HI, I sent you a bill for the remaining shipping to your email address on the paypal invoice and I was just checking to make sure that you recieved it. If not, you can forward the payment to mine through paypal-gnawing101@hotmail.com.Have a great day and thank you, Drew
Please make your check or money order payable to:the Store Owner/Website NameMail your payment to:canadagooseolinestore.comYour order will not ship until we receive payment.
Innova (Singapore) – Pitched by Rick TanBy putting a credit card-sized device with GPS functionality into your valuables, you can be alerted if you ever leave them behind. This will be available in Singapore in December, and it costs SGD 29.99 (or about US$23). The device’s battery can be changed using a USB interface, but it keeps working for several days on a full charge.
先端技術(シンガポール) Rick Tan記GPS機能のあるクレジットカードサイズのデバイスを貴重品に付けておくと、それを置いてその場所から離れた場合アラーム音が鳴る。これは12月にシンガポールでサービスが始まるもので、コストは29.99シンガポール・ドル(およそ23米ドル)である。そのデバイスのバッテリーはUSBインターフェースで充電され、フルチャージで数日間動作する。
Crowsnest (Tokyo) – Pitched by Kaisei HamamotoCrowsnet is a combination of a web app and iPhone app that aggregates links on Twitter. It collects information on the social web and generates a unique news portal just for you.The app is developed by Tokyo-based tech startup Rmake who has invented a web-based game development platform. Kaisei is also the creator of Blogopolis, a site that gorgeously visualizes the tech blog buzz in Japan.
Crowsnest(東京)浜本 階生 記CrowsnestはTwitter上のリンクを集計し、WebとiPhoneそれぞれのアプリを組み合わせたものである。ソーシャルWebの情報を集め独自のニュースポータルを生成し提供する。このアプリは東京のハイテクスタートアップ企業Rmakeが開発しており、そこではWebベースでゲームを開発するプラットフォームに取り組んでいる。階生氏は日本のハイテク関連のブログを鮮やかに映像化するサイトBlogopolisのクリエーターでもある。
For making arrangments for the startups from Southeast Asia, on behalf of all the organizing staffs, I wish to thank Anne Cheng (Singapore-based startup mentor), Jonathan Buford and his friends (Startup HK) for their assistance. Naoko McCracken (Automattic, Asiajin) and Natsuko Hirano (Alien Eye) also supported in coordinating bilingual slides and pitches.Recorded Ustream video with synchronized-paging slides was made possible by Fusic with their web product Zenpre. Moso, Nulab and hosting service provider AT-LINK jointly presented a video blog site exclusively for covering behind the scenes with staff interviews.
東南アジアからのスタートアップ企業の参加があり、組織スタッフすべてを代表してAnne Cheng氏(シンガポールのスタートアップ企業メンター)、Jonathan Buford氏とその友人たち(スタートアップ企業のHK)の支援に、そしてNaoko McCracken(Automattic、Asiajin)と平野 奈津子氏(Alien Eye)にも2カ国語によるスライドとプレゼンで協力いただいたので感謝したい。スライドと同期したUstreamの動画の録画が可能となったのは、Web製作をしているZenpreのFusic氏によるものだ。Moso、NulabそしてホストサービスプロバイダーのAT-LINKの協力により、スタッフインタービューの場面の背景にビデオブログサイトが提供できた。
Sageby (Singapore) – Pitched by Bryan Maguire Chia and George ChenSageby is a platform that allows users to monetize their spare time. For instance, if you’re waiting for your meal at a restaurant, you will be able to obtain rewards by just filling out a survey form. When you take a cab and go somewhere, the same will be possible during the drive. They’re looking for potential partnership with local cab companies and restaurant chains in Japan, in addition to their efforts in Singapore.
Sageby(シンガポール)Bryan Maguire Chia氏とGeorge Chen氏によるプレゼンSagebyはユーザーが空き時間を利用して現金化することができるプラットフォームである。例えば、レストランで食事が出てくるのを待っているときに、調査票を記入することで報酬が得られるのである。あるいはタクシーに乗りどこかへ行くときに、乗車中に同じ事ができる。同社ではシンガポールでの活動に加え、日本のタクシー会社やレストランチェーンでパートナーを結ぶことができるところを探している。
$130 Million Invested in 15 Tech Ventures in China in Q3 2011Things MUST be looking real good when capital is flowing into a country. And in China, Dow Jones says that a whopping $1.3 billion was invested in 89 venture-backed companies in Q3 2011. That is a 84 percent increase in investment and a 19 percent increase in deal flow over the same period last year.IPOs dropped a little though, perhaps partially attributable to the VIE that scares so many companies in China, causing them to stay put with their IPO plans. A total of 29 IPOs raised $4.6 billion in Q3 2011 compared with 33 IPOs that raised $3.9 billion in the same period in 2010.
