1. 外見だけでなく、メンタルアップして心の美を磨き、自信を持てるように。それはメンタルを鍛え、外見だけではない内面に向けた美容法ともいえます。美の人生を開拓するための、フィジカルとメンタルの両面からのサポート役・アドバイザーこそが自らの役割と自覚して、いまビューティライフプランナーを名乗っています。美・食・精神をサポート出来たらと思います。メイクは外見だけではなく女性のメンタルが反映されますので、メンタルケアをしながらメイクを通じて一緒に成長出来たらと思っています。
Additional info:This is answer for next question:1. Can you describe your role as a beauty and lifestyle planner? How do you help women through makeup? /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Not just in appearance, but to be confident and shine up the beauty of the mental mind, it is a mental training, the true inner beauty is not just for appearance. In order to develop a life of beauty, I'm aware of what their own role and supporting role of advisors from both sides, physical and mental, for calling the beauty of life planner now, we hope you can also support it with beauty, spirit, and food. Because the makeup will reflect the women's mental and it not just for appearance, you have think you can grow your makeup together with the mental makeup care.
TutorialSample colors from the boss will appear on the exam five times.Please add to the ink as closer to sample color by tapping each of the ink.Tap the OK button when I tell there was right color of the ink.This bar is become shorter as time passes.Please reset with this ink button when you add too many inks.The accuracy of the ink that was mixed, the score is calculated five times as the time spent! Fight and take a high score!The basic rule is same for VS mode, sample questions will be shown five times.
4.制限時間内に各インクをタップして色を追加し、サンプルカラーに近づけてください。5.インクの色がピッタリ合ったと思ったら「OK」ボタンをタップしてください。 (残り時間が多い方が得点が高くなります。)6.インクを入れ過ぎた時は「RESET」インクをタップして、最初からやり直し!■ご注意このアプリはCMYKの発色を正確に再現しておりません。ゲームとしてお楽しみ下さい。
4. Add a color for each ink by tapping within the time limit, please close to the sample color.5. Tap "OK" when you think the colour matches to the sample colour. (within the remaining time, their scores will be higher.)6. Press "Reset" ink button when you added too much ink, and start from beginning!Please not that:This app is not to reproduce the color of CMYK exactly.Please enjoy the game.