New Voice Changer App Lets You Get Silly or Spooky With Buddies on WeChatIf you’re one of WeChat’s many users and you think your friends would like to hear you making silly voices when you message them, then the WeChat Voice app is just what you need. WeChat Voice is made by Tencent (HKG:0700), the same Chinese web company that makes WeChat, and is available for Android and iPhone and works in either English or Chinese.
新しいボイスチェンジャーアプリを使ってWeChat上の友人達をからかったり、薄気味悪がらせることができる。もしあなたが、大勢いるWeChat利用者の一人で、友人達があなたのふざけた声のメッセージを聞きたいと思うなら、必要なのは、まさにWeChat Voiceアプリだ。WeChat Voiceは、WeChat を開発した同じ中国のインターネット企業のTencent (HKG:0700)が開発した。AndroidとiPhone用に用意されており、英語か中国語に対応している。
It’s a fun app that can that can make recordings of your voice and then warp it into one of five different styles: kitty, uncle, echo, hurry, or slow. The ‘echo’ effect is actually more spooky than simply echo-ey, and works great for Hallowe’en. It’s backed up by two optional background noises for ghost noises or a thunderstorm. Sadly, there’s no auto-tune option. Wait, let me rephrase that: Mercifully, there’s no auto-tune option. Then you can share your awesome audio to some of your WeChat buddies – or onto Facebook, or as an MP3 via email.
If you send your freaky voice message to WeChat, then it’s the fastest way to do it from this app, and it shows in your friend’s chat stream as an embedded player with a little image that sets it apart from the regular voice-messaging in WeChat:Of course, there are lots of other voice changer apps out there, but this one is designed to work seamlessly with WeChat – and does well for Facebook too. The app is pretty new, now at v1.1 on both platforms, and hopefully it’ll be updated with some more seasonal voice effects in future.
Tencent is pushing WeChat hard across Southeast Asia, officially launching in Indonesia last month, whilst also focusing on other potentially major markets like India and the US. And of course China. The app passed the 200 million users milestone in September of this year.WeChat Voice is free in the Play store or in iTunes.
Tencentは必死にWeChatを東南アジアに普及させようとしている。先月、正式にインドネシアでサービスを開始し、また、中国はもちろんの事、インドやアメリカの様な潜在的に大きなマーケットにも事業範囲を拡大する事を検討している。アプリの利用者は、今年の9月に節目となる2億人を超えた。WeChat Voiceは、Play storeかiTunesから無料で入手可能だ。
Yesterday, I was at Webrazzi Summit, a startup conference in Istanbul, Turkey, attended by around 1,200 people from all around the world. I had mixed feelings in the morning on my way to the summit about the shelling that occurred last night on the Syria-Turkey border and ensuing discussions of war. We are very much used to working in an unstable economy with a weak ecosystem where anything could break at anytime. But the prospect of war is something much more daunting.
昨日、トルコのイスタンブールで世界各国から1200人程が出席したWebrazzi Summitというスタートアップのカンファレンスに参加した。昨夜シリアとトルコの国境で起きた砲撃とその後の戦争に発展するかもしれないきな臭い動きに対して、その朝サミットに向かう道中、複雑な心境だった。我々は、経済が不安定で収益構造が弱く、いつどうなるか分からない状況下で働くことにはあまりにも慣れてしまっている。しかし、戦争の兆しは、それよりはるかに恐ろしい状況だと言える。
How to connect a coupler.Due to the structural issues of this product, the lights and the interior lights will only turn on when it is connected to the M car, unless it is a 26 model.The lights such as headlight will not turn on if the front train car is used alone.How to connect train cars.Set a dropper on one train and press it into the end of coupler of the other train, pushing both trains straight towards each other with your hands.How to uncouple train cars.Pinch the red part with your nail or a tweezers to uncouple*When using the optional large speaker, unscrew the speaker case before the installation.
About the front car.A LED is set inside the front part of the product to produce luminescence, and will light-up when the front lighting-switch is turned on.How to remove the cover parts from the front carRefer to the figure and stick a finetipped-tool like a flat-blade screwdriver into the hole, located on the back of the skirt, to remove the tab.The lower tab will become free and the cover can easliy be removed.The location of the lighting-switch for the front car.Add the optional parts and make the light turn on.The front parts sets are optional set.*There is a space for a large speaker and a speaker case on the opposite side of the DDC connector.It can be connected with a 2-pin connecter.