2011年第3四半期、中国では15のハイテクベンチャー企業に1億3,000万ドルの投資資本が国に流れ込むときは本当にいい時期のようである。Dow Jonesが言うには、中国では2011年第3四半期にベンチャー支援を受けている89の企業に13億ドルもの投資が行われた。昨年同時期に比べてこれは、投資額で84パーセント、取扱量で19パーセント増加している。IPOは少し低下しているが、これはIPOの計画のままにされるという、中国の企業の多くが警戒しているVIEになってしまう恐れがあるからである。2010年の同時期に39億ドルを集めた33のIPOに比べ、2011年第3四半期では合計29のIPOが46億ドルの資金を調達した。
IT and software companies raised $130 million in 15 deals which is twice the number of deals and thrice the capital raised during the same period last year. The IT industry also saw four IPOs in the third quarter which include popular video share website Tudou. Other Chinese tech companies prepping for IPO are Vancl, 360Buy, Lashou (reportedly filed today), 55Tuan, and YY.com.The market is hot now and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon (or at least that’s how I feel). It looks to be a good time to be an entrepreneur with big ideas in China. If you stick with the basics and build a product that serves a need and want, then you should be on the right track.
ITやソフトウェアの企業は昨年同時期に比べ株式上場企業数が2倍、資金調達額が3倍になり15社で1億3,000万ドルの資金調達額となった。第3四半期ではIT産業でも人気の動画共有サイトのTudouを含む4社の株式上場があった。他に中国のハイテク企業ではVancl、360Buy、Lashou (本日申請との報告)、55Tuan、YY.comなどが上場の準備をしている。今市場は熱くすぐには止まりそうもなさそうだ(少なくとも私にはそう感じる)。たくさんの良いアイデアを持った起業家には中国は今が良い時期のようだ。ごく普通のことを続け、必要とされ需要のあるものを作り上げるのなら、正しい方向を向いて進むべきである。
China Is The Place To Be For Serious EntrepreneursI first visited China at age 10 and since then I have been visiting the country pretty frequently — Fuzhou (where my family comes from originally), Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Beijing.I must admit, I never really liked the country. I always thought it was kinda dirty with lots of spit everywhere on the streets. My brother and I would find all sorts of excuses to avoid going to China when we were younger.But times have changed and the country has improved drastically. From a Singaporean perspective there are still many reasons to dislike it, especially the pollution in Beijing.
To be fair, there are also many reasons to love China — specifically Beijing, especially if you’re an entrepreneur. The energy there is amazing.For the most of this and last week, I have been hopping from café to café (usually with free Wi-Fi) for meetings. It is pretty common to see entrepreneurs pitching to investors or developers coding while drowning themselves in coffee at these cafés. Tech-related events, both in English or/and Chinese, are available to attend almost everyday. The atmosphere is awesome and for entrepreneurs in the tech space, it is easy to fall in love with Beijing.
The city is filled with foreigners too and it makes the capital a diverse place with different cultures. I have met countless Americans who have been in the city for several years. My question to them is always the same: “What brings you here in China?” While some might express concerns over their risky move into China, most of them agree that the country is exciting and bursting with opportunities.
Richard Robinson, an American entrepreneur and angel investor who have been living in China for more than 10 years echoed the same thoughts. Over a coffee session, he told me that in China, the first-generation entrepreneurs who made successful exits are helping the second and third generation entrepreneurs. There is a healthy amount of capital and mentorship flowing within this growing community. He also admitted that there is much to learn for a foreigner, especially folks who don’t look Chinese.
