ID・パスワードを入力します。レイアウトを変更します編集したいレコードへ移動しますあなたのIDを打ち込みますまずはタイトルを作成しましょう!このリストを参考にしてオリジナルタイトルを作っていきます。※違うアイテムが混じっていることがあります。 間違って参考にしないよう注意してください。同じ文は避けたいのでリストが複数ある場合は語句を組み合わせたり、New・Japan などを加えたりします。リストが1つしかない場合・全くない場合は小文字を大文字に変えたりするだけでも結構です。
Enter your ID and password.Change the layout.Move to the record you'd like to edit.Punch in your ID.Then, create a title first.You create an original title by using the following list as your reference.*You may sometimes find wrong items in the list. In that case, please do not use them as your reference. To avoid creating same sentenses if there're multiple lists, try to use a combination of words and phrases or add words like "New and Japan."If there's only one list or isn't any list, it is totally fine to change only letters from uppercase to lowercase.
We're distributors in Japan. The reason contacting you is that we're currently considering to distribute some potential new products in Japan. If you've known any products already popular in Japan, we'd really appreciate it if you could suggest us.Please make note the shipping address is to the following.By the way, have you ever had any issue with going through the customs?