The baggage didn't arrive in time of our business hours. The shipping will be on Friday ( which will be the day after tomorrow.). Since the shipping company is closed tomorrow, the baggage will be arriving to you on Sunday or Monday (in US time.). We are sorry for its delay, but we are hoping that you will receive the baggage by the end of weekend. Thank you for your understanding!
Nearby tracker test is ending? Upsight platform removed from Pokemon GOBy pokemong - September 18, 201629 0Our recent data mining revealed that Upsight, a mobile marketing and user behavior tracking platform, was removed from the Pokemon GO source code in the recent 0.37.1 update.The removal of Upsight is interesting, as it’s a common tool to track user interactions and time spent with certain actions, scenarios and/or features. For example, if you were to test a feature with a subset of users, Upsight would be a great tool to track and analyze how much and in what way your users actually use the feature.
Many thanks for your e mail, and sorry for the slow response but you will appreciate that we need time to resolve the issues with our current Distributor, which should of course remain strictly ‘Private and Confidential’. I will get back to you as soon as possible, and probably try and organise a meeting in Tokyo, although you need to be a little patient as I am travelling for the next few weeks.
Transcosmos buys 30% of Vietnamese ecommerce site HotdealJapan-based outsourcing giant Transcosmos has acquired 30 percent of Vietnamese daily deals site Hotdeal for an undisclosed sum.In a statement today, Transcosmos says the deal allows it to pass on its ecommerce know-how to Hotdeal and offer the products and services of its clients in Japan to consumers in Vietnam.Following the transaction, Hotdeal’s operations will merge with those of Transcosmos in line with their goals to expand in the ASEAN region.
“This partnership will introduce Hotdeal to international brands, transfer Transcosmos’ know-how in ecommerce and […] its cross-border trading capabilities so we can provide high-quality products and great shopping experiences to the customers,” said Hotdeal founder Nguyen Thanh Van An.3 million shoppersLaunched in December 2010, Hotdeal claims to operate the largest daily deals site in Vietnam, with 3.1 million unique monthly users and about 2.5 million members. It also owns travel site Yesgo.
「この提携はHotdealをグローバルブランドへ取り込み、Transcosmosのノウハウをeコマースに転送 そして(。。。)国境を越えた取引の可能性を追求してお客様に良質な、またより良い買い物をしていただけます。」とHotdeal設立者のNguyen Thanh Van An.は話している。3億人の顧客2010年12に月の立ち上げ以来、Hotdealは毎日の取引がベトナム一、最高で月、3.1億の独自のユーザーがおり、そのうち2.5億は会員である。Hotdealはその他にも Yesgoという旅行サイトを所有する。
I have some questions about the "HOME SWAN Wasserkocher 1l Tropf SDK-10".1. is it inside free of plastic or silikon or glue? I want to be sure that there is absolutely no plastic inside where the water has contact, also not a plastic "window" for the water-measurement ore plastic screws inside.2. will it work with Austria Energy: 240 Volt?3. how many Watt does it have?4. can I be sure that there is no chemical smell inside and the metall is food-safe? For my tee and health I need only the best water quality.5. can the cover / cap be removed easily?
HOME SWAN Wasserkocher 1l Tropf SDK-10".の質問です。1。内側はプラスチックですか、それともシリコンですか?水に直接触れる内側はプラスチックが使われてないことを確認しあいのですが。また水を測るの窓にはプラスチック製のネジが使われてますがその窓はどうなのでしょうか?2。オーストラリアの電圧240ボルトは商品に使えますか?3。何ワットと使用できますか?4。化学物質の臭いがしなければ、その金属は食べ物に対して安全ということでしょうか?私の歯と体の健康のためにベストの水を飲みたいと考えています。5。上蓋/キャップは簡単に取り外せますか?
Countering the Inevitable ObjectionSome of you may be thinking, “surely there are many cases where jerks actually are good for business.” We’ve all read the stories about mercurial individuals whose jerkiness seems to be interwoven with their greatness. But, as Tony Schwartz, the productivity expert who runs The Energy Project, recently stated in The New York Times, employees perform better when they feel their needs are being met. As Steve Jobs’ biographer Walter Isaacson wrote, “Nasty was not necessary. It hindered [Jobs] more than it helped him.”
嫌な職員が居る職場が返っていい業務成績を残していると思っている人もいるかもしれない。少し風変わりの人間と同時に機知に富んだ個人のコラボによって大きな企業成績達成につながったという話をきいたことがある。しかし、エネルギープロジェクトを運営しているTony Schwartzは最近のニューヨークタイムズ紙で、職員は本人が自身のニーズ(必要性)を感じ、目標が叶ったと感じた時、業務成績にも良い結果を表せると語っている。Walter Issacson の書いた、Steve Jobs の自伝でも“不愉快は職場には必要なし、仕事の妨げになるだけだ”書き綴られている。
Structuring teams that work and communicate efficiently with each other goes a long way in the quality of work produced. It’s crucial to workplace morale and your bottom line that both human resources and the entire executive team have clear insight into your work culture so they can successfully find and cultivate candidates who possess qualities that help your success — not hinder it.Brad Wiskirchen is CEO of Kount.
But if Uber wants to have a real shot at stealing market share from Didi in China — and I don’t see why it shouldn’t have a real shot based on its current projections and the endless money that it’s throwing at the problem — it will clearly have to move away from any kind of strategy that involves reliance on or expectation of good will from a defensive competitor that controls powerful gateways to local consumers.Especially when that competitor is a homegrown answer from a country as notoriously difficult for foreign tech companies to navigate and win in as China.
しかしながら、ウーバー(Uber)は現在、中国のDidi からマーケットシェアの略奪を本格的に試みようとしている。だが何故現在の会社のプロジェクション、そこから生じる問題解決に費やしているとてつもない金額に目を向けないのだろうか?依存型、または地方顧客のゲイトウエイを強力にコントロールする受け身のライバル会社の善意を期待してのビジネスからは脱出したほうが良いのは明らかだ。外国のハイテク会社による中国国内での企業運営が困難だという不評が立つとライバル会社がその答えを出すであろう
That’s kind of a sucky state of affairs. And while Didi might not so easily get away with this kind of behavior in a country like the U.S., the reality is that Uber is fighting a war on enemy territory.Being banned on WeChat is increasingly going to be a headache for any company — foreign or local — that wants to benefit from that powerful and almost unparalleled channel to more than 600 million tech-savvy Chinese consumers, many of whom have credit cards linked to their WeChat account.