Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

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IT ビジネス 技術 出版・プレスリリース 旅行・観光 マーケティング IR 財務
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Still, Seshu Kiran said XAir has been talking to companies in the mining industry about using its fixed-wing drones for what he called “conductivity mapping,” and that he expected that work to begin by this May. He did not say if it would be inside or outside the U.S.

Seshu Kiran said that the impetus for XAir’s wind-powered drone is applications that require longer flights than can be made using traditional battery-powered systems. “For long-haul aerial missions, batteries add significant weight,” he said, “and reduce the mission payload. Harvesting wind energy for lift and thrust in the desired direction, or to stay in the air, add significant improvements to safety.”


それでも、Seshu Kiran氏が言うには、XAirは彼が言うところの「伝導性マッピング」で固定ウィング型のドローン利用を鉱業関係企業に呼びかけており、5月には試行予定であるという。その場所が米国なのか国外なのかについては言及しなかった。

Seshu Kiran氏によると、XAirの固定ウィング型ドローンの推進力は、これまでのバッテリー電源のシステムでの飛行よりも長い時間の飛行が要求される応用事例であるという。「長時間の飛行ミッションにつきましては、バッテリーは余分な重量となります」とした上で、「搭載できる分量が減ってしまいます。飛び立ち、正しい方向に飛行し、上空を漂うのに風力を取り入れることで、安全性は格段に向上します」と、彼は述べた。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Fixed-wing drones are the way to go to achieve the company’s goals, Seshu Kiran said. “With fixed-wing, you can trade lift for thrust, which adds motion in the mission’s path. In case of moderate-to-gusty winds, [the drones] can even harvest energy by solar and/or stress torsion on the wings.”

The company’s 24-ounce prototype — which was considered the right size because it wouldn’t be an expensive loss if it crashed during testing — features electronic controls, wind-speed sensors, a dedicated micro-computer, and software that together analyze and leverage the direction and dynamic components of wind during flight, he said.

XAir is six months old. The company is not disclosing any of its financials.


固定ウィング型ドローンは、同社の目標を達成するための最良の手段であると、Seshu Kiran氏は述べた。「固定ウィングでは、飛び上がる力を推進力に変えることができるのです。それがミッション達成に向けた動きをもたらします。通常の風、突風の場合、 (ドローンは)太陽、翼上のストレスのねじれ力からもエネルギーを取り入れられます。」



mars16 英語 → 日本語

LinkedIn exec Simon Zhang’s next new thing: A data-analytics startup

Simon Zhang spent his last day at LinkedIn on February 18, giving up his prominent position as senior director of business analytics at the business social networking company. But he’s not leaving empty-handed.

He’s got lots of experience working with people who need to analyze data to make better decisions. Now, that experience will come in handy. He’s planning to establish a startup with data-analytics software that could potentially have a major impact. He envisions marketers, product managers, and developers using the tool.


LinkedIn役員のSimon Zhang氏が次に考えていること: データアナリティクスのスタートアップ

Simon Zhang氏は2月18日、ビジネスのソーシャルネットワーキング企業LinkedInのビジネスアナリティクス部門シニアディレクターという有望な肩書きを捨てて同社を去った。しかし手ぶらで退職したわけではない。


mars16 英語 → 日本語

“I’d like to build a product that provides very, very easy and quick analytics results,” Zhang told VentureBeat in an interview today. “Ideally speaking, it doesn’t need people to do much work.”

Zhang is just the right type of founder who could appeal to investors looking for their next deal. Several business intelligence and business analytics startups have been acquired in the past few years — take for instance DataPad, Jaspersoft, Parastructure, and Pentaho — and the sentiment about making data actionable and accessible is not letting up. So one could say Zhang is making his move at a good time.




mars16 英語 → 日本語

Since then, Popinjay bags have picked up where BLISS left off quite well, getting showcased at the Emmy awards and in numerous international publications.

