Mars16 (mars16) 翻訳実績

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mars16 英語 → 日本語

Goodgame is a privately held company started by two brothers (and Fabian Ritter) who both had doctorates but got bored with their respective professions. Chief executive Kai Wawrzinek has a PhD. in law, while his brother Christian, chief operating officer, has a doctorate in orthodontics. In 2009, they both decided that gaming was more fun, much like the medical doctors Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, who founded game studio BioWare in 1995 (BioWare is now part of EA, and the doctors have retired). As it seemed like gaming needed some new doctors, they formed their own company to build free-to-play titles like online poker. They started with €500,000 in seed money.


Goodgameは、ともに博士号を持つがそれぞれの専門に飽きてしまった2の兄弟(とFabian Ritter氏)によって始められた非上場企業である。CEOのKai Wawrzinek氏は法律のPhD、COOである弟のChristianは歯科矯正学の博士号を持つ。2009年、2人はゲーミングの方が面白いと考えたが、それは1995年にゲームスタジオを設立した2の医師であるRay Muzyka氏およびGreg Zeschuk氏と同じであった(当時のBioWareは現在ではEAのグループ企業となっており、両医師は会社を退いている)。ゲーミングには何人かの新たな博士が必要とされたようだが、この2人はオンライン・ポーカーなど無料で遊べるゲーム作品を作るために会社を設立した。シードマネー50万ユーロからのスタートであった。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

Goodgame has expanded into Asia with smaller game studios in Tokyo and Seoul. This year, Goodgame Studios plans to further hire people to expand its presence in Asia. Goodgame tried to succeed in China with online games, but the market proved too difficult. Goodgame partnered in China with Qihoo 360.

“By nature, these markets are very different and it is hard to understand them,” Kai Wawrzinek said. “You have to move closer to them.”

Among its hot games are Goodgame Empire and Empire: Four Kingdoms. The latter has 40 million registered users.

Kai Wawrzinek and his brother have been developing and acquiring websites since 2002. In 2003 he founded his first merger and acquisition enterprise for websites.


Goodgameは東京とソウルに小さなゲームスタジオを構え、アジアに進出した。今年、Goodgame Studiosはアジアでのプレゼンスを広げるためにさらに雇用を拡大する計画である。Goodgameはオンラインゲームにて中国での成功を試みたが、このマーケットはうまくいかないことが証明された。Goodgameは中国でQihoo 360と提携した。

「本質的な話として、この市場は難しいです。理解しがたいです」としたうえで、「もっと近づいていかなくてはなりません」と、Kai Wawrzinek氏は述べた。

人気を集めたゲームの作品としてはGoodgame EmpireとEmpire: Four Kingdomsがある。とくに後者には4000万の登録ユーザがいる。

Kai Wawrzinek氏とその弟は2002年以降、ウェブサイトの開発と買収を行っている。2003年に彼は初のウェブサイト向けM&A企業を設立した。

mars16 英語 → 日本語

In starting the company, Kai and Christian met for beers once a week, usually to discuss crazy ideas. Kai did the programming on the first games, while Christian did the art. They assembled a team of 10 people, and they launched their first online poker game at the end of 2009.

“We took some risks, but not too many,” Kai Wawrzinek said. “We tried to stay cash flow even.”

In 2010, they bought a small company with eight employees to get access to more talent. In 2011, they raised a round of funding. By 2012, they had €30 million in revenues and €100 million by 2013. Last year, about 46 percent of revenue came from mobile games, and that is the major focus going forward.



「私たちはある程度リスクを取りました。でも多くはなかったです」としたうえで、「キャッシュフローが大きく変動しないように努めました」と、Kai Wawrzinek氏は述べた。


mars16 英語 → 日本語

South Korea developed e-sports and fostered the competitive gaming culture we see rising in the U.S. The games may be American, but the associations and tournaments with the longest history, and the most dominant teams and players are overwhelmingly Asian. Based on the way e-sports developed in South Korea, it’s clear that e-sports are ready to go mainstream in the U.S.

Paying to watch people play video games

Despite the 31 million Americans who watch e-sports, it’s still difficult to comprehend the gravity of competitive gaming until you realize that Americans pay money to watch other people play video games — and advertisers pay for their attention.





mars16 英語 → 日本語

With a 2 percent acceptance rate, just getting into YC is an accomplishment. Many of the 470-odd people who have checked in to today’s event are no doubt here to get access to these super-hot entrepreneurs, knowing that the founders have already passed a stringent vetting process. It almost doesn’t matter what the companies learned or did during the YC program. Indeed, it seems clear that YC takes a fairly hands-off approach relative to other incubators: The organization offers a lot of resources, including weekly lectures from famous entrepreneurs and investors, but in the end leaves it more or less up to the companies to motivate themselves, produce a product, and attract the next round.



mars16 英語 → 日本語

In case you’ve never heard of it, Google’s data compression proxy service is meant to save the user bandwidth, load pages faster, and increase security (since sites go through Google’s servers, the company checks for malicious webpages) on your phone and tablet. It has been entirely aimed at mobile (until now), though there have been whispers of a desktop version for some time.

Now those whispers have been realized. Here’s the extension’s official description:

Reduces data usage by using Google servers to optimize pages you visit. Browse more for less!

When this extension is enabled, Chrome will use Google servers to compress pages you visit before downloading them. SSL and incognito pages will not be included.




