As the result of global industrialization, products are manufactured in abundance for poor profit, and the world's financial system collapsed, which made the whole world, including me, poor. Can we, human beings, seek a way out of this dilemma?
Can she get a flu shot here?
Why don't you publishwhat you lectured today in a research journal?It was such a remarkable lecture.
日本の漫画、アニメを新品/中古で販売しています。世界でもトップクラスの日本の漫画、アニメは海外からも注目を浴びていて日本語を覚えるテキストとしても活用されています。各国での販売よりも一歩早い新刊もお楽しみ頂けます。また、法人のお客様、個人のお客様にも大変反響があり「本以外でも大丈夫でしょうか?」との質問も数多く頂きます。本以外にも日本製品のリクエストもメールで承っておりますのでお気軽にどうぞ。[相]1.メールにより商品を注文する。[私]2.メール確認後、お買い物料金+送料を含む合計金額をメールでお知らせ。 (商品が不明確な場合、商品の写真を請求する場合があります)[相]3.合計金額をJPYにより送金。[私]4.入金確認後、買い付け。発送完了メールにてお知らせ。
New/used Japanese manga/anime seller.Japanese manga and anime have entered international spotlight as the world-best, and are used as textbooks of Japanese language.I will deliver new titles to you sooner than foreign stores.I am enjoying great popularity among both of corporate and individual customers.They often asks me "Do you sell Japanese products other than books?"Yes. I sell other Japanese products as well as books on request, and feel free to send me an email.Step 1: You place an order by email.Step 2: I send the total price, shipping and handling cost by return email. (You might be asked for a product picture when I cannot tell which product you want.)Step 3: You remit the total cost in Japanese Yen.Step 4: After confirmation of payment, I purchase the product. You will receive an email when the product is shipped.
Long time no see. How have you been?I am looking forward to seeing you next week!I am going to have two days off on 20th and 22th. So why don't we meet on either day?On 20th, I am going to take a voice training class for one hour from 12:00 pm in Shibuya, andI can meet you after that.By the way, can I pay for the product in Japanese yen?Please take care. It's very hot and humid in Japan now.Please contact me again when you get a ticket.
Traditional print media is being shaken by the new threat of so-called "blogshpere" which is net-based blogging community.
I am thankful for my friends, family, and every single people and things around me!And I wish everyone who saw this film be happy! !
Thank you for making the list of work items. Sorry for taking this long, I reviewed it, and found no problem so far. Just one thing, would you add the following contents to the security category, please?
Its disadvantage is, I think, less variety can be produced locally, and it is difficult to keep a steady supply on a permanent basis.
The advantages of local production for local consumption is as follows: First, because it requires much less distribution costs, a fresh and safe agricultural products can be provided at low prices. Second, it can contribute to the local economy, which deepens the understanding of local food culture. This leads to love for the region, and then to revitalization of the region.
I am sorry for not responding to your email.I was sick in bed all day yesterday.I am feeling a little bit better, today.I am going out for a lesson from 3:00 to 6:00 today.
Thank you very much for sending your autograph!I really love it.I'll treasure it forever.I wish you continued success and prosperity.I am cheering on you from Japan.
返事が遅れてごめんなさい。時間をかけて考えてたらこんなにも時間が経ってました!!!Tシャツを手に入れてくれてありがとう。商品代金と送料をあなたの銀行口座へ入金するから銀行口座を教えてくれないかな?僕の住所です。Post Code xxx-xxxxAdd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxName xxx xxxPhone xx-xxxx-xxxx面倒な作業をお願いしちゃってごめんね。そうそう、10月にパリでコンサートが開催されるね。時間とお金があれば参加する予定だよ。
Sorry for taking so long to reply.Time flew while I was thinking and thinking...Thank you for getting the T-shirt for me.Please give me your bank account infromation so that I can send you the total cost including postage.Post Code xxx-xxxxAdd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxName xxx xxxPhone xx-xxxx-xxxxThank you for all the time and effort you kindly took for me.By the way, they are going to have a recital in Paris in October, right?I am going to join them if I have enough time and money.
現状維持では 後退するばかりである。
Just maintaining means dwindling.