hiawata 翻訳実績

英語 (ネイティブ) 日本語
hiawata 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Live-line warking is the maintenance of electrical equipment,often operation at high voltage.For the safety of live-line wokers,they must wear thick rubber gloves and multiple-layer rubber jackets.Because rubber has no air permeability and no vapor permeability,those ensembles cause often higher core temperature of wokers in hot environments.The purpose of the present study was to investigate if the inner shirts of clothing ensembles for live-line working would cause different thermoregulatory responses and clothing comfort.
We prepared five kinds of inner shirts of clothing ensembles for the experiments,which had the characteristics shown in table1.



hiawata 英語 → 日本語 ★★☆☆☆ 2.4

Shirt A is the uniform of Kinden Corporation and many live-line wokers wear their inner shirts,so we prepared the same inner shirts shown in table 1.Shirts B is made of a mesh structure.ShirtsC,D andE have the tags with the high water absorbency and the rapid dryness for sports wear.Five healthy males of19-22yeras old cooperated as subjects and they wore 5 kinds of shirts for live-line working, for each ensemble,experiments were repeated 2 times.For the experiments they wore their underwear and socks.Work pants,multiple-layer rubber jakets,rubber gloves and rubber boots were served as Kinden uniform.The climatic chamber was controlled at 35℃ and 45%RH for every experiment.


シャツきんでんの均一であり、多くの活線wokersので、我々はメッシュstructure.ShirtsCで作られているテーブル1.Shirts Bに示すように同じインナーシャツを用意し、彼らの内側のシャツを着て、D ANDEは高いとタグを持って吸水性とof19-22yeras古いスポーツwear.Five健康な男性のための迅速な乾燥が被験者として協力し、彼らは実験が2 times.For彼らは自分の下着を身に着けていた実験を繰り返した、各アンサンブルのため、活線作業用シャツの5種類を身に着けていたきんでんuniform.The気候室は35℃に制御し、すべての実験RHの45%であったとしてもsocks.Workパンツ、複層ゴムjakets、ゴム手袋、ゴム長靴を用意していた。

hiawata 英語 → 日本語

It was measured their skin humidity and temperature at the abdomen,inner clothing surface of abdomen area and inner clothing surface of chest area.
After all sensors were set for the subjects,they sat the chair for 5minutes.After 5minutes,they started the dumbbell exercises for 5minutes.After the exercise 1 they sat the chair for 10minutes.They repeated exercises 2times and recovery 1 time.Sensory evaluation for clothing comfort of shirts for live-line working was measured at the time when subjects had worn the shirts and the end of measurement.The mean value of skin temperature and mean humidity of the respective shirts averaged are shown in 2.A T-test was conducted on the mean value of temperture and humidity.


すべてのセンサーが被験者に対して設定された後、彼らは5minutes.After5分のために椅子に座って、彼らは10minutes.Theyための椅子に座っての運動は1のための演習の2timesと回復1 time.Sensory評価を繰り返し5minutes.After用ダンベル体操を始めました活線作業用シャツの衣服の快適さは、被験者はシャツやmeasurement.Theの端が皮膚温の平均値は、それぞれのシャツの湿度を意味する身に着けていた時に測定した平均は、T-testがあった2.Aに示されているtempertureと湿度の平均値で行った。