Thank you for your purchase.I am asking the collectors I know to let me know if they find balls that are in a good condition at a good price.I definitely will look for those myself too.I also have learned a lot about balls from you. I appreciate about that.I will ship the fourth ball right after it is arrived.Of course I will get in touch with you when I finish shipping.Please wait a moment.
Amazon.com Seller Performance Teamご担当者様この度はご迷惑をおかけし誠に申し訳ございません。今回、出品用アカウントが停止された原因は、先日申請された「A-to-z」に起因するものでしょうか。申請された原因は、輸送中に商品が運送会社により紛失されたことでした。私たちは、申請のあった購入者に対応し、申請を取り下げてもらいました。購入者は返金ではなく、交換を希望されたので、私たちは商品の再送手続きを行ってます。購入者とコミュニケーションをとり、
Amazon.com Seller Performance TeamTo whom it may concern,We apologize for the inconvenience we caused,Is the applied "A to z" the cause of our account being deactivated?The reason of the application was that the ordered goods were lost in transit.We took care of the problem and asked the purchasers to withdraw the orders.The purchasers wanted to change the products instead of getting refunded, and we are now preparing for another shopping. We will contact the purchasers and do the best for them.