"『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』本日発売!15年に及ぶライブ映像から制作された、収録曲「Who…」のLive Lyric Videoを公開!"
"A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-" is releasing today!It's made from videos of lives during 15 years and release the Live Lyric Video of collected song" Who…".
『A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-』リリースを記念して、アルバム収録曲ながら、高い人気を誇り『A BEST』にも収録され、LIVEでもずっと大事な場所で歌われ続けてきた、まさにayuとファンを繋ぐ曲「Who…」が、約15年に及ぶLIVE映像を元にLyric Videoとして構築され「Who..,[Live Lyric Video]」として公開!
To celebrate the release of "A BEST -15th Anniversary Edition-", choose the song "Who..." from this album and make the "Who..,[Live Lyric Video]" liric video from live videos during 15 years. This song also is collected in the papular album " A BEST" and always performed at critical timing in lives. Can say that this song is contacting AYUMI HAMASAKI and her fans so much.
【作品概要】2015年元日、May J.がデビューから今までにリリースしてきた名曲のなかから選りすぐりの楽曲を、オリジナルとカヴァーそれぞれでまとめた2枚組ベストアルバム「May J. W BEST –Original & Covers-」の発売が決定。
"Work Overview"On the first day at 2015, the 2-disc best album named "May J. W BEST –Original & Covers-" will release. The album includes original and cover songs collected from the songs released from the date May j. has been debut until resent date.
BraveMay J.、6年越しの超覚醒。第二章はじまる。全曲の本人作詞によるセルフ・プロデュースアルバム「Brave」リリースが12/5に決定。涙が出尽くすくらい、言葉に出来なくなるくらい、心の奥底から感情のすべてを絞り出したMay J.の言葉と声の表現がダイレクトに突き刺さる作品が完成。前作に続き、全曲の作詞も手掛けた、高純度にMay J.の息吹を感じることが出来るセルフ・プロデュース・アルバム。
BraveMay J,Ultra-awakening over 6 years, open the second chapter. The self-produced album which were named "Brave" and all songs words were written by herself, will release on 12/5.Just like to drop all her tears and speak all her words, May J Squeezes all her emotion from her heart inside to finish this work, which directly breakthrough her perform of words and sounds before.Following the previous work, all songs words written by her own self. You can feel the high purity of breaths from May J in this self-produced album.
「成長」を超え【覚醒】したMay J.の吐息を感じられる作品に仕上がっている。
You can feel the breaths of May J, who was "awakening" rather than "growing", in this fulfill work.
初の全国ツアーを経て「ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2014」「イナズマロックフェス2014」など数々の夏フェスにも出演し、ニューヨーク 「CBGBフェスティバル」でのライブ後直近シングル!「ライブアイドル」として成長著しいチキパが魅せる両A面シングルです!
After experienced their first national tour, they also performed at various summer festival, such as "ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2014", "Inazuma Rock Fes 2014", even the live that named "CBGB Festival" in New york. Here is the most recent single after that lives. This is a both A single that they affecting As a "Live idle" to grow up with Chikipa.