佐々木 純一 (jaysa66) 翻訳実績

日本語 (ネイティブ) 英語
jaysa66 英語 → 日本語

Europe if you have interest in coming in the future.Then we could go on a overland adventure,Ill even let you drive my truck :b

Oohh I know who you mean now, I have seen bear on the videos.
You meant the Baja 1000?I read the race report, TSCO didn't have much luck did they.They had trouble at Vegas to Reno and Henderson aswell. That's just racing I guess.You win some you loose some.
That Reminds me,do you like King of the Hammers?

Oda-san, going to San Diego would be so so amazing,but I will tell you that I'm dealing with alot of challenges at the moment,and I don't even have a income. So I probably cant. But thank you so much for the offer.
When are you planning on going?I will inform you if something changes.


それを思い出させます。Kind of Hammersは好きですか?

jaysa66 英語 → 日本語

But I understand you in terms of off road. Off roading doesn't really exist in Japan does it?

I am glad to hear that. I am also interested in Germany.My mates have been several times to Berlin for the music and they love it. I went on a road trip to Sweden in August with a friend and managed to spend a night in Brehnam, it was very nice.But I still wanto see alot in Germany. Berlin,Munich and it goes without saying,,The Nurburgring!Hahaha.

Its strange Top Gear has such a world wide appeal,but its good you like it.I Haven't watched it in a while.

That's well nice thing to say man!We will definitely meet up soon.We have a huge amount of options aswell.I have plans to come to Japan and we could meet up elsewhere.


Top Gearがそのように世界中にアピールしているのは不思議ですが、気に入ってもらって良かったです。しばらくそれを見てみませんか?

jaysa66 英語 → 日本語

Have you travelled around much of Japan Oda-san?Actually, I'm interested to know where have you been internationally?
That is one of many things I have always loved about Japan,Such a respect driven culture and society.Other people have said the same, that people are always friendly and willing to help you.

Man,what you say about motorsport and technology in Japan really surprises me.I consider Japan a very advanced country in terms of technology.And I personally feel there is no other country that encompasses the same spirit when It comes to racing.Japan is the home of tuning culture and drifting, amazing circuits and tuning shops are scattered throughout and its where grass roots motorsport is at its finest.



jaysa66 英語 → 日本語

But in Bitcoin double-spend protection is provided by a decentralized P2P protocol for tracking transfers of coins, rather than the hardware trusted computing function used by RPOW. Bitcoin has better trustworthiness because it is protected by computation; RPOW is protected by the private keys stored in the TPM hardware and manufacturers holding TPM private keys. Hackers who steal a TPM manufacturer key, or anyone capable of obtaining the key by examining the TPM chip itself, could subvert that assurance. Bitcoins are "mined" using the Hashcash proof-of-work function by individual nodes and verified by the decentralized P2P Bitcoin network.



jaysa66 英語 → 日本語

The player can increase the power of a single laser by linking it together with others. This yields a more powerful beam at the expense of the total number of lasers. The missile turrets can be upgraded to either a long range cruise missile that will swarm targets, or storm missiles which have an area of effect but smaller alien detection range. The game also features a "creative mode", in which various modes can be emulated, as well as enabling "Infinite Money" to creatively construct a base without limitation. Creative mode also allows instant placement of enemy ships to test out defenses.Harvest: Massive Encounter received a 5.5 out of 10 (mediocre) from IGN, and a 4 out of 5 from FZ.


プレーヤーはひとつのレーザーを他のものと結びつけることによって、パワーを増やす事ができます。全ての数のレーザーを使ってより強力なビームになります。回転式ミサイルは、ターゲットを群れとなって追い回す長距離の巡航ミサイルか、あるいはエイリアンを検知する範囲は小さいながら、一定の範囲で効果のある爆撃ミサイルにアップグレードできます。ゲームはクリエイティブモードもあり、色々なモードをエミュレートできます。と同時に「無限のお金」で際限なく基地を創造的に創る事も可能です。クリエイティブモードは敵の船を簡単に設置して、守備力を試す事もできます。Harvest:Massive EncounterはIGNの10点中5.5 (並みの点数)、FZの5点中4点をとっています。

jaysa66 英語 → 日本語

Web integrations come in two flavors: If you're looking for something quick and easy, check out our HTML Widgets. If you want deep integrations and aren't afraid of getting your hands dirty, dive into the Javascript API.

Rather than calling the Ink file picker from javascript, you can simply put in html widgets that will handle all the interaction for you. The widgets are designed to be drop-in replacements for what you already have, making it even easier to get started

Using the Pick widget, you can automagically turn an ordinary input field into the picker. Once the file is chosen, the input field will be filled in with the url of the chosen file, ready to be sent off to your server.
Programming the Widgets


Web インテグレーションは2つの趣向になっています。簡単で早い何かを探しているなら、HTMLウィジットをチェックして下さい。より深いインテグレーションを望んでいて、自ら作業することを厭わないのであれば、java script APIに入って下さい。
Java scripからインクファイル ピッカーを呼び出すより、htmlウィジットにするだけで良いです。それが全ての作業を扱います。ウィジットはあなたがすでに保有しているものを何時でも交換できるようにデザインされています。それによってより簡単に始められます。
Pick ウィジットを使うことによって、通常のインプットフィールドをピッカーに自動的に変更できます。一旦ファイルが選択されたら、インプット フィールドは選択されたファイルのurlが入力され、あなたのサーバーに送る準備がされます。