直子(Naoko, ZhiZi) (nao_zhizi0202) 翻訳実績

8年弱前 女性 30代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語 中国語(繁体字) 中国語(簡体字)
化学 文化 サイエンス 音楽 技術
nao_zhizi0202 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.0

We understand. You should receive an email shortly with confirmation of your refund. We are not going to send a shipping label for you to get the belt you have back to us as the price of shipping to you has been the same as the cost of the belt. We have already paid more than $230 in shipping costs thus far and it doesn't make business sense for us to increase that amount closer to $350 to get a $130 belt back in our hands to sell. We want you to know that we won't do this again in the future, but in this case we are going to refund you and leave the belt in your hands.

Consider it a sign of our appreciation of your business.