Richard Robinsonは中国に10年以上滞在している企業家でありエンジェル投資家でもあるアメリカ人で、この同じ考えを示している。コーヒーを飲みながらの会議で彼は、中国では成功の扉を作った第1世代の企業家が第2、第3世代の企業家を支援していると言っていた。この成長を続けている社会にはかなりの資本と受け継がれている育成しようという気持ちがある。また外国人にとって、特に中国人をよく見ていない人達には学ぶべきところがたくさんあると言っている。
As a blogger, I have had opportunities to travel around Asia exploring the tech spaces in different countries. While India and Indonesia are exciting, none can match the energy in China.China is a perfect place for serious entrepreneurs who are willing get out of their comfort zone and explore. There is so much more potential in China now and it will continue over the next decade. And that is especially true for Singaporean Chinese who are blessed with an education in English and Chinese.
The tech space in China is probably still in a semi-infant stage. There are still many gaps to fill up even though the major building blocks like search, e-commerce, and social are dominated by big companies like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. Nonetheless, there are opportunities for start-ups, especially in the mobile Internet space – as Lee Kai-Fu explained recently.
中国のハイテク分野はおそらくまだ成長初期の段階である。その差を埋めていくのにはギャップが多く、検索、eコマース、ソーシャルの分野でさえもBaidu、Alibaba、Tencentといった大手が大半を占めているのである。Lee Kai-Fu氏が最近説明したようにモバイルインターネット分野では特にスタートアップ企業には間に入っていく機会が存在するのである。
For those of you who read this blog, you’ll already know Serkan as an authority on technology in Japan and Asia, as we’ve cited his articles more than a few times. In his presentation Serkan sheds some common misconceptions about the practice of cloning in Asia, and he mentions a number Asian companies who have pioneered the tech and mobile spaces. As early examples he points to Japan’s NTT Docomo with its i-mode service, and Korea’s Cyworld which brought virtual goods to social networks.
The claim was actually filed shortly after your paperwork was received. Your claim is currently being processed by the courier and once we obtain any updates from them we will email you.If you need any further assistance in the meantime, please let us know.
DeNA Partners With Daum To Promote Mobage In South KoreaDeNA (TYO:2432) is moving full steam ahead in recent months. And today we learned from the mobile gaming company that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Daum, a popular web portal in South Korea to promote its Mobage platform in South Korea.According to the statement, Daum has 38 million registered users and is visited by 93 percent of all South Korea Internet users, amazingly generating more than 20 billion page views per month.
We also understand that Mobage Korea will only focus on smartphone-based gamers.With this partnership sealed, Daum will help promote Mobage Korea via its network of websites and apps. Meanwhile Daum will bring internationally popular social games to their users through Mobage Korea. This partnership also means that game developers building games to Mobage now have the Korea market for consideration.Steven Yang, DeNA Seoul’s regional head commented on the partnership with Daum:
モバゲー韓国はスマートフォン利用のゲーマーに的を絞っていると考えている。この協定では公表されていないが、DaumはWebサイトやアプリのネットワークを通じてモバゲー韓国を広めていこうとしている。その間に国を飛び越えて人気のあるソーシャルゲームをモバゲー韓国からユーザーに使ってもらうことを考えている。この協定ではモバゲーのゲームデベロッパーが韓国市場への参入を伺っているとも取れるものである。DeNAソウルの韓国責任者であるSteven Yang氏はDaumとの提携についてコメントした。
Startup Success: How 7 Top Angel Investors Do BusinessBill Clark is the CEO of Microventures, a startup fundraising platform that uses crowdfunding to allow investors to invest between $1,000 to $10,000 in startups. He also manages the venture capital firm MicroAngel Capital Partners. You can follow him on Twitter @austinbillc.
Bill Clark氏はMicroventuresのCEOであり、その会社は投資家から1,000ドルから10,000ドルの範囲内でスタートアップ企業への資金を集める手法を用いたスタートアップ資金調達プラットフォームである。ベンチャーキャピタルであるMicroAngel Capital Partnersも経営している。Twitterのアカウント名「@austinbillc」で同氏をフォローすることができる。
If you think you have what it takes to invest in startups, but are unsure of where to target your first seed investment, it may be worth your time to profile some other successful angel investors. By studying their strategy, the types of investments in their portfolio and the trajectory of their investments over time, you will start to develop your own strategy that works with your pace and desired investment outcome. Don’t be discouraged if you’re unable to quickly and exactly mirror successful investors. Their strategies have most likely been developed over time; and they have learned from their own mistakes.