This data being from Q4 2011, we see that most iPhone users were on the fairly recent iOS 4.3, which was the last before iOS 5 rolled out. However, on the Android platform we see the effect of all those budget phones as the relatively ancient Android 2.1 was still (by a tiny margin of 0.4 percent) the most used version. The newest iteration for phones at that time was 2.3 (with 3.0 being for tablets).
これは2011年第4四半期のデータで、多くのiPhoneユーザーがつい最近のバージョンiOS 4.3を使用しているが、iOS 5が販売される前では一番新しいものである。だがAndroidプラットフォームを見てみると、低価格帯のスマートフォン全般の現象であると考えているが、比較的古いAndroidのバージョン2.1が今ももっとも多く使われている(わずか0.4パーセントの差である)。この時点でのスマートフォンの後継品種はバージョン2.3であった(タブレット用はバージョン3.0)。
But the headline news is that, judging by these metrics, Android is well over twice as popular as iOS in China – and a broad price range of handsets will accelerate that even further as yet more people snap up, say, the Galaxy S II and new budget phones from local brands Huawei and ZTE in the coming year.As a side-note, Madhouse observed that just over half – 52 percent to be precise – of its tallied ad impressions were done over wifi, not 2G or 3G. Grab the full report from the Madhouse newsletter for February.
しかしヘッドラインニュースには、こういった統計データから判断して中国ではAndroidがiOSに比べて2倍以上の人気があると掲載されている。スマートフォンの幅広い価格帯のおかげで、今後はHuaweiやZTEといった国内メーカーから新たな低価格帯のスマートフォンやGalaxy S IIなどの商品にいっそう多くの人達が飛びつくことなるだろう。ちなみに、Madhouseが注目しているのは興味を惹いた広告の数を記録した中で半数以上、正確には52パーセントが2Gや3Gではなくwifi経由であったということだ。Madhouseの2月のニュースレターからレポート全編を見ることができる。
LinkedIn Founder, Reid Hoffman Looking for a Bigger Slice of China – Can He Really Succeed?A professional social network like LinkedIn is clearly valuable. Its market cap is an impressive US$9 Billion and last traded at US$92.Yesterday, news broke out that LinkedIn Founder, Reid Hoffman met with major internet companies in China to discuss plans to enter China in a more measured way. More specifically Hoffman met with search engine Baidu, e-commerce giant and Facebook like social network RenRen.
LinkedInの創始者、Reid Hoffmanは中国で大きなシェア獲得をもくろんでいるーはたしてうまくいくだろうかLinkedInのようなソーシャルネットワーク大手ははっきり言えば価値が高い。90億ドルもの時価総額を持ち、終値は92ドルである。先日、LinkedInの創始者、Reid Hoffman氏が中国でインターネット大手企業数社と話し合いをし、もっと確実な方法で中国に参入できないかという計画を検討したというニュースが流れた。具体的にいえばHoffman氏は、検索エンジン大手のBaidu(百度)、eコマース大手の、FacebookのようなサービスをしているソーシャルネットワークのRenRen(人人)などと参入について議論する場を持ったのだ。
However I know more and more Chinese are using LinkedIn, commonly they are the more international type who studied abroad or work for a big international company. The point is, this group of people (English speaking/international Chinese) is not the majority. Presumably, LinkedIn would localize to Chinese when they do enter China seriously. Even if LinkedIn has the best technology and product, it doesn’t guarantee its success. In China, professional relationships are driven by much more offline activity, so LinkedIn’s product advantage may not help that much.2. LinkedIn is a market follower not a leader in China
The ironic reality of China is that since Chinese is still the main language and there are higher barriers to jump over, an American internet or mobile company can be big everywhere else but not in China. The time it takes for an foreign company to localize and figure out their market entry strategy into a new foreign region is the time local companies use to do it for them, that is, clone, localize, ‘innovate’ and launch. Already there are at least 5 major Chinese professional social networks, Tianji, Wealink, Ushi, Hengzhi and Jingwei. Tianji leads with over 6 million users and as of 2011, LinkedIn only had 1.1 million but that’s a good effort for not even really trying.
3. Even Chinese Online Professional Social networks struggle in ChinaA measure of this is that, there were 44 million LinkedIn users in America alone in 2011 compared to Tianji’s 6 million in China. So if China’s number 1 is only about 13% of America’s number 1 in terms of number of users, it proves the market is still at its nascent stages. As we wrote back in July last year, despite China having achieved incredible economic and social growth, the reality is, China only opened up to economic reform in the 1980’s so it hasn’t had a relatively long time to develop a very large pool of business professionals.
This reasoning inspired a post last year, “Short of Business Professionals, Why LinkedIn Does Not Work in China.” Other challenges in China to make a professional social network work in China are finding loyal users, maintaining the quality of users and encouraging online interaction. You can read more about that here.
