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Hi my friend, unfortunately I will not be meeting with my supplier until Monday now. I got held up in the emergency room at the hospital, I have a kidney stone so I won't be doing much of anything tonight or the weekend. You will probably be out of town by the time I get them Monday here, but, if you would like, I can send you an invoice when I receive them (everything will be the same price and probably a little discount) that way we can skip the email first? I just say this because I knew you said it will be a little difficult to answer emails while you are gone. Just let me know whatever you are more comfortable with. Thanks
こんにちは残念ながら、現状だと月曜日までに業者との打ち合わせを間に合わせるのは難しそうです。というのも、腎臓結石があって病院の救急処置室に入れられてしまい、今夜あるいは週末も何もできなさそうだからです。 私が月曜日にその商品を仕入れるまでには、おそらくあなたはこちらにはいないと思いますが、もしよければ商品を受け取ったときにあなたに送り状をメールで添付することもできます。(商品はすべて同じ価格で、おそらく少し値引きされているでしょう)これならまずあなたが私のメールを読み飛ばすことができると思います。 以前あなたが、出先でメールを返信するのは難しいと言っていたので、そう提案しました。もし他に都合のいい方法があれば知らせてください。
Is that provided with hollow screws?Is it ○○ that you want?The product is relatively old but I guess I can still find a one. It should be an used one though. Do you mind it?I atached photos. Is one of these what you mean? If not, do you have the stock number or the photo? I'm looking forward to your reply.The price is ○○ including tax.How many do you need?I could send away for the main part of the product, if you need it.