・SALでの発送は送料無料です。・もし、EMSまたはRegisterd Small Parcel SALでの発送をご希望される場合は、ご落札後2時間以内にその旨をこちらにお知らせください。PayPalを通してインボイスをお送りしますので、それで追加分の送料を支払ってください。何もご連絡が無い場合はSALで発送します。
SAL shipping is free.If you prefer EMS shipping or Registered Small Parcel SAL shipping,please notify within 2 hours after the successful bid.You will receive the invoice via PayPalso that you can pay for the additional charge as well.If there is no notice, the item will be shipped via SAL.
Are you certain that you will be able to ship it within 14 days?After receiving your response to the above,I will notify you that I will either remain on backorder or cancel your order.I will remain on backorder.Please expedite this rug immediately.You are not out of stock, are you?If you were out of stock, you would have given notice within 2 weeks, wouldn't you? There was an indication that you had stocks for 10 days after I ordered.Please confirm the same issue does not occur to any of my orders that have not been delivered yet.Also please update my account.
Houses in Japan used to be designed to prevent heat and humidity during summer rather than to prevent cold air during winter, and lacked in insulation and air circulation. Unlike in Europe, partial heating such as fireplaces, foot warmers and braziers was very common in Japan. Fireplaces were used for cooking and light as well as heat. The fuel for fireplaces was mainly wood. Straws, rice hulls, driftwood, peats and charcoals were used as well in areas where there was not enough wood. In urban areas, foot warmers and braziers (whose fuel was charcoals and charcoal briquettes) were used instead of fireplaces, because the houses were smaller and getting the fuel supply was difficult.
igi1918Good day. I don't want to bother with same question every time.But I want to know about when you will send package again. According to the Japan post, the package was returned to sender from Amsterdam on 6th Mar and it's already 20 days has been passed. And also it has been 6 days ago when I got reply from you that you will send it when you get the package back. Thank you very much for your kind support every time for the question. But please let me know for the last time this month. Thanks. igi5132Please limit your text to less than 300 characters.The lego truck has not arrived yet. Is there a problem? a y2yI wanted to know if the plane is die-cast metal or plastic.
igi1918さんお世話になっております。何度も同じ質問で申し訳ないですが、いつ頃商品をお送りいただけますでしょうか。日本郵便によると、3月6日、商品はアムステルダムから送り主へ返送されているとのことですが、それからすでに20日経っております。また、6日前の貴社からの連絡では、商品を受け取り後、弊社にお送りいただくことになっていたと思います。本件に関してご協力をいただき、感謝しております。今月もう一度ご連絡を下さい。宜しくお願いいたします。igi5132さん文字数は300文字未満にして下さい。レゴトラックはまだ届いておりませんが、問題がありましたでしょうか? a y2yさん飛行機は金属ダイカストでしょうか、プラスチックでしょうか。
Now I would like to talk about our current business status.We entered into a wholesale contract with 5 leading Japanese distributors to start the wholesale business.However, one of our issues is the existence of A, a wholesaler in the U.S.Even the distributors who signed our wholesale contract are mainly purchasing from A. Our share is not very high. We could say neither you nor we are taking margins from the Japanese market, but A is.If you have any good suggestion, please share with us.
Hello.Thank you for your support as always.Did you hear from DHL regarding the missing shipments?Do you know where they are gone?I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Dear ladies and gentlemen,I own such a lovely tank but will need new main chains for the drive. Would you please are so kind to give me a note where to buy spare parts for this tank. A spare part list with ordering information will be appreciated. Thanks for your help and support, cheers R. Straube Germany
皆さん、素晴らしい戦車を持っているのですが、運転するには、チェーンを新しくする必要があります。どこでこの戦車の交換部品を購入できるか、アドバイスをお願いします。交換部品と注文情報の一覧を送っていただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。R. Straube ドイツ