there are no colour variations. Each drawing comes in only one colour, so the goods tote comes only in off white fabric with black print and fluo pink ribbons and handles. It comes in small size and large size.The blue colour is only for the P drawing and the black colour is only for the M drawing.Due date for placing orders is Friday October 15th.Minimum orders for totes is 6 per style and size.Minimum order for embroidered pieces is 6 total.The sizes and shape are exactly the same as last season but they are not lined.
われらの船はたのもしい。われらの船はにぎやかだ。あらゆる文豪と哲人を仲間にしながら、あらゆる遺産と歴史とを巡りつつ、すべての山を踏破せんと、すべての海へ立ち向かうからだ。あなたが、「余計な男には逢わせないでくれ」と祈った通り、スティーブこそは、英雄の中の英雄、豪傑の中の豪傑。 七つの海を所狭しと駆け回る、神出鬼没の英知と情熱のシンドバッド。
Our ship is a reliable. Our ship is a bustling. Every literary masters and philosophers join us, and while we are traveling around every heritages and history, we try to travel through every mountain on foot, we defy every oceans.As you wish "Don't make me meet unwelcomed man", Stieve is a hero among heroes, a grat man among great men.Running about in The Seven Seas, he is an elusive Sindibaad of wisdom and passion.
Because, as Michelet said, youth like we are standing on the center of every time and space where the starting point to all directions and we are entrusted for all kinds of unification.Oh, dear Stieve and Beatrice.Two unseparatable souls flew across a barrier between the front and the back of far earth. Oh, beautiful Beatrice who remind me ancient goddess, welcome to our ship.
冒険を止めるとき、宗教は死滅するのだ。さあ、いつか我らは、この天地に再び舞い来たり、この神々しき凱旋門を晴れ晴れと仰ごうではないか! いざ、パイオニア号よ、出でよ、出でよ、七つの海へ。ああ、鳥たちよ、我らを導け、我らを誘え、スティーブとともに七つの海へ! 我が最愛の友・スティーブとベアトリスとの新たな旅立ちを祝して、生涯の契りを共になす思いで、この詩を贈る。 2010年10月2日君の生涯の盟友・ 西 崇(たかし)
When we stop adventure, religion will extinct.Well, someday we shall fly down to this earth again,and let's look up to this divine Triumphal arch in high spirits!Now, Pioneer, sail, sail to The Seven Seas.Oh birds, lead us, tempt us and journey to The Seven Seas with Stieve!For cerebrating this departure with my dearest friend, Stieve and Beatrice,I present this poem with my thought that I feel like exchange bow with you. 2nd October, 2010Your lifetime sworn friend Takashi Nishu
Sail to the Seven Seas with Stieve!Happily sailing down on a longed-for Alps with clear splash, let a goat and a calf play, let trees and fields wet, let a poet heel, keep philosophers, and finally create a gorgeous capital Paris. This name is scentful River Seine. Now, exciting romantic journey of our phirosophy and art that cerebrated by drops of eternity snow starts from the bosom of Mont Blanc.
Flowers in bloom, trees heavy with fruits, the picture scroll like Greek myths.This is what religion aiming for, this is a "capital of culture" for freedom and liberation. You and I entered into an alliance for new revolution.Nevertheless, You and I, I cannot say how far is you, how far am I.When I stay with you, I can be most myself.Look, Standing up on the center of obelisk are me and you, Eric who reading this poem, and new friend Beatrice.
7. The concept is not ground-breaking by any means, but what's notable about this campaign to raise awareness for a new Lee jean store opening in Paris is how far the team has gone to plaster Paris with Lee denim.The sheer scale of jean-covered parking meters, clothes lines, manhole covers and stickers would surely guarantee that no one in the area could fail to notice the grand opening.
7. コンセプトは特別に革新的ではないが、パリでの新しいリージーンズストアーオープンの認識を高めるためのこのキャンペーンで注目すべきなのは、チームがパリの街中にリーデニムを張り付けるためにどれだけ尽力したかということだ。ジーンズで覆われたパーキングメータ、クローズライン、マンホールカバーやステッカーの大きさは、このエリアではグランドオープンに気付かずににいられる人はいないと保証できるであろう。
日本では、ぽち袋(petit envelope)はとてもよく使われます。特にお正月の時期に大人が子供たちにご祝儀としてお金を入れて渡す風習があります。もちろん、小さなアクセサリーを入れたりミニカードを入れてみても良いかも!この日本スタイルの封筒をあなたらしくクリエイティブに使ってみて。今回は、シンプルな動物イラスト入りのデザインを5種類ご用意しました。お気に入りの動物に、名前や挨拶などの文字を入れて印刷します。*1種類の動物デザイン30枚入り
In Japan, a petit envelope is a popular item. We have a custom that an adult put money in the envelope and give it to children in the New Year. Also, you can put small accessory or small message card in it! Take this Japanese style envelope and create your own style.This time, we have 5 kinds of envelope designed simple animal. Print your name or greetings on your favorite animal.*one kind of animal design 30 sheets in a pac
Regulators and legislators are looking at Americans’ retirement security because life expectancies are increasing and savings have shifted from traditional pension plans -- where employers generally provide retired employees with lifetime payments -- to defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s, according to the Labor Department. Participants in defined contribution plans increased to 67 million in 2007 from 11 million in 1975, the agency said. An estimated 47 percent of Americans born between 1948 and 1954 may not be able to afford basic expenses and uninsured health-care costs through retirement.