昨年はこういった思考が働いて、「Short of Business Professionals, Why LinkedIn Does Not Work in China(ソーシャルビジネスのプロが足りない、LinkedInはなぜ中国でうまくいかないのか)」といった掲載をしようと思うに至った。中国で本格的なソーシャルネットワークを立ち上げようと他にも取り組んでいることは、こまめに取り組んでくれるユーザーを探し、好ましいユーザーには残ってもらい、ネットでは積極的に活動してもらうことにしている。詳しくはここを読んでほしい。
My belief is that although LinkedIn has a tough battle ahead to become the number one player in China and must navigate all the other historic and cultural milieu, China still represents a huge opportunity. China is developing so quickly that given a few more years, things could be very different. The amount of Chinese business professionals is bound to explode. With a lot of cash, Hoffman and LinkedIn has no reason to not try and enter China seriously.
Like many other international online social networks, LinkedIn has found it difficult to really penetrate into China. Last February access to the site was blocked by the Great Firewall. However, it would be too ignorant to assume that its shaky accessibility is the reason why it has not attracted as much traction as inside China. Currently the site is not blocked, so let’s examine why LinkedIn does not lead in China and why they will have a hard time seriously entering the market.1. LinkedIn is not in ChineseCurrently if you access the site in China, it will be in English. Of course most Chinese are more comfortable with Chinese language and don’t want to struggle with using an English product.
海外展開をしている他にもたくさんあるソーシャルネットワークと同様に、LinkedInは中国国内に広めていくのは本当に苦労しているようだ。昨年2月にはLinkedInへのアクセスは「Great Firewall」によりつながらないようになっていた。だが中国国内ではあまり人を惹きつける魅力が乏しいせいかアクセスができるようなこともあり、このことはあまり知られていないので原因は分からない。現在ではLinkedInへのアクセスはブロックされていないので、調べてみたいことがある。なぜLinkedInは中国で流行らないのか、なぜ中国市場に参入するのが非常に難しいのかということだ。1.LinkedInは中国語に対応していない現在のところ、中国でLinkedInにアクセスすると英語表示になる。当然のことながら、中国人の多くにとっては中国語が分かりやすく、英語表示のサービスで余計な苦労はしたくないのだ。
[CHINABANG] VentureBeat and ReadWriteWeb Open ChinaBang, Gang Covers the Key Tech Trends in ChinaChinaBang went live this morning. Opening with an energetic LinkinPark rift, the Chief Editors of VentureBeat (Matt Marshall) and ReadWriteWeb (Richard Macmanus) via video recording both described this generation as the best time to start a tech company. Why? Because there have been huge advances in internet and many large scale platforms have been laid out like Facebook and Weibo in China.
[CHINABANG] VentureBeatとReadWriteWebがChinaBangを開設、共同で中国の主な技術トレンドをカバー情報検索サイトChinaBangは今朝活動を始めた。エネルギッシュなLinkinParkの分裂が出だしとなったが、VentureBeatの編集長であるMatt Marshall氏と動画サイトReadWriteWebのRichard Macmanus氏が共に今この時期がテック系企業を始めるにはベストなタイミングだと言っている。なぜだろうか。中国ではインターネット関連で日進月歩の大きな発展をしており、Facebookやブログなどの巨大なプラットフォームがあるからだとしている。
O20 – Online to Offline ServicesThe 020 trend has hit China. This means people make a transaction online and consume offline. In many respects this has been happening for a long time already but it has evolved. Especially after the group-buying model spread across China and smart-phones became the norm with location based check-in services, Chinese are now searching and paying online, consuming offline at the shops and sharing their experience with their friends through social networks.
O20 - オンラインからオフラインのサービスへO20の流れが中国を席巻している。O20というのは、人はみなオンラインで売り買いをし、オフラインの場でサービスを受けるということだ。これは今まで長い間にわたってたくさんの場面でなされてきたことであるが、その進化した形なのだ。グループ共同購入が中国全土に広がり、スマートフォンがチェックインサービスをもとにした位置情報を提供することが普通になってから特に、中国人は今やオンラインで検索し支払いを終えて、それぞれの店舗でオフラインでサービスを受けている。それにソーシャルネットワーキングで友人と体験したことをシェアするのだ。
[LAUNCHPAD ]Shenbian, Innovator of Weibo-based Ambient CommunicationIt seems to Miles Cui, co-founder and chief developer of Shenbian that location-based service is so last year. Shenbian, the innovator of weibo-based social IM is pushing the frontier of mobile communication further by capitalizing on the social power of Sina Weibo and the realtime fun of ambient communication.
[ローンチパッド] Shenbian、ブログをベースに周囲とのコミュニケーションをするイノベーターShenbianの共同設立者兼チーフデベロッパーであるMiles Cui氏は、昨年の位置情報に基づくサービスとはこのようなことだったと考えている。ブログをベースにしたソーシャルIM(インスタントメッセージ)のイノベーターであるShenbianは、Sina Weibo(新浪微博)のソーシャルネットワークのパワーと周囲とのコミュニケーションをリアルタイムで楽しむことを併せて活用し、モバイルコミュニケーションの分野をもっと発展させていこうとしている。
Google to Test Driverless Cars on Nevada RoadwaysThe roads in Nevada are ready for driverless robot cars. Earlier this month, Nevada’s Legislative Commission approved testing of autonomous vehicles on the state’s roadways. The cars will be identifiable by a red license plate.In fact, any company can test its driverless system in Nevada; Google just happened to be the first to jump on the opportunity. Google’s system can be installed on any make of vehicle. The company has been working on their driverless car system for a while and received a patent late last year.
