greene 翻訳実績

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greene 英語 → 日本語

The platform then uses what it knows about an individual customer to deliver them the most relevant of the content it’s crawled and analyzed. Much of the customer and content data comes to Boomtrain from the client company itself.

Boomtrain pulls in no third-party data sets to match consumers with content, Edwards said. It’s a privacy concern, part of the “don’t be creepy” maxim used at Boomtrain. For instance, Boomtrain wouldn’t use Facebook data about some photo a user shared last year, but it might use data about a user making a comment about the client’s product.




greene 英語 → 日本語

With these new indexes, come new ways to promote the content within apps. This drives engagement and conversions as it essentially makes for a search experience similar to traditional web usage, only from within apps. In turn, developers experience an increase in usage, OS providers get more revenues, and end users have easier access to better content.

Ultimately, this puts people in a place where they can essentially create a curated web on their device. Just by downloading the apps and services they want it creates a selective pre-built ‘pool’ of content to search within. This is already a tectonic shift which begins to set sail from the Google anchor.



greene 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★★ 5.0

It will be interesting to see how this new OS dependent episode of the mobile search battle unfolds. These early skirmishes will see Apple moving fast, allowing it to quickly gain ground. The question will quickly become whether Google will be able to rally its larger, slower moving, army and claw back lost territory. While it is premature to predict a new world order for search, the giants are shaping up to do battle, and it will be fascinating to watch.

Emma Crowe is Chief of Client Strategy at Somo, which has been developing with iOS9 for the last couple of months, taking it apart in a series of hack days to get under the hood and see just what it can do.



Emma Crowe氏はSomoのクライアント戦略のチーフであり、ここ2~3ヶ月間iOS9の中身を調べ、一体なにが出来るのかを徹底的に調べつつ、開発を行ってきた。

greene 英語 → 日本語

Slowing mobile sales in China have recently hampered Xiaomi, who after a meteoric growth period are now facing the possibility that they will not reach their 2015 sales goals. The company smashed through their 2014 goal of 60 million handsets following their $45 billion USD valuation earlier in the year.

While slowing smart phone sales across the board in China points to an overpopulated market, Xiaomi has extended their efforts to go abroad, launching a succession of new products in promising markets including India and Brazil.

Like the rest of Xiaomi’s connected products, including its predecessor the Mi TV 2, the Mi TV 2s will not be available in western markets for now.




先代のMi TV 2を含むその他のXiaomiのコネクテッド製品と同様に、今のところ欧米市場でのMi TV 2sの販売は予定されていない。