Another strength of yellow sand is that it is consumed by plankton, thus becoming a structural component of their bones and shells. Inturn, this is good for fish that eat plankton. Yellow sand is also responsible for conveying minerals, such as phosphorus and iron, to the Hawaiian islands. Researchers at the National Institute for Environmental Studies in Tsukuba say that yellow sand supplies nutrients for trees in tropical forests.
Don't let your life wrap up around youDon't forget to call, wheneverI'll be here just waiting for youI'll be under your stars foreverNeither here nor there just right beside youI'll be under the stairs foreverNeither here nor there just right beside you
生活に絡め取られ きみらしさを失わないで電話して いつだって私はここにいて、きみのことをただ待ってるいつまでも とこしえに きみの人生を見つめてるほかのどこでもなく ただきみの傍らでいつまでも とこしえに きみの人生を見つめてるほかのどこでもなく ただきみの傍らで
His advice aroused Nick from despair.
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To see these pure and simple souls suffer from the stupidity and ignorance of the authorities、to see them shunned by the respectable、even though their hearts are pure and simple、to see their sad lives waste away in mis-ery and degradation does not make for a happy night of light entertainment on Broadway.
Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
Nicaraguan Sign Language (ISN; Spanish Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua, Portuguese Idioma de Signos Nicaragüense) is a signed language spontaneously developed by deaf children in a number of schools in western Nicaragua in the 1970s and 1980s. It is of particular interest to the linguists who study it, because it offers a unique opportunity to study what they believe to be the birth of a new language.
ニカラグアの手話(ISN:スペイン語では”Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua”、ポルトガル語では”Idioma de Signos Nicaragüense”)は、1970年代から1980年代にかけてニカラグア西部のたくさんの学校で耳の不自由な子供たちが身振り手振りで何とか伝えようとしているうちに自然発生し、広まった手話です。ISNを研究する言語学者の間では、これを新しい言語の誕生を研究できる稀な機会だとして、格別の関心を集めています。