
湯之上 (mika-y) 翻訳実績

10年以上前 女性 40代
日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
mika-y 英語 → 日本語

The renowned Truven Health Analytics annual 100 Top Hospitals® study uses objective research and independent public data to recognize the best hospitals in the nation. Hospitals do not apply, and winners do not pay to market this honor. Study results and winner lists are highly anticipated each year and have been for two decades.
Our study is unique in that it evaluates hospitals on measures of overall organizational performance, including patient care, operational efficiency, and financial stability. It compares hospitals only against similar facilities in terms of size and teaching status.



mika-y 英語 → 日本語 ★★★☆☆ 3.0

(1) The Buyer is doing the business of Incentive Café Service and creates incentive café program in order to introduce the Goods the Member and for the Membership to exchange the received point with the Goods.
(2) The Seller is doing in the business of selling Goods and would like to supply/sell the Goods to the Buyer.
(3) The Seller wishes to sell the Goods to the Buyer under the incentive café program of the Buyer and the Buyer wishes to buy the Goods from the Seller to provide to the Membership under incentive café program in accordance with the terms and condition in this Agreement as well as terms and conditions in Individual Sale Agreement (as defined herein below).


(3)売り手はインセンティブカフェプログラムにおいて、商品を販売し、バイヤーは 個人販売契約(以下に説明)に基づく期間や条件と同様にこの契約の、期間や条件に応じてインセンティブカフェプログラムの下、売り手から商品を購入し、会員に商品の提供することが望まれます。

mika-y 英語 → 日本語 ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:

Article 1 Definitions and interpretation

1. In this Agreement, unless it appears otherwise from the context, in addition to terms which are defined elsewhere, the following words and expressions shall have the following meaning:
1.1 “Agreement” shall mean this Basic Agreement for supplying Goods, Individual Sale Agreement, and all Annexes attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference including all amendment and supplement thereto;
1.2 “Client” shall mean the customer who has participated in the incentive café service by purchasing the point and provide to the User who is its employee or its customer.


第一項 定義と解釈

1 この協定において、どこか他の所で定義されている条項にくわえ、内容が違って記載されない限りは、以下の単語や表現は以下の意味を持つものと解釈されたい。
1.1 「協定」は、商品を提供する契約つまり、個人販売契約の為の基本契約を意味している、またこの文書に付随する全ての付録や、この文書に加筆されうる、または校正されうる内容をこの文書に組み入れられる。
1.2 「顧客」はポイントを獲得することで、インセンティブカフェサービスに参加するお客様を指し、またはその従業員や、二重顧客である使用者に対して提供するものとする。

mika-y 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

2.3 In case of any conflicts or discrepancies among this Agreement, any correspondence, memorandum, Individual Sales Agreement and other documents forming part of any order for services, this Agreement shall govern and prevail, and the printed terms and conditions of any such documents shall be deemed to have been deleted and shall not be binding upon the Seller.

Article 3 Establishment of Individual Sales Agreement

3.1 The Individual Sales Agreement shall be established on the date which the Buyer has issued an order of Goods to the Seller by mail, facsimile, e-mail or the Control System. The Seller shall always check the incoming of order and shall promptly issue the Buyer with such order’s confirmation.


2.3 この契約、通信、メモ通信、サービスの為の如何なる注文を構成している他の文書または個人販売契約に関する如何なる闘争や相違が発生した場合、この契約が管理、流布するものとする。また、そのような文書の活字化された期間や条件は削除されたものとして考えられ、売り手には拘束がないものとする。

第3項 個人販売契約の認定

3.1 個人販売契約は、買い手がメールや、ファックス、eメールまたは管理システムによって売り手への商品注文を売り渡した日から認定されるものとする。売り手はいつも、注文受注を調べ、そのような注文の確認のもとに買い手に即座に売り渡すこととする。

mika-y 英語 → 日本語

The only thing I am worried about is to see FEATHER No.90 on Ebay twice or three times cheaper, Imagine how upsetting would that be. (Or are you planning on selling the remaining 3 for existing price?)
If it happened , I would like to be assured that FEATHER No.90, which I bought, was the cheapest I could get for myself Sorry, I'm new to eBay, vaguely represent relationship between the parties , if it isn't difficult for you, please explain to me how these things are sorted. And another thing, I cannot find any information on the company, history, why the price is as it is, which material was used, the only thing that I understood was that it was handmade - am I right or not?



mika-y 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

We see that you used to have to sell the goods for 50% more than you bought them at to make a profit, NZD$12 plus 50% equals NZD$18. How about we sell to you at the same margin, with respect to the new price you have to sell all (NZD$13). Being NZD$8.60 (JPY760). That is, NZD$8.60 plus 50% equals NZD$13.

We sold to you at JPY1,070 (NZD$12), we are offering to rebate you back to NZD$8.60 (JPY760) per unit. We still make a loss here, as may you, so this is a compromise solution. Unfortunately we cant go to JPY450 as losses are too large.

