I have a throbbing headache.# 頭がガンガンズキズキ痛い場合。個人的にはこちらの表現の方をよく使います。# I personally prefer this expression.I have a splitting headache. # こちらは頭痛の程度が酷いことだけを言いたい場合
本体 (第1段ロケット、第2段ロケット、宇宙船アダプタ、支援船、打ち上げ脱出システム、支援船用アンテナ)、月着陸船下降段(脚固定タイプ)、月着陸船下降段(脚開閉タイプ)、月着陸船上昇段、縦置き用、横置き用台座、解説冊子
Body (includes the first-stage rocket, the second-stage rocket, spacecraft adapter, support ship, Emergency Egress System (EES) for astronaut evacuation during launch, and antenna of the support ship), Lunar Module descent stage (with fixed legs), Lunar Module descent stage (with retructable legs), Lunar Module ascent stage, vertical and horizontal stands, and practical guide.
Ich möchte Ihnen mein Beileid über den Verlust von Herr Enke aussprechen.
This site looks too simple to me. It might be the big appeal at the same time, but it could have some more devices like graded service and easier payment.
Some people keep working with depression. My father says he was depressed mostly though his thirties but he just worked feverishly. He is now 72 years old after he worked up until the official retirement age.
Why don't one participate as much as possible in society even if he/she has to cope with some stress, once his/her depression improved. Or should he/she live the whole rest of his/her life without doing anything, without any stress or reason for living?
I don't absolutely disagree to the opinion that a patient with depression should quit doing whatever they don't want to do, but difficult relationships and stress in society are a part of our daily life to some extent.
Guess what will happen when all the people in the world refuse and quit doing anything they don't want to do.
I heard somebody claim that one should do whatever he/she is reluctant to do to get over his/her depression.
Those books seem to focus on how to ignore some of the information rather than on how to obtain new information; I have never tried any of them.
It is difficult to organize information thoroughly. We have a lot of books of the kind at the bookstores in Japan. Many of those have a title like "How to Organize Information".
It's a pain to manually select the original and target languages like Japanese and English to request for translation. Can't have defaults?
I have too many books in my room to finish reading within my lifetime.
Some say that a road to success leads through evil. What do you think about this? I think this is partly true.
People are not as careful and responsible as I used to think. It surely applies to me, too. It often occurs that I or the other person forget our promise.
The worst mistake I tend to make when leaving home in the morning is to forget a book to read in the train.
People in their twenties worry how they are observed from others; they transcend the worries in their forties; in their sixties, they finally find out that nobody was so interested in them.
The best English teacher among them I found was a teacher from the United Kingdom. He spoke fluent Japanese, prepared and brought his own note of English phrases and points, and explained English grammar and phrases sometimes in Japanese, too.
Guess which country I found has the gentlest people by seeing those foreigners in Japan.
I heard some foreign teachers get so badly homesick that they have to go back to their homeland.