Infographic: Tencent QZone Hits 1.9B Photo UploadsWhich one of those is the largest photo service in the planet, Flickr, Photobucket, or Facebook? To some people’s surprise, Facebook IS the de facto king of online photos with more than 140 billion pictures uploaded to the social networking service.
インフォグラフィック:Tencent QZoneの写真アップロード数が19億枚に達する。現在、写真サービスの最大手はFlickr、PhotobucketやFacebookの内どこだろうか?驚く人もいるだろうが、Facebook ISは1400億枚以上の写真をソーシャルネットワークサービスにアップロードしており、事実上オンラインフォトサービスの王者に君臨している。
Just like how history repeats itself, the same situation is also happening in China. Tencent’s QZone, the social networking service curated by Tencent – btw, QZone has been long hailed as the Chinese Facebook as both is the largest of its kind in their respective home turf – is becoming the most leading photo service in China with more than 1.9 billion photos uploaded to its servers, according to the service and Beijing-based market research iResearch.
Interestingly, Tencent noted in the infographic pictured below that people even sent photos to Qzone from both poles over the past Chinese National Holiday, not so sure if the poles would be a nice choice to take some time off though.
Hotel Comparison App ‘I Find Hotels’ is Now Available in Indonesian‘I Find Hotels’ is an iOS hotel comparison app made by Australia-based company Interestingly the app doesn’t compare hotel rates directly, but instead it compares hotel rates compiled by other hotel comparison booking apps and sites, such as and Agoda. Today the company announced that the app is available in Indonesian, which is good news for frequent travelers looking for the best hotel prices.
ホテル比較アプリの‘I Find Hotels’が、インドネシアでサービスを開始‘I Find Hotels’は、オーストラリアに本拠地を置くHotelsCombined.comによって開発されたiOS用アプリでホテルの比較を行う。このアプリは、面白いことに、ホテルの料金を直接比較するのではなく、ホテル比較や予約を行うBooking.comやAgodaの様な、他のアプリやサイトが集めたホテルの料金を比較するのだ。本日、同社はこのアプリがインドネシアで利用可能になった事を発表した。インドネシアを頻繁に訪ね、最低料金でホテルを利用したい人には良いニュースだ。
The app claims to be a one-stop solution for comparing hotel rates worldwide as it has more than two million hotel deals across more than 120,000 destinations. Rizka Maydita, the market manager for Indonesia at HotelsCombined, explains:We are internationally focused and doing our very best to continue providing new ways to help our diverse customer base to find what they’re looking for.HotelsCombined and ‘I Find Hotels’ now support 26 languages, which includes other Asian languages such as Japanese, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and Arabic. For more information, you can check out the free application for iOS here; or it’s also available for Android under the name ‘Hotels Combined’ here.
このアプリは、120,000箇所の行先にある200万件以上のホテルを扱っており、世界中のホテルの料金比較が一遍に行うことができるアプリだ。HotelsCombinedのインドネシア地域のマネジャーのRizka Mayditaによると、同社は、常に世界に目を向けている。顧客は様々おり、探しているものもそれぞれだ。最善の努力を尽くしながら顧客が探す手助けができる様、今後も新しい手段を提供していく方針だと言う。HotelsCombinedと‘I Find Hotels’は現在、他のアジア圏の言語として、日本語、韓国語、北京語とアラビア語を含む26カ国語に対応している。詳細は、こちらのiOS用無料アプリで確認することができる。またAndroid用も‘Hotels Combined”名のアプリとして、こちらから入手可能だ。
NORTH FACE MEN'S HIMALAYAN 800 FILL DOWN JACKET - MEDIUM - TNF RED - NEW AAKDAuthentic item purchased directly from North Face Outlet. Not a second or defective item. Permanent ink on inner tag(s) indicates TNF sample (two red dots) or outlet item ("O" marked out) and is not eligible for retail return or exchange, and voids the TNF warranty. Please note that TNF's "Lifetime" warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper care, negligence, normal wear and tear, or the natural breakdown of colors and materials over extended time and use. See our ask seller page for more information.
