenario was unsuccessful, countless other companies would likely not have encountered any problems as a result.
LoopdNetworking handful of unconnected people can’t guarantee that you achieve your goal attendance for an event. Loopd enables attendees to exchange contact information, collect marketing materials and check-in to the speaker sessions. Using physical analytics, marketers are then able to build a more sophisticated understanding of their most valuable business relationships.FIISERFIISER is a search engine for free apps. Once a startup is uploaded on its web or app, a user can immediately try out apps without having to download them. This cross-platform ‘In-App Search’ search engine embraces more than 2,260,000 apps in the market.
Promoted Posts have become an essential way of reaching large numbers of followers and others through Facebook’s News Feed. The social network’s highly opinionated algorithm has increasingly restricted the reach of free organic posts, purportedly to avoid bombarding users with brand messages and irrelevant news.In researching its own user base, Hootsuite found that about 75 percent “had never promoted before on Facebook,” Gunn said. The biggest reason: There are so many choices. In all, the company found the regular process required 13 separate steps.
Google Tone is a Chrome extension for sharing URLs with nearby computers using soundGoogle has launched a new experimental Chrome extension that lets you transmit the URL of a website to other nearby computers using nothing but sound.
Google Toneは、Chrome向けの拡張機能で近くのコンピュータと音を使ってURLを共有することができるGoogleは、近くにある別のコンピュータにウェブサイトのURLを音だけで伝えることができる実験的な拡張機能をChrome向けに新たにローンチした。
All of this seems crazy, but it is how things operate at the atomic level: The laws of physics are different. Einstein was so skeptical about quantum entanglement that he wrote a paper in 1935 titled “Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?” He argued that it was not possible.In this, Einstein has been proven wrong. Researchers recently accessed entangled information over a distance of 15 miles. They are making substantial progress in harnessing the power of quantum mechanics.Einstein was right, though, about the spookiness of all this.
Quantum mechanics is now being used to construct a new generation of computers that can solve the most complex scientific problems — and unlock every digital vault in the world. These will perform in seconds computations that would have taken conventional computers millions of years. They will enable better weather forecasting, financial analysis, logistical planning, search for Earth-like planets, and drug discovery. And they will compromise every bank record, private communication, and password on every computer in the world — because modern cryptography is based on encoding data in large combinations of numbers, and quantum computers can guess these numbers almost instantaneously.
In a classical computer, information is represented in bits, binary digits, each of which can be a 0 or 1. Because they only have only two values, long sequences of 0s and 1s are necessary to form a number or to do a calculation. A quantum bit (called a qbit), however, can hold a value of 0 or 1 or both values at the same time — a superposition denoted as “0+1.” The power of a quantum computer increases exponentially with the number of qubits. Rather than doing computations sequentially as classical computers do, quantum computers can solve problems by laying out all of the possibilities simultaneously and measuring the results.
There are many complexities in building a quantum computer: challenges in finding the best materials from which to generate entangled photon pairs; new types of logic gates and their fabrication on computer chips; creation and control of qubits; designs for storage mechanisms; and error detection. But breakthroughs are being announced every month. IBM, for example, just announced that it has found a new way to detect and measure quantum errors and has designed a new qubit circuit that, in sufficient numbers, will form the large chips that quantum computers will need.
TravelThe Spottly app, headquartered in Hong Kong is originally designed to help travellers discover, manage and share their favourite places by building travel collections. This time on a smaller screen, the watch app tries to extend the experience to quickly find nearby places of interest recommended by friends. When a user’s current location is nearby a spot saved in one Spottly travel collection, the app alerts them with a notification. The user can then obtain walking directions to the spot via the app. Check their great collection lists here if you are also a city explorer.
PhotoIf you find your tons of photos on your iPhone to be a disaster, you might want to check the PhotoTime watch app. Created by an image recognition API company from China, this app helps you to find the photo you want instantly from your phone, or should I say the watch? Imagine you are at a party, talking to your friends about a bizarre rainbow scene you’ve seen last week. “Let me show you the photos I took!”you said excitedly. Usually to get lost in your photo chaos before your friend lost her interest is what would happen next.