nobeldrsd 翻訳実績

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nobeldrsd 英語 → 日本語

Jiang says that for Tencent, the move from connecting humans to connecting devices ought to be seamless.

Judging from my contact with senior management, their network is their strategy. There’s a saying that they are just building a big water dam. Once all the water gets inside, and it’s up to them what to do with this huge pool of water. It can be hardware, it can be ecommerce, it can be anything. They have an excellent understanding of user experience and a respect for user privacy. Alibaba and Baidu both have their strengths too, of course. Baidu is more about hard technology and search. Alibaba has built a network of buyers and sellers. but Tencent has ALL the people. It’s like Facebook.


Tencent は、人同士を繋ぐことから人と機器を繋ぐことを完璧に行わねばならないとJiang氏は述べている。