“Self-driving cars have the potential to significantly increase driving safety,” a Google spokesperson told Mashable. “We applaud Nevada for building a thoughtful framework to enable safe, ongoing testing of the technology and to anticipate the needs and best interests of Nevada citizens who may own vehicles with self-driving capabilities one day.”Even though the cars are driverless, they cannot be tested without two operators inside. Once the vehicles are shown to be safely operated with just one driver, the cars will receive green license plates.
Tom Jacobs, chief public information officer at the Nevada DMV, said this driverless system is “like cruise control on steroids.” Jacobs said he did a radio interview recently in which he was asked if other drivers will ever feel the need to flip-off these cars. His response: no need.“It had no bad habits,” he said of the system.
ネバダ州自動車局の広報部長であるTom Jacobs氏は、この自律型自動車システムは「クルーズ・コントロールを強化したようなもの」と答えた。Jacobs氏が最近受けたラジオインタビューで、他のドライバーたちはこういった車をばかにしているのではないかと尋ねられた。そんなことはないというのが答えだ。「悪いところはまったくない」とこのシステムのことを語った。
Jacobs said he rode in one of the driverless cars. When the road is not mapped ahead, the car may give control to the driver after a female voice says, “please drive.” If the driver does not take control, the car simply pulls over. There is also a display in front of the passenger seat that shows exactly what the car is seeing outside. This feature is for testing purposes only. Jacobs said the ride was so smooth, he couldn’t tell when the driver or car was operating the vehicle besides hearing the automated female voice. “There will never be any crashes,” Jacobs said.SEE ALSO: Tackling Self-Driving Cars’ Biggest Questions [VIDEO]
In the future, it’s possible automakers will offer this system already installed in vehicles. Drivers without the system built-in may be able to have their cars retrofitted. Jacobs envisioned a world where one day you can press a button on your cell phone, have a car pull up to your house, put your dog in it and send it to the veterinarian.Jacobs said Google is also testing its driverless cars “quasi-legally” in California, since there is no written rule specifically allowing or forbidding driverless cars. However, Jacobs clearly has a stake in ensuring Nevada is a hub of testing this budding technology.
Regarding the California testing, Google says, “We have received several opinions from outside counsels who are experts in transportation law. All indicated that the testing in California is 100% legal as the safety driver is in control of the car at all times and is responsible for the operation of the vehicle. The testing involves having two people in the car at all times.”
“Nevada is the first state to embrace what is surely the future of automobiles,” Department of Motor Vehicles Director Bruce Breslow said in a statement posted on the state’s DMV website on Feb. 15. “These regulations establish requirements companies must meet to test their vehicles on Nevada’s public roadways as well as requirements for residents to legally operate them in the future.”There are several other states that have pending legislation that would allow driverless cars on public roadways.Would a driverless car make your life easier? How much would you pay for one? Tell us in the comments.
「ネバダ州は将来の自動車業界に確実に起こることは何なのかに取り組んだ最初の州です。」とネバダ州自動車局局長Bruce Breslow氏は2月15日に同局Webサイトに掲載した談話について話をした。「運輸法では企業がネバダ州の公道で車両をテストする上で満たさなければならない基準だけでなく、この先ドライバーが合法的に自律型自動車を運転するときの条件も定めています。」自律型自動車の公道での走行を認可するという法制化が差し迫っている州が他にもいくつかある。この夢の車は生活を楽にするのだろうか。いくらくらいならお金を出してもいいだろうか。感想を聞かせて欲しい。
LinkedIn Records 25 Million Users in APAC, Grew By 25 Percent20 million was the number of LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) users in Asia Pacific (APAC) last publicly announced. Just four months later, today, the figure has grown by 25 percent to 25 million. We were told that four million of the users originate from Southeast Asia. Singapore, though small, boosts about 700,000 members island-wide. The growth in Southeast Asia was likely triggered by LinkedIn’s recent language localization move, which provides users with LinkedIn in Indonesian, Bahasa Malaysia, and Korean languages.
LinkedIn、APACでのユーザー数が2,500万人を記録し25パーセントの増加LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD)のアジア・太平洋地域(APAC)のユーザー数は、前回公表したときには2,000万人だった。ほんの4ヶ月後の今日ではその数は、25パーセント増加し2,500万人となっている。ユーザーのうち400万人は東南アジアが占めているそうだ。シンガポールの割合は小さいが、国中におよそ70万人のユーザーを産み出している。東南アジアの成長はLinkedInが最近行ったローカリゼーションの動きがきっかけになったようであり、ユーザーにインドネシア語、マレーシア語、韓国語に対応したLinkedInを使ってもらえるようにしている。