Saba believes the bags stand out from the rest of the pack because they are truly one-of-a-kind:

Each Popinjay bag features a signature element: hand embroidery done in silk threads that is set in the finest leather. Popinjay products are unique in that they preserve traditional craft, while adding timeless style to the fashion-forward woman’s closet. A story is woven between the threads of our bags, creating an ever-lasting bond between the artisan woman that made it, and the woman that carries it.





mars16 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

Diversifying product offerings

Now that its bags have made it to the top of the world, Saba’s next goal for Popinjay’s 150 or so talented female artisans is to produce award-winning belts, shoes, and other apparel and accessories as well. “We also want to diversify the skills we teach the women, moving from only hand embroidery to also include block printing, tie-dye, and various other techniques,” she adds.

With that, she ultimately hopes to create an ecosystem of support, training, and marketing channels for artisans. “We are in it for the long haul. Our ultimate goal is to become a global brand that stands for justice, equality, and dignity while creating timeless, inspired fashion pieces,” says Saba.




そうすることで、最終的には職人向けのサポート、訓練、マーケティングチャネルのエコシステムを構築したいという。 「いまは長い道のりの途上です。当社の最終目標は、時代を超越して触発されることの多いファッションものを生み出しつつ、公正、平等、威厳の代名詞となる世界ブランドになることです」と、Saba氏は述べている。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

“Maybe it makes more sense to give the [iBeacon] info back to the retailer,” he said. “It makes for a better user experience.

“People working in a store are the biggest physical advantage there.”

So why get in their way by distracting the customer with push marketing on their phone? iBeacon technology might best be used to “understand you were here [in the store or at the truck],” Hedberg said. “Not that you are here.”

Glimr is a somewhat unusual data-management platform (DMP), he said, because it is also directly involved with iBeacons. A conventional DMP stores data, often cookie-related, which is then employed to segment users into groups for targeting online ads.




それゆえ、どうして電話でのプッシュマーケティングで顧客の気をそらし失敗してしまうようなことをするのだろうか? iBeacon技術は、「(店舗内もしくはトラック)にあなたがいたということを知るのに最適でしょう」と、Hedberg氏は述べた。「あなたがここにいるということではなく。」


mars16 英語 → 日本語

He noted that brands, at least in Europe, “consider it almost spam to push out [marketing] while you’re in the store.” They want to avoid a future where you’re walking past all these retailers on a busy city street, he said, and “they’re bombarding you with messages.”

Some digital marketers might debate if the Knorr soup truck experiment is actually “retargeting,” since there wasn’t an initial digital targeting. Retargeting usually refers to, say, showing a product ad to a prospect after he has visited a website, received a cookie, and bailed out of the shopping cart before buying that product. Some marketers have called it “ad stalking.”




mars16 英語 → 日本語

Here, though, the term is being extended to consider the initial visit to the soup truck — a real world interaction — as the initial targeting. And the “cookie” is the app’s recognition that the user has been near an iBeacon at the truck. It’s this blend of physical and digital marketing that points toward some different approaches to beacons.

But it also points to a more refined use of beacons. Instead of pushing a coupon as soon as the user sets foot into a beacon-equipped area, as many geo-located scenarios have envisioned, the location identifier saves the marketing move till later.




mars16 英語 → 日本語

Sigfox raises France’s biggest VC round ever at $115M to expand its IoT wireless network

LABEGE, France – Sigfox, a startup based in the southwest corner of this country, has raised $115 million to fund a global expansion of its wireless network that is dedicated to connecting Internet of Things devices.

That amount tops the $100 million raised by Paris ride-sharing leader BlaBlaCar last summer, a round that at the time was considered the biggest ever in French history. The $115 million round not only will accelerate Sigfox’s growth, but it should cement its place at the top of any list of Europe’s hottest startups.



フランスLABEGE発 – フランス南西部を拠点とするスタートアップのSigfoxは1億1500万米ドルを調達した。この資金は、インターネット・オブ・シングスの端末を独自につなぐ無線ネットワークを拡張するのに活用される。