Employers are also concerned about fees and how guarantees would be transferred if employees change jobs, said Wray at the hearing today. Last year, 4 percent of employers offered a 401(k) plan with an annuity built in, according to Lori Lucas, defined contribution practice leader at Callan Associates Inc., a San Francisco-based investment-consulting firm. Prudential and New York-based insurer MetLife Inc., the two largest U.S. insurers, and money managers including BlackRock Inc., based in New York, have been developing investment options that let workers contribute to an annuity within their 401(k)s. A built-in annuity option is important for workers who don’t choose their own investments, said Robert.
ROADIE uses EventNet to infer the user’s goals from his or her actions, and proposes specific device functions that might accomplish the user’s goal. This is illustrated below in the scenario.The user interaction module maps the actions, goals and desires of the user to a format that the device controller can understand. This component works as a complement to the normal device’s interface, sensing the user’s interactions with the devices. It uses EventNet to find the implications of the user’s actions. We also used the Web to automatically collect pairs of device actions linked by temporal relations.
The planner is used to infer the set of actions needed to configure the devices to satisfy the user’s goal. The planner decomposes the desired states to single actions that the devices can execute and creates alternative actions when something unexpected occurs. Also, the planner keeps track of the recently performed actions and whether they succeed or not. If it is impossible to accomplish the goal, the system uses this information to provide the user advice to debug and potentially correct the problem. Roadie uses the standard Graphplan implementation.
The device interface is the module responsible for making the devices communicate with the rest of the system. It is responsible for controlling and monitoring the devices, querying EventNet and sending the goals to the planner. This module has a text string for each change in state of the device, like “turn on the device,” “I insert a music CD.” In addition, it has all the possible goals that might be reached with the current devices: both natural language, and as a planner goal with the slots and its acceptable types.
We attribute the growing complexity of consumer electronics interface design to the desire to maintain the one-to-one correspondence between functions and controls that worked well for simpler devices. But as the number of functions of a device grows, controls get overloaded, leading to heavily-moded interfaces, push-and-hold buttons, long and deep menus, and other confusing and error-prone interface elements. The next generation of consumer electronics devices will incorporate processing and networking, making things potentially more complex if we stick to manual operation, but also opening up new possibilities for automating co-operation between multiple devices.
We herewith send you your order form as attachment. As agreed delivery will be in January 2011. The tota invoice has to be paid before delivery Please note delivery will be FOB Amsterdam. So please send me your courier + account number which we can use.When you don’t have your own courier we can use ours and we will add the costs to the total invoice. We have posted the pictures of the Magali Pasca Summer 2011 collection in an online photo album Under each photo you will see the name of the style as on your order form The official Magali Pascal logo can also be found in this album Logo and pictures can be used for your website or any other commercial use. Link to the album
蜘蛛の糸芥川龍之介 ある日の事でございます。御釈迦様は極楽の蓮池のふちを、独りでぶらぶら御歩きになっていらっしゃいました。池の中に咲いている蓮の花は、みんな玉のようにまっ白で、そのまん中にある金色の蕊からは、何とも云えない好い匂が、絶間なくあたりへ溢れて居ります。極楽は丁度朝なのでございましょう。 やがて御釈迦様はその池のふちに御佇みになって、水の面を蔽っている蓮の葉の間から、ふと下の容子を御覧になりました。
Spider's threadRyunosuke Akutagawa One day, Budda was walking alone around a lotus pound in Heaven. Every lotus flowers on the pond were white as a pearl and there are continuously sweet scent from golden pistil of center of a flower. It must be a morning time in Heaven. Then Budda sat on the edge of a pond and looked down the earth through the space between lotus leaves on a pond.
The bottom of Hell is located just under the lotus pond in Heaven. So Budda can clearly see a view of River of Three Crossing and Needle Mountain through clear water like a grass bottom for viewing underwater. Just then, Budda noticed a man named Kandata is wriglling with other sinners in the bottom of Hell. This man, Kandata was a sinner who comitted murder, set fire to a house, and did various evel deeds. But he did a good deed once in his life.
The reason is like this. One day, when Kandata was passing through a deep woods, he saw a small spider was crawling on the ground. Kandata lifted up his foot immediately and tryed to stamp a spider, but he suddenly reconsidered. "No, no. It is so small but a living thing. It is so cruel to take away spider's life thoughtlessly. " And he didn't kill a small spider and saved it.
Budda remembered that Kandata saved a small spider while he was looking down to Hell. And he thought he is going to try helping Kandata out of Hell for his good deed. Fortunately, a heaven's spider was weaving its web with a beautiful silver thread on a jade colored lotus leaf by his side. Budda took a spider's thread softly, and put it down straight to the bottom of Hell through white lotuses.
I would remind you that when you send back samples to us at the address below, you should make sure you do the following... On commercial invoice and DHL shipping slip make sure to write “Al samples marked and mutilated – NOT FOR RESALE” Declare the value of each sample at $1.00 per piece. Do NOT put the real value of each sample This is very important in order to avoid delays in customs or unnecessary duties to be paid