Sometimes I get too busy to bother to keep my diary.
I've never tasted failure.
Nobody is as weird and twisted as I am.# 自分のことを言っているものとして"I am"と訳しましたが、文脈に応じて適宜、変更してください。
I, as always, called the store manager, and gave him a lecture.
Learning English was my only reason to live. I don't know what could have happened to my life, if I hadn't become good at English.
"I don't like staying cold," he announced, "I'm going out to drive the cold winter away."So I took out the kotatsu for the first time of the season.Then, he easily took it back, saying, "I'll beat it later, when the spring comes.""That weakness," I muttered, "got you from your parent, my son."
1 ベッドをおこします2 半額サービスは原則、二回目以降のお客様に限ります しかし今回のみ特別に割引きさせて頂きます3 お客様の肌に合わせ、カスタマイズした施術をおこないます
1. I'm going to put the chair upright.2. 50% discount usually applies only to returning customers, but I am going to give you the discount this time only.3. Enjoy our special treatments to your skin type.
You might be surprised to find out yourself trapped by the following typical mistakes:
Don't you tell them what just occurred to you in the class? Don't you misunderstand that your student should understand something you explained to them once? Did you explained the keypoints over and over enough to have every student understand it?
でもそんなことしてると、いつも必ず邪魔が入るんだ。 「先生、授業してください」
But somebody always interrupts me, saying, "Excuse me, please continue your lesson (for us)."# 日本語の「先生、」という呼びかけにそのまま対応する表現はないと思います。# 皮肉った言い方なら、知っている相手なのにあえてSirなどと呼びかけることもできるでしょう。# Mr.、Mrs.などの敬称に名前を続けた呼び方で呼ぶこともできますし、小さな子供ならTeacher # xxとしてxxに名前を入れることもできますが、"Excuse me,"以上に自然な呼びかけではないよ# うに感じます。
午後の授業なんかだと、ついつい寝ちゃうこともある。 隣の女子校で体育をやってたりすると、それはもう大変何も考えられずに食い入るように見ちゃう。
I sometimes doze off during the afternoon classes. When the students of the neigboring girls' school are out there for P.E. class, I get so enchanted that I just cannot help staring into them.
授業中、僕はぼんやり外の景色を眺めるのが好きだった。 帰ったら何して遊ぼうかとか、どこか遠くに行きたいとか、 いろんなことを思いながら、窓の外ばかり見てた。
I used to love gazing out of the window during the class. I just looked out of the window in a daydream about what I was going to play afterschool or leaving for somewhere away from here, or something.
I want to be a more effective (public) speaker!# speakerを使うときには「人前で」を意味するpublicはわざわざ使わないことの方が多いように# 感じます。effectiveは話すことで相手を動かす能力に着目した表現ですが、納得させる能力が# 高いならpersuasive、緊張せずに話せるという意味なら、confidentを使うのも良いと思います。
Working long hours is considered a traditional virtue in Japanese culture, but American workers seek efficiency instead.
A small hot coffee, no cream, no sugar, please.
A friend of mine who worked for a securities company told me that 90% of the customers lose money. He was an engineer and had an access to the account information. We should stay safe away from the stock and FX market.
Many people still gamble big and lose big in the FX market.
Don't talk to me about that, I feel more depressed.
I'd like to have the change deposited into this prepaid card's account.
相手国、利用国エリアに記載されております事業者コードは、サービスガイドに記載の料金表を参照ください。 着デコをご利用の場合は、国際メール明細書に記載されます。
The company codes printed with the origin and destination countries are specified in the price list in the service guide. Uses of chaku deco* service will be itemized in the international email bill.* A service provided by SoftBank 3G, which enables to specify how to decorate the receiver's screen for the call.# 着デコの説明を追加してみました。