Khairun Khadijah (khairunkhadijah)

9年弱前 女性 30代
マレー語 (ネイティブ) 英語 日本語
エレクトロニクス 機械 ビジネス

Graduated from Electric & Electronics Faculty, Toyohashi University. Very excellent in Japanese, Malay and English. Have been living in Japan for 5 years, experienced so many cultures of Japan, also have been to almost part of Japan-which conclude that I am very details about Japan. Although I already left Japan last 2 years, but I still love everything about Japan and still working with Japanese members of Japan's company. Very wide knowledge about current issue in Japan since I read The Nikkei newspaper everyday to enhance my Japanese proficiency.


言語ペア 分野 経験年数 詳細(翻訳内容など) 翻訳例
日本語 → 英語 エレクトロニクス 1年 Worked as engineer cum Japanese speaker executive for Japanese company for one year. Besides doing technical jobs, also supporting administration department for Japanese related jobs.
日本語 → 英語 機械 1年 Worked as translator for car manufacturing company for one year. Translated new documents, manuals and agreements as it was a new company.
日本語 → 英語 ビジネス 3年 Currently working as personal assistant to Japanese MD also supporting other Japanese expatriates.


レベル & 言語ペア Market依頼
(完了数 / 作業中数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
(翻訳回数 / 文字数)
Senior 英語 ≫ マレー語 0 6  / 11314 0  / 0
Standard 日本語 ≫ マレー語 5 0  / 0 5  / 125
Starter マレー語 ≫ 英語 1  / 1 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 英語 ≫ 日本語 1 0  / 0 0  / 0
Starter 日本語 ≫ 英語 0 0  / 0 339  / 19449
Starter マレー語 ≫ 日本語 0 0  / 0 0  / 0


直近6ヶ月 (時間 / 月)
(納品数 / 受注数)
0 時間 / 月 100 % (7 / 7)