ly79503切るとこんな感じ。(みんな、切らずにかぶりつくんですが…。)▼たまごサラダ日本でサンドイッチといえば、ランチパックに限らず定番のたまごサラダ。文句なしに美味しいです。変わり種も…▼抹茶ミルク&黒みつゼリー(?!!)ん?なんだか色々入ってますね。ちょっと頭の中を整理してみましょう。抹茶と… ミルクと… 黒みつ!黒みつって? 黒砂糖を水に溶かして煮詰め、とろみをもたせたもの黒砂糖沖縄や九州でよく使用される、さとうきびから作られる黒い砂糖です。
ly79503This is how it looks when you cut them. (Everybody just dig into it without cutting...)▼Egg Salad"Egg Salad" is the most popular kind of sandwich in Japan, you will always find this kind of sandwiches at stores. Without a doubt, it's the best. But there are some unique ones, too.▼Green tea milk & brown sugar syrup (?!!)?? Sounds like there is a lot of ingredients in this. Let's clear our minds.Green tea and ...milk...brown sugar syrup!Brown sugar syrup??It is what you stir brown sugar in water and heat it till thicken. Brown sugaris produced from sugarcane, commonly used in Okinawa and Kyushu area.
ly63604ハロウィンディズニーランド用!爪の先までディズニーワールドにどっぷり浸かります。ハロウィンシーズンディズニー用!ハロウィン仕様のディズにーに合わせて、こちらもハロウィン。パリ旅行用 イギリス旅行用日本人観光客であることも、さりげなくアピール。キャラクターキャラクター好きな日本人。更に細かい作業が得意で、手先が器用な日本人。キャラクター柄のネイルもお手の物です。ポケモンかわいい!M&M'S®これでM&M'S®のチョコをつまみたい!キティとマイメロディ
HalloweenFor Disneyland outing!Your nails are totally ready for World of Disney. For Disneyland on Halloween Season!Matching with the Halloween decorations at Disneyland. For Paris tripFor UK tripLittle details but big impression to show that we are from Japan.Fictional Characters Japanese people love fictional characters. And Japanese people are good at detailed task and great at their hands.These character nails are easily made. Pocket MonstersSo Adorable!M&M'S®Love to grab some real M&M'S with this! Hello Kitty and My Melody
I orders a Disney Women's Minnie watch from you and received it today. The watch was supposed to be ALL SILVER, WITH A PINK FACE. This watch is not that at all!!!! It is bronze and silver with a black face. NOT WHAT I ORDERED!!!! I want the watch that I ordered!! It wasn't cheap, and I don't want to have to wait another MONTH to GET THE WATCH THAT I OREDERED!!
Does this item come with both front and rear ones in 4 sets?
The order will be sent back to Japan after the storage period. If the item was sent back to Japan, the order will be cancelled and we will refund the cost of the product.Please be aware that we only ship one time. <Warranty> For one year. Only in Japan.You can send the item to the address we give.<Cancellation> You can cancel the order before the shipment is completed.If cancelled after shipping, we will refund you for the products only not the shipping cost.<Customs & Duties> All shipments outside Japan may be subject to import charges, which are the responsibility of the purchaser. We do not collect duties and/or taxes so please confirm what the additional charges might be.
お世話になります。アマゾンUKにて商品を出品しておりますが、商品を販売出来ません。昨年問合せをしたところ、フィギュアについては年末年始期間中は、弊社は販売できない旨の回答をいただきました。これらはいつから販売可能になりますでしょうか?また、その他の出品中の商品についても販売画面に+ shipping (currently unavailable) という表示がでて販売できません。早急に販売可能になるための方法を教えて下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。
Hi.I am a seller on Amazon UK, and I am having a problem selling items on the website.I contacted you last year and was told that we won't be able to do business during the holidays.When will my items be available? It shows "+ shipping (surrently unavailable)" on my other selling items also. Please tell me how to solve this problem as soon as possible.Thank you so much in advance.