ノースフェイス メンズ ヒマラヤン800フィルダウンジャケット サイズ;M 色:TNF(The NorthFace)赤 ニューAAKDノースフェイスのアウトレットショップから購入した本物の商品です。中古でも不良品でもありません。内側のタグに、TNF(The NorthFace)のサンプル品(赤いドット2つ)もしくはアウトレット品(Oの文字)である事を示す印が、消えないインクで付いており、返品や交換はできません。また、TNF(The NorthFace)保証対象商品ではありません。TNF(The NorthFace)の“無期限保証”は、事故、不適切な取り扱いや不注意によるダメージ、通常の生地の傷みや破れ等のダメージ、色や素材の経年劣化や着用による劣化に対しては保証適応外です。詳細はセラーのページをご覧いただくか、お問合せ下さい。
I called the Japanese Embassy in country A. I understand that you are expected to graduate from the university in December but, do you have a visa status in country A until March? According to the person who was in charge at the Embassy, they told me that I need to once return to my home country and visit the Japanese Embassy to apply for a visa to stay in Japan, if my visa expires in December.Or, if you have a visa status until March, and can apply for a visa at the Japanese Embassy in country A, we will make a fair copy and attach it to the mail since the draft we prepared will be enough to complete the documents we need to submit.
Hey man, I have a few things, a bunch of shafts, most of the shafts I have multiples of. Let me know if anything interests you, I have a bunch of stuff right now so I am doing a lot of this stuff for a really good price. These are not the new prices just a special thing. I can hold stuff if needed too. I am also getting some scratch iron sets, they will be 1400 each, these will have some really neat stampings. I will have your 39 inch shafts to you this week.The S200 are only available to TOUR PLAYERS in the USA. IT is a silk screen but its an item number that True Temper puts on it. Each shaft has its own number from what I understand.
こんにちは、何種類かの商品を在庫しています。シャフトは何種類もあり、ほとんどのシャフトは複数本ずつ用意できます。興味のある商品があればお知らせ下さい。現在、手元に賞品が沢山あるので、本当にお手頃価格で提供可能です。これらはまさに特別価格で、新しい価格ではありません。もし、商品の取り置きをご希望なら、それも可能です。スクラッチのアイアンセットも何セットか入手予定です。各セット、$1400になります。きちんとした刻印付の商品になります。39インチのシャフトは今週お届けします。S200は、アメリカのツアープレイヤーのみにしか、販売されておりません。ITは、True Temperがシャフトに付けている商品番号で、シルクスクリーン印刷されています。私の知る限りでは、各シャフトには、個別に番号が付いています。
Show up ready to playThe moment pitches are over and teams are formed you should be ready to push code to a live, publicly addressable server within minutes. Do not waste your first few hours fighting with hosting account setup, dev environment setup, creating accounts on your APIs of choice, etc. Register a domain using a made up word and use it as your project’s code name (in fact, don’t spend two seconds discussing names before building anything, it will come naturally and you’ll have a code name to fall back on).
Build something awesome#1 to #3 don’t matter if your project is boring. You won’t be able to get people to join you and the presentation will stink. You can only put so much lipstick on a pig.We hope that helped! Kudos to John for those. For our Bandung hackathon this weekend, you may want to check the list of API/challenges available here. Be creative, keep things simple, and solve a problem – because that’s what our judges are going to be looking for!
Try, fail, try again, maybe fail again. No one can guarantee success on the first try, but we need meticulous planning, we need an approach before we begin, and we need KPIs to measure our success. I would rather come up with a dozen plans to attack a single problem than put all of my eggs into one basket. So often we know that we’ve failed but because we only had one plan we end up working until the plan has been fulfilled anyway; how tiring!
Talking like a regular person is the most fundamental requirement for entering social media. What does that mean? 1. Honesty 2. Logical clarity 3. Confidence 4. A desire for equal communication and 5. Respect for others. Honest means don’t bullshit, logical clarity means know what you’re doing, confidence means you give happiness to others, equality means don’t put yourself above others, respect others means listen.
ソーシャルメディアを始める上で、最も重要な条件とは、普通の人の様に話ができる事だ。これは、何を意味するのか?1.誠実 2.論理的で明確 3.信頼 4.対等なやりとりを望み5.他人を尊重する事。誠実とは、くだらないことはしない事だ。論理的で明確とは、自分が何をしているか理解している事だ。信頼とは、他人を喜ばす事だ。対等とは、他人を下に見ない事だ。そして、他人を尊重するとは、相手の話に耳を傾ける事だ。
Although that’s a lot of tips, it’s just the tip of the iceberg (see what I did there?) so feel free to check out the full article if you’re interested. If you’re looking for one major takeaway here, it’s that you should be honest and communicate directly with customers on Chinese social media. That might seem like common sense, but since there are still plenty of companies buying followers by the truckload for the sake of vanity, it’s a lesson not everyone has yet learned.