フィリピンは現在原則として植物または植物生産物の輸入を許可なしに持ち込むことを禁止しています。“IMPORT PERMIT”は植物類輸入検疫条件を記載した書類で、添付の様式1を用いて申請し、様式2で発給される書面です。日本側ではその内容に合致しているか輸出植物検査を行い、フィリピン側の提示した植物検疫要件を満たしている場合、検査合格として許可書の番号と(必要な場合)検疫要件を満たしている旨を追記した“PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE”を発給します。
Philippine prohibit fundamentally to import a plant and plant products without import parmit. "IMPORT PARMIT" means the document shows the conditions by Quarantine certificate of import plants. apply the attached form1 and 2, issue in writing form 2.In japan side, curry out inspect whether they are consistent in accrodance with the contents by quaranitne requirement of plant. in case of implement the requirements of plant quarantine by philippine provided, issue PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE shows the permission number of the passed inspection and added phrase when required,
Thank you for your quatation #1.Our company received your quatational price US$620.00, but regret to say that we can buy it at US$610 from Amazon now. So as I can suggest you the some extent quantity, Would you pleases study the some discount from your estimate parice? We are expecting your offer price is less than US$590.Thank you for your consideration.B. Regards
明治12年10月3日発行。素晴らしい彩色の木版画。経年の傷み有。刃先40本 替えグリップ付属 職人の特殊彫刻刀 本格的な彫刻やシートなどのカッティングなどに大変便利なカッター彫刻刀セット7本のグリップと42種類の特殊な刃と研ぎ石、滑りをよくするジェルが付属画像に写っているコーヒーは、商品とサイズを比較する為の物で出品物ではない君はタカラの人形の商品だけ必要なのか?ジャンルやメーカーを教えてくれれば、私は君の国で売れる商品を探してメールで提案する事ができる(Cognacで翻訳)
The marvelous wood engraving print was issued on Oct.3.in the 12th of Meiji period (1880.10.3). there are showing some damage with acrossing the ages.These carving knives 40pieces of replacement edge are attached, these are made by the craftman.These carving knives sets are very convenients for full carving and or cutting for sheets.7pieces of grip, 42 special variety blade,edge sharpner and jellied abrasive are attached.This coffee which is displayed on Monitor is not an offer goods. It is for comparing matter with the commercial goods and size.Do you need the good which means Takara's dolls? If you can inform us your intersting the category and maker's name, I suggest you to offer the goods which can sell in your country.